Department of Mechanics
Huang Wenjun
Ph.D., Lecturer
Contact Information
Email: huangwenjun1986@126.com huangwenjun@cup.edu.cn
TEL: +86-10-89733702 Cell Phone: +86-15910852018
Address of Office: Room 1009 in the Zhongyou Building, School of Petroleum Engineering,18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing 102249,China
Ph.D., Drilling Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 2012~2016
M.S., Drilling Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), 2009~2012
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), 2005~2009
Research Areas and Interests
Drilling engineering
Down-hole tubular mechanics and its applications
Modern theory and technology for oil & gas drilling engineering
Professional Experiences
Lecturer Solid Mechanics, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) 2018~Now
Post-Doctor Solid Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2016~2018
Honors and Awards
Excellent doctoral thesis of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Selected Publications
1. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu Y. Short-Term and Long-Term Mechanical Models of Wellbores Considering Cement Consolidation and Formation Creep. SPE Journal, 2018, Accepted.
2. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu Y. Buckling Analysis of Tubular Strings with Connectors Constrained in Vertical and Inclinded Wellbores. SPE Journal, 2018, 23(02): 301 – 327.
3. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu, Y. Mechanical Model and Optimal Design Method of Tubular Strings with Connectors Constrained in Extended-reach and Horizontal Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 166: 948-961.
4. Huang W., Gao, D. A Study of Mechanical Extending Limits for Three-section Directional Wells. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2018, 54:163-174.
5. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu, Y. Inter-helical and Intra-helical Buckling Analyses of Tubular Strings with Connectors in Horizontal Wellbores. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 152: 182-192.
6. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu Y. Prediction Model of Mechanical Extending Limits in Horizontal Drilling and Design Methods of Tubular Strings to Improve Limits. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 2968231:1-18.
7. Huang, W., Gao, D., Liu, Y. A Study of Tubular String Buckling in Vertical Wells. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016,118:231-253.
8. Huang, W., Gao, D. and Liu F. Buckling Analysis of Tubular Strings in Horizontal Wells. SPE Journal. 2015. 20(2): 405-416.
9. Huang, W., Gao, D. and Wei S. Boundary Condition: A Key Factor in Tubular String Buckling. SPE Journal. 2015. 20(6): 1,409 - 1,420.
10. Huang, W. and Gao, D. Helical Buckling of a Thin Rod with Connectors Constrained in a Torus. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015. 98: 14-28.
11. Huang, W., Gao, D. and Wei S. Local Mechanical Model of Down-hole Tubular Strings Constrained in Curved Wellbores. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2015. 192: 233-242.
12. Huang, W., Gao, D., Wei S. and Li X. A Generalized Quasi-static Model of Drill String System. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 23: 208-220.
13. Huang W., Gao, D. A Theoretical Study of the Critical External Pressure for Casing Collapse. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015. 7: 290–297.
14. Gao, D. and Huang, W. A Review of Down-hole Tubular String Buckling in Well Engineering. Petroleum Science. 2015. 12:443-457.
15. Huang, W. and Gao, D. Helical Buckling of a Thin Rod with Connectors Constrained in a Cylinder. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2014. 84: 189-198.
16. Huang, W. and Gao, D. Sinusoidal Buckling of a Thin Rod with Connectors Constrained in a Cylinder. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2014. 18: 237-246.