Faculty Members
Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor
The Leader of Environmental Catalysis Group
Personal Information: 03/1964, Chinese, Male.
Birthplace: Heilongjiang Province, P.R. China
Address: 18# Fuxue Road, Chang Ping District,
Beijing, 102249 P.R. China
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, College of Science, China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Phone: 86-10-89731586 (O)
E-mail: zhenzhao@cup.edu.cn
·.2010.10-present, State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, College of Science, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Full Professor, Super Visor for Ph. D students;
·.2004.6-2010.3, State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil, Faculty of Chemical Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Full Professor, Super Visor for Ph. D students;
· 2005.6-2005.7, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, Visiting Professor;
· 2002.11-2004.6, Faculty of Chemical Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Full professor, Super Visor for Master students;
· 2002.7-2002.10, Research Center of Akzo Nobel Chemical Inc. New York city, USA, Postdoctoral researcher associate;
· 2000.3-2002.6, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA, Visiting Research Scientist;
· 1998.4-2000.3, Osaka National Research Institute, Japan., NEDO Research Fellow;
· 1997.3-1998.3, National Institute for Resources and Environment, Japan., AIST postdoctoral fellow;
· 1996.7-1997.3, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Professor;
· 1993.9-1996.7, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph D Student;
· 1990.9-1993.7, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Master Student;
· 1987.7-1990.8, Sui Hua Normal College, Province Hei Longjiang, Teacher;
· 1983.9-1987.7, North East Normal University, Bachelor Student.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Environmental Catalysis; Petroleum Chemical Industrial Catalysis; Surface Chemistry of solid catalytic materials, mainly including following research topics:
(1) Catalyst/Catalysis for automobile exhaust gas treatment;
(2) Catalyst/Catalysis for catalytic cracking of low hydrocarbons to light olefins;
(3) Catalyst/Catalysis for selective oxidation or dehydrogenation of light alkanes to olefins or oxygenates with or without oxygen
(4) Catalyst/Catalysis for deep HDS and HDN of oil or fuels;
(5) Catalyst/Catalysis for photocatalytic conversion of CO2 with water to valuable products;
(6) In-situ / operando characterization of catalysts.
TEACHEING: Structural Chemistry (for bachelor students); Science and Technology of Catalysis (for Ph D and Master students)
PROGRAMME SUPERVISOR: Doctoral Supervisor (Chemistry; Chemical Engineering), Master Supervisor (Chemistry; Chemical Engineering)
(1) 2005-Present: A committee member of Catalysis Society of China;
(2) 2003-Present: A committee member of Rare Earth Catalysis Branch, the Rare Earth Society of China.
(3) 2007-Present: A committee member and associated director of Oil Products and Clean Fuels Branch of Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines;
(4) 2013-Present: A committee member and Director of Energy and Environmental Professonal Committee of China Energy Society;
(5) 2009-present: A senior member of China Environmental Science Society;
(6) 2014-Present: An editorial Board member of “Chinese Journal of Catalysis”;
(7) 2014-Present: An editorial Board member of “Chinese Science Bulletin(In Chinese)”: Chemistry;
(8) 2007-Present: An Editorial Board member of “Industrial Catalysis (In Chinese)”;
(9) 2011-Present: An Editorial Board member of “Natural Science Edition for Journal of Heilongjiang University)(In Chinese)”;
(10) 2013-Present: An Editorial Board member of Journal of Applied Chemistry.
(11) A member for Chemistry Society of China;
· Cheung Kong Scholar Award, Zhen Zhao was appointed as an Distinguished Professor by the Ministry of Education of China (2012).
· Obtained Special Government Allowance by State Council of China (2012).
· A state-level-selected candidate for hundred-thousand-ten thousand talents of China for the new century selected by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China (2009).
· A specially appointed professor by China University of Petroleum-Beijing (2002).
· Obtained NEDO research fellowship supported by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan(1998).
· Obtained AIST postdoctoral fellowship supported by Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of Japan(1997).
· Obtained YI LI DA award for outstanding doctoral graduate student, Chinese Academy of Science, (1996).
· Focusing on the catalyst design and catalysis nature study for Environmental Pollution Control; Petrochemical conversion of oil, gas and CO2 conversion and utilization.
(1) NSFC project(21477164)(2015.1-2018.12):“Study on the coating rules of the catalysts on DPF surface for the oxidation of PM2.5 emitted from diesel-powered automobile exhausts and Engine bench performance” (PI).
(2) NSFC project (21177160)(2012.1-2015.12): “Study on the preparation and their catalysis of novel type of catalysts of 3DOM oxide-supported nano-metric Au-Mx for the oxidation of diesel soot particles. ” (PI)
(3) NSFC project (21073235),(2011.1-2013.12)“Study on the novel type of catalysts containing L zeolite reaction mechanism for the selective hydodesulfurization of FCC gasoline”. (PI)
(4) NSFC key project (20833011) ( 2009.1-2012.12): “Study on the significantly basic chemistry issues in the process for the purification of the exhaust from the diesel engines ” (PI).
(5) NSFC project (20773163) (2008.1-2010.12): “The Characterization of novel type of alkali metal oxide catalysts and their catalysis in the selective oxidation of ethane”.(PI).
(6) NSFC project (20473053) (2005.1-2007.12): Study on the Reaction Mechanism and Catalysts for the Simultaneous Removal of NOx and Diesel Soot. (PI).
(7) NSFC project (20373043) (2004.1-2006.12): The Design for the Catalysts with Highly Dispersed and Isolated Active Sites and the Study on Reaction Mechanism for the Selective Oxidation of Low Alkanes. (PI).
(8) 863 Key project (SS2015AA030903) supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2015.1-2017.12): “Key technology and engineering application of the catalytic nano-materials for the treatment of automobile exhaust which can lead to the formation of haze”. (PI).
(9) 863 project (2009AA06Z313), supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2010.6.12-2012.12): “Study on the catalysts for the purification of exhaust from diesel engine and two-layered composite four-way catalytic technology”. (PI)
(10) 863 project (2006AA06Z346) supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2006.12-2008.12): “The Catalytic Four-Way Technology for the Treatment of the Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engine”. (PI).
(11) CNPC Project for scientific study and technology development, (2014.1-2015.12), “Study on the analysis for the PM2.5 and PM10 emission from refinery and the chemical engineering processes for their treatments” (PI).
(12) Special Project for the Advisor whose Ph D student obtained Excellent Ph D dissertation of Beijing.(2014.1-2015.12), “Study on the Engine bench performance for the elimination of PM2.5 emitted from automobile exhaust”. (PI).
(13) CNPC Project for scientific study and technology development,(
(14) Project supported by Natural Science Foundation of Beijing(2062020) (2006.1-2008.12): “Study on the Efficient Nanametric Oxide Catalysts for the Treatment of the Exhaust Gases from Diesel Engine”. (PI).
(15) CNPC Project for Young Scientist’s Innovation Foundation (04E7025) (2004.6-2006.12): Study on the Novel Catalysts for the Catalytic Cracking of C4 Alkanes to Produce Propylene. (PI).
(16) The Starting Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of the State Education Ministry (2004.8-2006.12): Study on the Catalysts for the Oxidation of Diesel Soot. (PI).
(17) PetroChina Innovation Fund(07-06D-
(18) The Research Project Supported by PetroChina Company Limited (030414-21)(2003.9-2004.12):Preparation and Development of Novel Catalysts for the Hydrodealkalation of C10+ Heavy Aromatics.(Second PI) .
(19) 973 Key basic project(2004BC217806)(2004.9-2009.10): “The Design and Preparation of the Functionalized Catalysts for the Catalytic Cracking of Heavy Oil”. (Key participant)
(20) 973 Key basic project(2012CB215001)(2012.1-2016.9). The conversion of hydrocarbon and controlling rules during oil refinery. (Key participant).
(173) Ying Liu, Sheng Zhou, Jianmei Li, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao*, Bing Liu, Xueqing Gong, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Liqiang Zhang, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with water vapor on surface La-modified TiO2 nanoparticles with enhanced CH4 selectivity, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2014.12.011 (In Press) (2015).
(172) Tianshu Li, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Baijun Liu*, Guiyuan Jiang , Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Synthesis of hierarchical porous L-KIT-6 silica-alumina material and its catalytic performance for hydrodesulfurization of benzothiophene. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 165:763–773 (2015).
(171) Daowei Gao, Aijun Duan*, Xin Zhang*, Zhen Zhao, Hong E, Jianmei Li, Hai Wang, Synthesis of NiMo catalysts supported on mesoporous Al-SBA-15 with different morphologies and their catalytic performance of DBT HDS, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 165:269–284 (2015).
(170) Xinlai Xiao, Lei Ge,∗, Changcun Han, Yujing Li, Zhen Zhao, Yongji Xin, Siman Fang, Linen Wu, Ping Qiu, A facile way to synthesize Ag@AgBr cubic cages with efficient visible-light-induced photocatalytic activity, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 163: 564–572 (2015).
(169) Xiaoqiang Fan, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao*,Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan and Guiyuan Jiang, Catalysis Science & Technology, 5 (1):339 - 350, (2015).
(168) Bing Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Daxi Wang, Jian Liu*, Yu Chen, Teng Li, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang,Hydrodesulfurization over Zeolite L-Supported Sulfided Co-Mo Catalysts: Insight into the Hydrodesulfurization over Zeolite-Based Catalysts,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Doi:10.1016/j.comptc.2014.12.01.(In Press)(2015).
(167) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Synthesis of AuPt alloy nanoparticles supported on 3D ordered macroporous oxide with enhanced catalytic performance for soot combustion,Catalysis Today, Doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.08.034, (2015) (In Press).
(166) Aijun Duan*, Tianshu Li, Huan Niu, Xu Yang, Zugang Wan, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Huifang Pan, Synthesis and Application of a Novel Zeolite W in the Catalyst for the Hydro-upgrading of FCC Gasoline, Catalysis Today, Doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.05.030,(In Press), (2015).
(165) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jinqing Jiao, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Facile Synthesis of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous LaFeO3-Supported Gold Nanoparticle Catalyst0 with High Catalytic Activity and Stability for Soot Combustion, Catalysis Today, doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.07. 023 (In Press) (2015).
(164) Dinghong Qi, Aijun Duan*, Zhen Zhao*, Huadong Wu, Huili Fan, He Fang, Jianmei Li, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu,Yuechang Wei, Xiao Zhang, Catalytic performance and sulfidation behaviors of CoMo/Beta-MCM-48 catalysts prepared with citric acid for FCC gasoline hydroupgrading, Journal of Porous Materials, Doi:10.1007/s10934-014-9879-3(In Press) (2015).
(163) Zugang Wang, Jianye Fu, Yunchuan Deng, Aijun Duan,* Zhen Zhao,* Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Suoqi Zhao, Synthesis of aluminum-modified 3D mesoporous TUD-1 materials and their hydrotreating performance of FCC diesel, RSC Advances, Doi: 10.1039/C4RA10777B (In Press) (2015).
(162) Huadong Wu , Aijun Duan*, Zhen Zhao*, Tianshu Li , Roel Prins , Xiaofeng Zhou , Guiyuan Jiang , Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Jianmei Li, Synthesis of NiMo catalysts supported on a composite of nano-sized ZSM-5 zeolite enwrapped by mesoporous KIT-6 material with outstanding isomerization and hydrodesulfurization activities, Journal of Catalysis, 317:303–317 (2014).
(161) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Chunming Xu,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Multifunctional catalysts of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxide-supported Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles with high catalytic activity and stability for soot oxidation, Journal of Catalysis,317:62-74 (2014)
(160) Sheng Zhou, Ying Liu, Jianmei Li, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao*, Daxi Wang, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei Facile in-situ synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)-N-TiO2 heterojunction as an efficient photocatalyst for the selective photoreduction of CO2 to CO, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 158–159:20–29 (2014).
(159) Tao Zhang, Jian Liu,* Daxi Wang, Zhen Zhao,* Yuechang Wei, Kai Cheng, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over HZSM-5-supported Fe-Cu nanocomposite catalysts: the Fe-Cu bimetallic effect, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 148-149:520-531(2014).
(158) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Teng Li, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, The novel catalysts of truncated polyhedron Pt nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxides (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with nanoporous walls for soot combustion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 146:57-70 (2014).
(157) Jian Liu, Bing Liu, Yu Fang, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Xueqing Gong*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Preparation, characterization and origin of highly active and thermal stable Pd-Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 catalysts via sol-evaporation induced self-assembly method, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (20):12403–12410 (2014).
(156) Junjiang Zhu*, Ping Xiao, Tao Wang, Xiangguang Yang*, Zhen Zhao*, Jinlin Li, Perovskite-type oxides: Preparation, Characterizations, and Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis, ACS Catalysis, 4 (9), 2917–2940 (2014).
(155) Xiaofeng Zhou, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao,* Yanjun Gong,* Huadong Wu, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu and Ying Zhang Synthesis of hierarchically porous silicas with mesophase transformations in a four component microemulsion-type system and the catalytic performance for dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2 (19): 6823 - 6833 (2014) .
(154) Zhengkai Cao , Aijun Duan *, Zhen Zhao *, Jianmei Li , Yuechang Wei , Guiyuan Jiang , Jian Liu, A simple two-step method to synthesize the well-ordered mesoporous composite Ti-FDU-12 and its application in the hydrodesulfurization of DBT and 4,6-DMDBT, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2 :19738-19749 (2014)
(153) Xiaofeng Cui , Yajun Wang , Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao , Chunming Xu* , Aijun Duan , Jian Liu , Yuechang Wei and Weikun Bai,The Encapsulation of CdS into Carbon Nanotube for Stable and Efficient Photocatalysis,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2:20939-20946 (2014).
(152) Changjun Han, Lei Ge*, Changfeng Chen, Yujing Li, Zhen Zhao, Zhiliang Li, and Junlong Zhang, Site-selected synthesis of novel Ag@AgCl nanoframes with efficient visible light induced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2:12594-12600 (2014).
(151) Jia Liu, Guiyuan Jiang,* Ying Liu, Jiancheng Di, Yajun Wang, Zhen Zhao,* Qianyao Sun, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Yong Zhao,* Lei Jiang, Hierarchical Macro-meso-microporous ZSM-5 Zeolite Hollow Fibers With Highly Efficient Catalytic Cracking Capability, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep07276 |,4 : 7276(2014).
(150) Xuehua Yu, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei*, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Baofang Jin, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Three- dimensionally Ordered Macroporous MnxCe1-xOδ and Pt/Mn0.5Ce0.5Oδ Catalysts: Synthesis and Catalytic Performance for Soot Oxidation, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (23):9653–9664 (2014).
(149) Jinqing Jiao,Yuechang Wei,*,Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, Aijun Duan, and Guiyuan Jiang, Photocatalysts of 3D Ordered Macroporous TiO2-Supported CeO2Nanolayers: Design, Preparation, and Their Catalytic Performances for the Reduction of CO2 with H2O under Simulated Solar Irradiation, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(44): , 17345−17354 (2014).
(148) Huadong Wu, Aijun Duan *, Zhen Zhao *, Dinghong Qi, Jianmei Li, Bing Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Xiao Zhang, Preparation of NiMo/KIT-6 Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts with Tunable Sulfidation and Dispersion Degrees of Active Phase by Addition of Citric Acid as Chelating Agent, Fuel, 130:203–210. (2014).
(147) Tianshu Li , Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Baijun Liu*, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Huifang Pan, Synthesis of ordered hierarchically porous L-SBA-15 material and its hydro-upgrading performance for FCC gasoline. Fuel, 117: 974–980 (2014)
(146) Xiaofeng Zhou, Aijun Duan*, Zhen Zhao, Yanjun Gong, Huadong Wu, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Effects of Alcohols (cosurfactants) on the Synthesis of Hierarchically Porous Silicas in the P123/cosurfactant/1,3,5-trimethlbeneze/water Quadru-Component Microemulsion-Type System, Materials Letters, 133:228–231 (2014).
(145) Bing Liu, Daxi Wang*, Zhongxue Wang, Zhen Zhao*,Yu Chen and Jie Lan, The Structure and Activity of Potassium Supported on SBA-15Molecular Sieve: Density Functional Theory Study, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 13(1): 1350076 [17 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S0219633613500764 (2014).
(144) Xiaoqiang Fan, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Synthesis of a new ordered mesoporous NiMoO4 complex oxide and its efficient catalytic performance for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 23(2): 171-178 (2014).
(143) Jianmei Li, Jian Liu*, Liwei Ren, Qinglong Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Yongsheng Chen, Pengyu Zhu, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Selective oxidation of ethane to aldehydes over SBA-15 supported molybdenum catalyst, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 23(5):609–616 (2014).
(142) Kai Cheng, Jian Liu*, Tao Zhang, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, The Effect of Ce doping in TiO2 support on NH3-SCR activity over V2O5-WO3/CeO2-TiO2 catalyst, Journal of Environmental Science, 26: 2106 (2014).
(141) Xiaofeng Cui, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu*, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Jinsen Gao, Photonic Crystal-based CdS-Au-WO3 heterostructure for efficient visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen evolution, RSC Advances, 4: 15689-15694 (2014).
(140) Liu Jian, Wang Jiqiu, Zhao Zhen*, Duan Aijun, Jiang Guiyuan, Synthesis of LaxK1-xCoO3 nanorod and their catalytic performances for CO oxidation, Journal of Rare Earths, 32(2):170-175 (2014).
(139) Wei Yuechang, Zhao Zhen*, Jiao Jinqing, Liu Jian, Duan Aijun, Jiang Guiyuan, Preparation of Ultrafine Ce-based Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Performances for Diesel Soot Combustion, Journal of Rare Earths,32(2):124-130 (2014).
(138) Xiaoqiang Fan, Huimin Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Yuechang Wei, Ni-Mo nitride catalysts: synthesis and application in the ammoxidation of propane, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 35:286-293 (2014).
(137) Liang Qian, Zhao Zhen*, Liu Jian*, Wei Yuechang, Jiang Guiyuan, Duan Aijun, Pd Nanoparticles Deposited on Metal-Organic Framework of MIL-53(Al): an Active Catalyst for CO Oxidation, Acta Phyico--Chimica Sinica, 30(1):129-134 (2014).
(136) Jianmei Li, Jian Liu*, Liwei Ren, Qinglong Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Selective Oxidation of Ethane to Aldehydes over Potassium-Promoted SBA-15-Supported Molybdenum Oxide Catalyst,Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 30(9):1736-1744(2014).
(135) Zhiqiang Tu, Zhuchen Liu, Yongfeng Li *, Fan Yang, Liqiang Zhang, Zhen Zhao ,Chunming Xu , Shangfei Wu, Hongwen Liu, Haitao Yang, Pierre Richard ,Controllable growth of 1–7 layers of graphene by chemical vapour deposition, Carbon, 73:252-258(2014).
(134) Wei Jiang, Wenshuai Zhu*, Huaming Li*, Yanhong Chao, Suhang Xun,Yonghui Chang,Hui Liu, Zhen Zhao, Mechanism and optimization for oxidative desulfurization of fuelscatalyzed by Fenton-like catalysts in hydrophobic ionic liquid, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 382,8–14(2014).
(133) Wei Jiang, Wenshuai Zhu, Huaming Li*,Jun Xue,Jun Xiong,Yonghui Chang,Hui Liu,Zhen Zhao, Fast Oxidative Removal of Refractory Aromatic Sulfur Compounds by a Magnetic Ionic Liquid, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 37(1),36-42(2014).
(132) Ming Zhang, Wenshuai Zhu, Huaming Li*, Suhang Xun, Wenjing Ding,Jianjun Liu, Zhen Zhao, One-pot synthesis, characterization and desulfurization of functionalmesoporous W-MCM-41 from POM-based ionic liquids, Chemical Engineering Journal, 243 386–393 (2014).
(131) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Chunming Xu*, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Design and Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macroporous CeO2-Supported Pt@CeO2-δ Core–Shell Nanoparticle Materials for Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Soot Oxidation, Small, 9:3957-3963(2013).
(130) Qian Liang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao* and Mark J. MacLachlan*, Palladium nanoparticles supported on a triptycene-based microporous polymer: Highly active catalysts for CO oxidation, Chemical Communications, 49: 8928-8930 (2013) .
(129) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, * Xuehua Yu, Baofang Jin,a Jian Liu, * Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang and Shuhua Ma*,One-pot synthesis of core–shell Au@CeO2 nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macroporous ZrO2 with enhanced catalytic activity and stability for soot combustion, Catalysis Science & Technology, 3:2958-2970 (2013).
(128) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Chunming Xu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Structural and synergistic effects of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce0.8Zr0.2O2-supported Pt nanoparticles on the catalytic performance for soot combustion, Applied Catalysis, A: General, 453: 250– 261 (2013) .
(127) Zhiqiang Jiang, Guiyuan Jiang, Duanchuan Hou, Fei Wang, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Zhang*. Urothermal synthesis of photoluminescent lanthanide-organic frameworks with unusual topologies, CrystEngComm, 15: 315-323 (2013).
(126) Aijun Duan, Chengyin Wang, Zhen Zhao*, Zhangfa Tong, Tianshu Li, Huadong Wu, Huili Fan , Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Synthesis and catalytic performance of novel hierachically porous material beta-MCM-48 for diesel hydrodesulfurization, Journal of Porous Materails, 20:1195–1204(2013).
(125) Xiaofeng Cui, Guiyuan Jiang*, Ming Zhu, Zhen Zhao, Luchao Du, Yuxiang Weng, Chunming Xu*, Dekai Zhang, Quanlai Zhang, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Jinsen Gao, TiO2/ CdS composite hollow spheres with controlled synthesis of platinum on the internal wall for the efficient hydrogen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(22):9065-9073(2013).
(124) Kebin Chi, Zhen Zhao*, Zhijian Tian, Sheng Hu, Lijun Yan, Tianshu Li, Bingchun Wang, Xiangbin Meng, Shanbin Gao, Mingwei Tan, Yanfeng Liu,), Hydroisomerization Performance of Noble Metal Supported on ZSM-22/ZSM-23 Intergrowth Zeolite Catalyst, Petroleum Science, 10:242-250(2013)
(123) Huichao Yao, Yu Chen*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Zhichang Liu, Dong Zhai, Baijun Liu, Chunming Xu*, Periodic DFT study on mechanism of selective catalytic reduction of NO via NH3 and O2 over the V2O5 (0 0 1) surface: Competitive sites and pathways, Journal of Catalysis, 305:67-75(2013).
(122) Qian Liang, Jonathan H Chong, Nicholas G White, Zhen Zhao, Mark J Maclachlan*, Towards a self-assembled honeycomb structure via diaminotriptycene metal complexes, Dalton Transactions , 42:16474-16477 (2013).
(121) Duanchuan Hou, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao, Jian Zhang*, Temperature-dependent urothermal synthesis of two distinct La(III)-naphthalenedicarboxylate frameworks, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 29, 148-150 (2013).
(120) Ming Zhang, Wenshuai Zhu, Huaming Li*, Suhang Xun, Qingqing Gu, Zhen Zhao, Qian Wang, Deep oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene with POM-based hybrid materials in ionic liquid, Chemical Engineering Journal, 220:328–336 (2013).
(119) Wenshuai Zhu*, Peiwen Wu, Yanhong Chao, Huaming Li*, Fang Zou, Suhang Xun, Fengxia Zhu, Zhen Zhao, A Novel Reaction-Controlled Foam-Type Polyoxometalate Catalyst for Deep Oxidative Desulfurization of Fuels, Industrial &Engineering Chemisty Research, 52 (49), 17399–17406 (2013).
(118) Jun Xiong, Wenshuai Zhu, Huaming Li*, Yehai Xu, Wei Jiang, Suhang Xun, and Hui Liu, Zhen Zhao, Immobilized Fenton-Like Ionic Liquid: Catalytic Performance for Oxidative Desulfurization, America Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, 59(12): 4696-4704 (2013).
(117) Wenshuai Zhu , Guopeng Zhu , Huaming Li* ,Yanhong Chao , Ming Zhang , Daolin Du ,
Qian Wang , Zhen Zhao, Catalytic kinetics of oxidative desulfurization with surfactant-type polyoxometalate-based ionic liquids, Fuel Processing Technology , 106: 70–76 (2013).
(116) Jian Liu, Lihong Yu, Zhen Zhao*, Yongsheng Chen, Pengyu Zhu, Chao Wang, Yan Luo, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang. Potassium-modified molybdenum-containing SBA-15 catalysts for highly efficient production of acetaldehyde and ethylene by the selective oxidation of ethane. Journal of Catalysis, 285: 134-144 (2012).
(115) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang. The catalysts of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce1-xZrxO2-supported gold nanoparticles for soot combustion: The metal-support interaction. Journal of Catalysis, 287: 13-29 (2012).
(114) Zhiqiang Jiang, Guiyuan Jiang, Fei Wang, Zhen Zhao,* Jian Zhang,* Ring-size controllable metallamacrocycles as building blocks for the construction of microporous metal–organic frameworks, Chemical Communications, 48:3653–3655 (2012).
(113) Yu Chen,* Fuli Zhang, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Dong Zhai, and Zhen Zhao*, Theoretical Investigation of Water Gas Shift Reaction Catalyzed by Iron Group Carbonyl Complexes M(CO)5 (M = Fe, Ru, Os), Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116: 2529−2535 (2012).
(112) Zhiqiang Jiang, Guiyuan Jiang, Fei Wang, Zhen Zhao, Jian Zhang*. Controlling State of Breathing of Two Isoreticular Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks with Triazole Homologues. Chemistry-A European Journal, 18: 10525-10529 (2012).
(111) Zhiqiang Jiang, GuiYuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao*, DuanChuan Hou, Min Zou, Yao Kang*. A rare homochiral lanthanium(III)-camphorate coordination polymer with 4-connected sql topology. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 22: 26-28 (2012).
(110) Hong Wang, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Chunming Xu, Comparative study of nanometric Co-, Mn- and Fe-based perovskite-type complex oxide catalysts for the simultaneous elimination of soot and NOx from diesel engine exhaust, Catalysis Today, 184 : 288–300 (2012).
(109) Jiangxiong Zheng, Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao*, Junfeng Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang,The synthesis and catalytic performances of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous perovskite-type LaMn1-xFexO3 complex oxide catalysts with different pore diameters for diesel soot combustion, Catalysis Today 191,146-153(2012).
(108) Rui Wang, Hong He*, Li-Cheng Liu, Hong-Xing Dai, Zhen Zhao, Shape-dependent catalytic activity of palladium nanocrystals for the oxidation of carbon monoxide, Catalysis Science and Technology, 2:575–580 (2012).
(107) Huichao Yao, Yu Chen*, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, Zhichang Liu, Chunming Xu*,A periodic DFT study of ammonia adsorption on the V2O5 (001), V2O5 (010) and V2O5(100) surfaces: Lewis versus Brönsted acid sites, Surface Science, 606, 1739–1748 (2012).
(106) Zhong He, Min Yang, Xianqin Wang∗, Zhen Zhao, Aijun Duan, Effect of the transition metal oxide supports on hydrogen production from bio-ethanol reforming, Catalysis Today , 194 :2–8 (2012).
(105) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao,* Yongsheng Chen, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Hong He, Highly active catalysts of gold nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macroporous LaFeO3 for soot oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50: 2326-2329 (2011).
(104)Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Hong He, Xinping Wang, Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce0.8Zr0.2O2- supported gold nanoparticles: synthesis with controllable size and high catalytic performance for soot oxidation, Energy & Environmental Science, 4: 2959-2970 (2011).
(103) Junfeng Xu, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Chunming Xu, Jianxiong Zheng, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang. Easy synthesis of three- dimensionally ordered macroporous La1-xKxCoO3 catalysts and their high activities for the catalytic combustion of soot, Journal of Catalysis, 282: 1-12 (2011).
(102) Guizhen Zhang, Zhen Zhao,* Junfeng Xu, Jianxiong Zheng, Jian Liu, Guiyuan Jiang,Aijun Duan, Hong He,** Comparative study on the preparation, characterization and catalytic performances of 3DOM Ce-based materials for the combustion of diesel soot, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 107:302-315 (2011).
(101) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Junfeng Xu, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Hong He, The highly active catalysts of nanocomposite K-Co-CeO2 for soot combustion, Chemical Communications, 47:11119 – 11121 (2011).
(100) Dengqian Zhang, Aijun Duan*, Zhen Zhao*, Xianqin Wang, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Chengyin Wang, Mingcheng Jin, Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of meso-microporous material Beta-SBA-15-supported NiMo catalysts for hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene, Catalysis Today, 175 : 477– 484 (2011).
(100) Aijun Duan*, Guofu Wan, Ying Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jianga, Jian Liua, Optimal synthesis of micro/mesoporous beta zeolite from kaolin clay and catalytic performance for hydrodesulfurization of diesel, Catalysis Today, 175 :485– 493 (2011).
(99) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Yongsheng Chen *, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Different valent ions-doped cerium oxides and their catalytic performances for soot oxidation, Catalysis Today, 175 : 117– 123 (2011).
(98) Zhiqiang Jiang, Zhen Zhao , Guiyuan Jiang*, Duanchuan Hou, Yao Kang*, A new manganese(II) terephthalate layer with 6-connected hxl topology and antiferromagnetic property, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 14: 1975-1977 (2011).
(97) Zhongxue Wang, Daxi Wang*, Zhen Zhao*,Yu Chen, Jie Lan, A DFT study of the structural units in SBA-15 mesoporous molecular sieve, Computational and Theoretical chemistry, 963:403–411 (2011).
(96) Dengqian Zhang, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao,* Chunming Xu,* Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance NiMo catalysts supported on hierarchically porous Beta-KIT-6 material in the hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene, Journal of Catalysis, 274: 273-286 (2010).
(95) Guizhen Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan,J ianxiong Zheng, Shenli Chen, Renxian Zhou. Three dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce1-xZrxO2 solid solutions for diesel soot combustion. Chemical Communications, 46:457 - 459 (2010).
(94) Junjiang Zhu,* Yuechang Wei, Wenkai Chen, Zhen Zhao*, Arne Thomas, Graphitic carbon nitride as a metal-free catalyst for NO decompositionw, Chemical Communications, 46: 6965-6967 (2010).
(93) Quan Huo, Tao Dou*, Zhen Zhao*, Huifang Pan, Synthesis and application of a novel mesoporous zeolite L in the catalyst for the HDS of FCC gaosoline, Applied Catalysis A : General, 381: 101-108 (2010).
(92) Zhenwu Wang, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao*, Xiang Feng, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Highly efficient P-modified HZSM-5 catalyst for coupling transformation of methanol and 1-butene to propene, Energy &Fuels, 24(2): 758–763 (2010).
(91) Xiang Feng, Guiyuan Jiang*, Zhen Zhao*, Lei Wang, Xianghu Li, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Highly effective F-modified HZSM-5 catalysts for thecracking of naphtha to produce light olefins, Energy & Fuels, 24: 4111-4115(2010).
(90) Quan Huo, Yanjun Gong, Tao Dou*, Zhen Zhao*, Huifang Pan, Feng Deng. Novel Micro- and Mesoporous Composite Molecular Sieve Assembled by Zeolite L Nanocrystal and Its Performance for the Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Gasoline, Energy & Fuels,24 (7) : 3764–3771 (2010).
(89) Aijun Duan, Zhenyong Gao, Quan Huo, Chengyin Wang, Dengqian Zhang, Mingcheng Jin, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao*, Huifang Pan, Keng Chung, Preparation and Evaluation of the Composite Containing USL Zeolite-Supported NiW Catalysts for Hydrotreating of FCC Diesel, Energy & Fuels, 24 (2):796–803 (2010).
(88) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Comparative study on physico-chemical properties and combustion behaviors of diesel particulates and model soot, Energy & Fuels, 24:3778-3783 (2010).
(87) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyua Jiang. Simultaneous removal soot and NOx over nanocomposite (La1.7Rb0.3CuO4)x/nmCeO2 mixed oxide catalysts, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(7): 3112–3119 (2010).
(86) Guofu Wan, Aijun Duan*, Ying Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Dengqian Zhang, Jian Liu, Keng Chung. NiW/AMBT Catalysts for the Production of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel. Catalysis Today, 158:521–529 (2010).
(85) Guofu Wan, Aijun Duan*, Ying Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Dengqian Zhang, Zhenyong Gao, Zeolite beta synthesized with acid-treated metakaolin and its application in diesel hydrodesulfurization, Catalysis Today , 149 : 69–75 (2010).
(84) Junfeng Xu, Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao*, Jianxiong Zheng, Guizhen Zhang, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang. Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous LaCoxFe1-xO3 perovskite-type complex oxide catalysts for diesel soot combustion, Catalysis Today, 153(3-4):136-142 (2010).
(83) Dengqian Zhang, Aijun Duan*, Zhen Zhao*, Guofu Wan, Zhenyong Gao, Guiyuan Jiang, Kebin Chi, Keng H. Chuang,Preparation, characterization and hydrotreating performances of ZrO2-Al2O3-supported NiMo catalysts, Catalysis Today , 149 : 62-68 (2010).
(82) Jian Liu, Jie Xu, Zhen Zhao*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang,Yanni Jing, A novel four-way combining catalysts for the simultaneous removal of exhaust pollutants from diesel engine, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(7): 1104–1109 (2010).
(81) Yuechang Wei, Liu Jian, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Hong He, Xinping Wang. Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Performances of Co0.2/Ce1-xZrxO2 Catalysts for Soot Combustion. Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 31(1-7): 283-288 (2010).
(80) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, CeO2-supported vanadium oxide catalysts for soot oxidation: the roles of molecular structure and nanometer effect, Journal of Rare Earths, (2010) 28(2) 198-204.
(79) Lijing Meng, Licheng Liu, Xuehong Zi, Hongxing Dai, Zhen Zhao, Xinping Wang, Hong He*, Preparation of ceria-zirconia solid solution with enhanced oxygen storage capacity and redox performance, Frontier of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 4: 164-171 (2010).
(78) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Jie Lan, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Catalytic Combustion of Soot over the Highly Active (La0.9K0.1CoO3)x/nmCeO2 Catalysts, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113:17114–17123 (2009).
(77)Yuguo Ji, Zhen Zhao*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang and Jian Liu, Comparative study on the formation and reduction of bulk and Al2O3-supported cobalt oxides by H2-TPR technique, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113:7186-7199 (2009).
(76) Jiajia Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Chromatographic study on the adsorption and diffusion performances of several types of hydrocarbons in ZSM-5 and USY zeolites, Energy & Fuels, 23: 617-623 (2009) .
(75) Guofu Wan, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Dengqian Zhang, Ruili Li, Tao Dou. Al2O3-TiO2/Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 composite-supported bimetallic Pt-Pd catalysts for the hydrodearomatization of diesel fuel. Energy & Fuels, 23 (1): 81-85 (2009).
(74) Guofu Wan, Aijun Duan*, Ying Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Guiyuan Jiang, Dengqian Zhang,, Zhenyong Gao, Jian Liu, and Keng H. Chung, Hydrodesulfurization of fluidized catalytic cracking diesel oil over NiW/AMB catalysts containing H-Type -Zeolite in situsynthesized from kaolin material, Energy & Fuels, 23 (8): 3846-3852 (2009).
(73) Aijun Duan, Ruili Li, Guiyuan Jiang, Jinsen Gao*, Zhen Zhao*, Guofu Wan, Dengqian Zhang, Weiqiang Huang, Keng H. Chung. Hydrodesulphurization performance of NiW/TiO2-Al2O3 catalyst for ultra clean diesel. Catalysis Today, 140(3-4): 187-191(2009).
(72) Guizhen Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Junfeng Xu, Yanni Jiang, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Macroporous Perovskite-type Complex Oxide Catalysts of La1-xKxCo1-yFeyO3 for Diesel Soot Combustion , Journal of Rare Earths, 27(6): 955-960 (2009).
(71) Xiaofei Ma, Xinping Wang*, Ran Bi, Zhen Zhao, Hong He, Defect of HY as catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO in comparison with the pentasil zeolites, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 303: 90-95 (2009)
(70) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Jiqiu Wang, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Qing Yang, The highly active catalysts of nanometric CeO2-supported cobalt oxides for soot combustion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 84:185–195 (2008).
(69) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Simultaneous removal of NOx and diesel soot over nanometer Ln-Na-Cu-O perovskite-like complex oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 78: 61–72 (2008).
(68) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan,Guiyuan Jiang, The structures, adsorption characteristics of La-Rb-Cu-O perovskite-like complex oxides and their catalytic performances for the simultaneous removal of nitrogen oxides and diesel soot, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112:5930-5941 (2008).
(67) Guiyuan Jiang, Li Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Xinyu Zhou, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Highly effective P-modified HZSM-5 catalyst for the cracking of C4-alkanes to produce light olefins, Applied Catalysis A : General, 340: 176–182 (2008).
(66) Hong Wang , Zhen Zhao*, Peng Liang ,Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan , Guiyuan Jiang, Jie Xu, Jian Liu, Highly active La1-xKxCoO3 perovskite-type complex oxide catalysts for simultaneous removal of soot and nitrogen oxides from diesel engine exhausts, Catalysis Letters, 124: 91–99 (2008).
(65) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Peng Liang, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Wenyong Lin, Israel E. Wachs, Study on the reaction mechanism for soot oxidation over TiO2 or ZrO2-supported vanadium oxide catalysts by means of in-situ UV-Raman, Catalysis Letters, 120:148–153 (2008).
(64) Weiqiang Huang, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Guofu Wan, Guiyuan Jiang, Tao Dou, Keng H. Chung, Jian Liu, Ti-modified alumina supports prepared by sol-gel method used for deep HDS catalysts, Catalysis Today, 131: 314–321 (2008).
(63) Jiangyin Lu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Xiaoning Wang, Pu Zhang, Effects of
SiO2/Al2O3 Ratio on the Acidities of HZSM-5, FeHZSM-5 and CrHZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts and Their Catalytic Performances for the Cracking of Isobutane, Journal of Porous Materials, 15:213–220 (2008).
(62) Hongxuan Wang, Zhen Zhao*, Zhe Zhang, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Selective oxidation of propane to oxygenates by molecular oxygen over mesoporous SBA-15 - supported potassium catalysts, Journal of Porous Materials, 15:221–229 (2008).
(61) Guofu Wan, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Weiqiang Huang, Tao Dou, Preparation and catalytic performance of modified kaolin clay with big pore for the hydrodesulfurization of diesel, Journal of Porous Materials, 15:231–236 (2008).
(60) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Jinsen Gao, Wenyong Lin, Israel E. Wachs, In-situ UV-Raman study on soot combustion over TiO2 or ZrO2-supported vanadium oxide catalysts, Science in China, Series B,51(5)551-561 (2008).
(59) Wubao Yang*, Zhen Zhao, Songhua Fang, Yong Wang, Size Yang and Li Lin, Preparation and characterization of carbon nano-sheet powders, Petroleum Science, 5:79-82(2008).
Before 2008
(58) Wang Xiaoning, Zhao Zhen *, Xu Chunming, Duan Aijun, Zhang Li, Jiang Guiyuan, Effects of Light Rare Earth on Acidity and Catalytic Performance of HZSM-5 Zeolite for the Catalytic Cracking of Butane to Light Olefins, Journal of Rare Earths, 25: 321-328(2007).
(57) Aijun Duan*, Jinshen Gao, Chunming Xu, D Wang, Zhen Zhao, Tao Dou, Keng H. Chung, Quantum chemistry of adsorption and hydrogenation of DBT and carbazole on NiMoS using ZINDO/I method,Molecular Simulation,33(4-5):353~359 (2007).
(56) Guiyuan Jiang, Sheng Wang, Wenfang Yuan, Zhen Zhao, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song*, and Daoben Zhu, Photo- and Proton-Dual-Responsive Fluorescence Switch Based on a Bisthienylethene-Bridged Naphthalimide Dimer and Its Application in Security Data Storage, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2064–2067 (2007).
(55) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Lei Wang, Suojiang Zhang, Synthesis of nanopowder Ce-Zr-Pr oxide solid solutions and their catalytic performances for soot combustion, Catalysis Communications, 8: 220–224 (2007).
(54) Yanying Zheng, Tao Dou*, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Shanjiao Kang, Novel synthesis method of mesoporous MoSiOx, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 165:147-150 (2007).
(53) Aijun Duan*, Guofu Wan, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yanying Zheng ,Ying Zhang , Tao Dou , Xiaojun Bao , Keng Chung,Characterization and activity of Mo supported catalysts for diesel deep hydrodesulphurization, Catalysis Today, 119: 13–18 (2007).
(52) Jian Liu , Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Tao Meng, Xiaojun Bao, Simultaneous removal of NOx and diesel soot particulates over nanometric La2-xKxCuO4 complex oxide catalysts, Catalysis Today, 119: 267–272 (2007).
(51) Jiangyin Lu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Pu Zhang, CrHZSM-5 Zeolites——Highly efficient catalysts for catalytic cracking of isobutane to produce light olefins, Catalysis Letters ,109:65-70(2006).
(50) Huimin Zhang , Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Wenyong Lin , Hanjing Tian , Israel E. Wachs,Synthesis and Characterization of Ni-Mo Bimetallic Nitride in Mixtures of Nitrogen and Hydrogen, Material Research Bulletin, 41: 2334–2340 (2006).
(49) Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao* , Chun-ming Xu, Aijun Duan, Ling Ju, Xuezhong Wang, The structures of VOx/MOx and Alkali-VOx/MOx Catalysts and their Catalytic Performances for soot combustion, Catalysis Today, 118: 315–322 (2006).
(48) Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Tetsuhiko Kobayashi, Israel E. Wachs, Effects of Alkali Metal Cations on the Structures, Physico-chemical Properties and Catalytic Behaviors of Silica-supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Ethane and the Complete Oxidation of Diesel Soot, Topics in Catalysis , 38(4): 309-325 (2006).
(47) Jiangyin Lu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Pu Zhang, Aijun Duan, FeHZSM-5 molecular sieves——Highly active catalysts for catalytic cracking of isobutane to produce ethylene and propylene, Catalysis Communications,7(4):199-203 (2006).
(46) Junjiang Zhu, Zhen Zhao, Dehai Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu, Effect of valance of copper in La2-xThxCuO4 on NO decomposition reaction, Catalysis Communications ,7: 29-32 (2006).
(45) Jian Liu , Zhen Zhao*,Chunming Xu, Hong Wang, Study on the Catalytic combustion of Diesel Soot over Nanometric Lanthanum-Cobalt Mixed Oxides Catalysts, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters ,87(1):107-114 (2006).
(44) Huimin Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, New Class of Catalysts for the Ammoxidation of Propane to Acrylonitrile over Nickel–Molybdenum Mixed Nitrides, Chemistry Letters, 35(1): 36-37 (2006).
(43) Dexian Shi, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Tao Dou, Characterization and Catalytic performances of Supported Chromia Catalysts for C10+ Heavy Aromatics Hydrodealkylation, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 245(1-2): 106-113 (2006).
(42) Jiangyin Lu, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Pu Zhang, Effects of calcinations temperature on the acidity and catalytic performances of HZSM-5 zeolite catalysts for the catalytic cracking of n-butane, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 14(4) :213-220 (2005)
(41) Wang Hongxuan, Zhen Zhao*, The role of the catalysts with highly dispersed and isolated active sites in the selective oxidation of light hydrocarbons, Progress in Natural Science, 15(12):1066-1072,(2005)
(40) Zhe Zhang, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Shuang Sha, Ying Zhang, Tao Dou , Unusual Performance for the Selective Oxidation of Ethane to Acrolein over Mesoporous SBA-15-supported Potassium Catalysts, Chemistry Letters, 34 (8): 1080-1081 (2005).
(39) Jian Liu , Zhen Zhao* , Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Ling Zhu, Xuezhong Wang, Diesel soot oxidation over supported vanadium oxide and K-promoted vanadium oxide catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , 61: 36-46 (2005).
(38) Hong Wang, Zhen Zhao* , Chun-ming Xu, Jian Liu , Nanometric La1-xKxMnO3 Perovskite-type Oxides——Highly Active Catalysts for the Combustion of Diesel Soot Particle under Loose Contact Conditions, Catalysis Letters, 102(3-4): 251-256 (2005).
(37) Junjiang Zhu, Zhen Zhao, D H Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu, Characterization and catalytic ac Zhu tivity in NO decomposition of La2-xSrxCuO4 (0 <= x <= 1) compounds with T* phase structure, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 94 (2-3): 257-260 (2005).
(36) Junjiang, Zhen Zhao, Dehai Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu, Study of La2−xSrxCuO4 (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) catalysts for NO + CO reaction from the measurements of O2-TPD, H2-TPR and cyclic voltammetry, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemcal, 238: 35-40 (2005).
(35) Junjiang Zhu, Zhen Zhao, D H Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu, CO Oxidation, NO Decomposition, and NO+CO Reduction over Perovskite-like Oxides La2CuO4 and La2-xSrxCuO4:An MS-TPD Study, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 44: 4227-4233(2005).
(34) Junjiang Zhu, Zhen Zhao, Dehe Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu. CO Oxidation over the Perovskite-Like Oxides La2-xSrxMO4 (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0; M = Cu, Ni): A Study from Cyclic Voltammetry. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 219(6): 807-815(2005).
(33) Junjiang Zhu, Zhen Zhao, D H Xiao, Jing Li, Xiangguang Yang*, Yue Wu. Application of cyclic voltammetry in heterogeneous catalysis: NO decomposition and reduction. Electrochemistry Communications , 7(1): 58-61(2005).
(32) Zhang Zhe, Zhao Zhen* , Xu Chunming, Research Advances in the Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Ethane to Aldehydes, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(9): 833-840 (2005).
(31) Wang Hong, Zhao Zhen*, Xu Chunming, Liu Jian, Lu Zhixiao, The catalytic behavior of La-Mn-O nanoparticle perovskite-type oxide catalysts for the combustion of the soot particle from the diesel engine, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50 (14): 1440-1444 (2005).
(30) Duan Aijun*, Xu Chunming, Zhao Zhen, Dong Peng, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Mo and Ni K-edge of Supported Hydrotreating Catalysts, Petroleum Science, 2(1): 48-51 (2005).
(29) Lu Jiangyin, Zhao Zhen*, Xu Chunming, Zhang Pu, Catalytic Performance of Bare Supporters and Supported KVO3 Catalysts for Cracking n-Butane to Produce Light Olefins, Petroleum Science, 2(1): 52-56 (2005).
(28) Zhen Zhao*, Yusuke Yamada, Atsushi Ueda, Hiroaki Sakurai, Tetshiko Kobayashi,The Roles of Redox and Acid-base Properties of Silica-supported Vanadia Catalysts in the Selective Oxidation of Ethane, Catalysis Today, 93-95:163-171 (2004).
(27) Zhen Zhao, Xingtao Gao, Israel E. Wachs*, Comparative Study of Bulk and Supported V-Mo-Te-Nb-O Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107: 6333-6342 (2003) .
(26) Zhen Zhao, Tetsuhiko Kobayashi, Partial Oxidation of Ethane into Acetaldehyde and Acrolein by Oxygen over Silica-supported Bismuth Catalysts, Applied Catalysis, A: General, 207: 139-149 (2001).
(25) Yusuke Yamada, Atsushi Ueda, Zhen Zhao, Toru Maekaw, Kengo Suzuki, Tadashi Takada, Tetshiko Kobayashi*, Catalysis Today, Rapid Evaluation of Oxidation Catalysis by Gas Sensor System: Total Oxidation, Oxidative Dehydrogenation, and Selective Oxidation over Metal Oxide Catalysts, Catalysis Today, 67: 379-387 (2001).
(24) Zhen Zhao, Yusuke Yamada, Yonghong Teng, Atsushi Ueda, Kiyoharu Nakagawa, Tetshiko Kobayashi*, Selective Oxidation of Ethane into Acetaldehyde and Acrolein over Silica-Supported Vanadium Catalysts Using Oxygen as Oxidant, Journal of Catalysis, 190: 215 -227(2000).
(23) Zhen Zhao, Yusuke Yamada, Atsushi Ueda, Hiroaki Sakurai, Tetshiko Kobayash*i, Oxidation of ethane into Acetaldehyde and Acrolein Over Silica containing Cesium and a very Small Amount of Additives, Applied Catalysis, A: General, 196: 37-42(2000).
(22) Yue Wu*, Zhen Zhao, Yu Liu, and Xiangguang Yang, The Role of Redox Property of La2-x(Sr,Th)xCuO4±λPlaying in the Reaction of NO Decomposition and NO Reduction by CO, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, A: Chemical, 155: 89-100 (2000).
(21) Zhen Zhao, Akira Obuchi*, Junko Uchisawa, Satoshi Kushiyama, Study on the Catalytic Oxidation of Soot from Diesel Engines, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 121: 387-390 (1999).
(20) Zhen Zhao, Yusuke Yamada, Atsushi Ueda, and Tetsuhiko Kobayashi*, Effects of vanadyl structure and Cs addition on the partial oxidation of ethane over V/SiO2, Catalysts & Catalysis (Shokubai), 41: 435-437 (1999).
(19) Kiyoharu Nakagawa, Yonghong Teng, Zhen Zhao, Yusuke Yamada, Atsushi, Ueda, Toshimitsu Suzuki, Tetshiko Kobayashi*, Acrolein Formation in the Oxidation of Ethane over Silica Catalysts Supporting Iron and Cesium, Catalysis Letters, 63: 79-82 (1999).
(18) Zhen Zhao, Akira Obuchi*, Junko Uchisawa, Atsushi Ogata, Satoshi Kushiyama, Autonomous Improvement in the Catalytic Activity of KVO3/SiC for Soot Oxidation under Practical Gaseous Conditions, Chemistry Lettters: 367-368 (1998).
(17) Junko Oi Uchisawa, Akira Obuchi*, Zhen Zhao, Satoshi Kushiyama, Carbon Oxidation with Platinum Supported Catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , 18 : L183 –L187(1998).
(16) Zhao Zhen, Yang Xiangguang, Liu Yu, Wu Yue*, Physic-chemical Properties and Catalytic Behavior of LnSrNiO4-λ(Ln=La,Pr,Nd,Sm,Gd) for NO Decomposition, Journal of Rare Earths,16(1):17-24 ( 1998).
(15) Liu Yu, Yang Xiangguan, Zhao Zhen, Wu Yue*, Layered La-Ba-Cu Mixed Oxides with Perovskite Structure as Catalyst for NO reduction by CO, Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(1): 44 -47(1998).
(14) Zhao Zhen, Yang Xiangguan, Wu Yue*, Characterization and Catalytic Behavior of La2-x(Sr, Th)xCuO4±λin the Reaction of CO+NO, Science in China, Series B: Chemistry., 40(5): 464-474 (1997).
(13) Liu Chibiao, Zhao Zhen, Ye Xingkai, Wu Yue, Catalysis of Rare Earth Containing Mixed Oxides Ln2CuO
(12) Liu Chibiao, Zhao Zhen, Yang Xiangguang, Ye Xingkai, Wu Yue*, Perovskite-like Mixed Oxides La2-x(Sr,Th)xCuO4±λ:A Novel Catalyst for Phenol hydroxylation, Science in China Series A: Math., Phys., Astron., 40(11): 1210-1215 (1997).
(11) Zhen Zhao, Xiangguang Yang, Yue Wu*, Comparative Study of Nickel-Based Perovskite-like Mixed Oxide Catalysts for Direct Decomposition of NO, Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 8: 281-297 (1996).
(10) Chibiao Liu, Zhen Zhao, Xiangguang Yang, Xingkai Ye, Yue Wu*, Superconductor Mixed Oxides La2-xSrxCuO4±λ for Catalytic Hydroxylation of Phenol in Liquid- Solid Phase, Chemical Communication, 1019-1020 (1996).
(9) Zhen Zhao, Yang Xiangguang, Wu Yue*, LaSrNiO4-λwith K2NiF4 Structure: A Highly Active Catalyst for Direct Decomposition of Nitrogen Monoxide, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 12(1): 81-86 (1996).
(8) Zhen Zhao, Yang Xiangguang,Wu Yue*, Direct Decomposition of NO Over the Mixed Oxide Catalysts Nd2-x Srx NiO4±λ ,Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(11): 904-909 (1996).
(7) Zhen Zhao, Yang Xiangguang, Wu Yue*, Role of Oxygen Vacancy and Lower Valence Metallic Ion in Direct Decomposition of NO over La2-x(Sr,Th)xCuO4±λ ,Journal of Rare Earths, 14(4): 241-245 (1996).
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(5) Yuan SongYue, Zhen Zhao, Yu Zuolong*, Studies of Multicomponent Complex Oxide Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane, VI, Surface basicity and the Surface Active Oxygen Species of LiTixLa1-xO2+λ ,Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 4(3): 344-352 (1995).
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(1) Zhen Zhao, Yuan Songyue, Yu Zuolong*, Studies of Multicomponent Complex Oxide Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane V. Catalysts LiLa1-xTix O2+λ (x=0.0-1.0), Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 3(2): 163-172(1994).
(18) Zhen ZHAO, Jian LIU, Yuechang WEI,Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan Jiang, Chunming XU, The three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxide-supported gold catalyst for the purification of diesel soot, Chinese Patent, (ZL 2008 1 0225707.7). (Privileged Time: 2012.09.05).
(17) Zhen ZHAO,Hong WANG , Chun-ming XU, Jian LIU,The Preparation Method and the Catalysts of Nanometric and Super Fine Particles for the Combustion of Diesel Soot, Chinese Patent (ZL200410074223.9). (Privileged Time: 2007.11.21).
(16) Zhen ZHAO,Jiang Yin LU , Chun-ming XU, Ai Jun DUAN, The Activation of ZSM-5 Series Catalysts and the Method to Catalyze the Cracking of C4 Alkanes to Produce Light Olefins, Chinese Patent (ZL 2005 1 0002414.9). (Privileged Time: 2009.11.18).
(15) Zhen ZHAO, XU Jie, Jian LIU, Yanni JING, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, Chunming Xu, Combined catalysts and purification method for simultaneously removing the four kinds of pollutants, Chinese Patent, (ZL2007 1 0307416.8). (Privileged Time: 2011.08.10).
(14) Zhen ZHAO, Guizhen ZHANG, Jian LIU, Shengli Chen, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, The three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxide catalysts and the preparation method for the purification of diesel soot, Chinese Patent, (ZL 2008 1 0225707.7). (Privileged Time: 2012.09.05).
(13) Zhen ZHAO, Jian LIU, Lihong YU, Zhiqiang JIANG, Chao WANG, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, A kind of catalyst for the selective oxidation of ethane to produce acetaldehyde and its preparation method, Chinese Patent, ( ZL201010597678.4). (Privileged Time: 2012.12.26).
(12) Zhen ZHAO, Guizhen ZHANG, Jian LIU, Shengli CHEN, Guiyuan JIANG, Aijun DUAN, Macroporous complex metal oxide catalysts for the purification of diesel soot and their preparatrions, Chinese Patent, (ZL200810223653.0). (Privileged Time: 2012.12.05).
(11) Zhen ZHAO, Jian LIU, Yanni JING, Yanli LIU, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, The Injection of reduction gas for the purification of the exhaust emitted from diesel engines and the four way catalytic purification system, Chinese Patent, (ZL201010534525.5). (Privileged Time: 2012.01.23).
(10) Zhen ZHAO, Jian LIU, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, Chunming Xu, The three-dimensionally ordered macroporore ceria-based oxide-supported gold catalysts for the purification of diesel soot, (ZL201010285444.6). (Privileged Time: 2012.01.09).
(9) JIan LIU, Zhen ZHAO, Jie LAN, Chunming Xu, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, Composite catalysts of Perovskite/ceriuim dioxide, preparation method and catalytic performance for the combustion of diesel soot. Chinese Patent (ZL200810225984.8), (Privileged Time: 2012.02.29).
(8) JIan LIU, Zhen ZHAO, Junfeng XU, Jianxiong ZHENG, Yuechang WEI, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, The three-dimensionally ordered macroporore-mesopore iron-based perovskite oxide catalysts and the preparation method for them. Chinese Patent (ZL ZL2010 0526743.4), (Privileged Time: 2012.08.08).
(7) JIan LIU, Zhen ZHAO, Yuechang WEI, Aijun DUAN, Guiyuan JIANG, Chunming Xu, The three-dimensionally ordered macropororecomplex oxide catalysts for catalytic combustion. (ZL201010285464.3). (Privileged Time: 2012.09.16).
(6)Aijun DUAN, Weiqiang HUANG, Tao DOU, Zhen ZHAO, Guofu WAN, Dengqian ZHANG, A Kind of Titanium-Aluminum Complex Oxide-Supported Catalyst for Hydrodesulferization and Its’ Preparation Method, Chinese Patent (ZL 2006 1 0165202.7) (Privileged Time: 2009.10.14).
(5) Aijun DUAN, Guofu WAN , Dengqian ZHANG, Guiyuan JIANG, Zhen ZHAO,Tao DOU, Aluminum-Ziconium-Titanium complex oxide support and the catalysts for hydrodesulfurization and hydrodenitrgenation, Chinese Patent (ZL2007 1 0119866.4) (Privileged Time: 2010.10.27).
(4) Aijun DUAN, Deng qian ZHANG , Guofu WAN , Guiyuan JIANG, Zhen ZHAO, Aluminum-Zicornium complex oxide support and supported catalysts for hydrodesulfurization , Chinese Patent (ZL2007 1 0120278.2). (Privileged Time: 2011.03.30).
(3) Jinsen GAO, Gang WANG, Chunming XU, Zhen ZHAO, Xianghai MENG, Xingying LAN, The method and apparatus for the production of low olefins via light hydrocarbons. Chinese Patent, (ZL 2007 1 0065307.X). (Privileged Time: 2009.12.09).
(2) Ling LAN, Huifang PAN, Quan HUO, Zhenli ZHANG, Tao DOU, Aijun DUAN, Zhen ZHAO, Haijun Zhong, The preparation method for mesopore-micropore complex zeolite .Chinese Patent, (ZL2009 10081973.1). (Privileged Time: 2011.09.07).
(1) Junko Oi Uchisawa, Akira OBUCHI, Satoshi KUSHIYAMA and Zhen ZHAO, The catalyst and the method for removal of the particulate from diesel engines. Japanese patent, (approved number: 2961249)。