Department of Geochemistry and Environmental Science

Dr. Ma Hua
Ph.D., Environmental Economics and Management, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007
M.S., Environmental Ecology, Sun Yat-Sen University, 1996
B.S., Ecology, Lanzhou University, 1993
Research Fields
Environmental policy, environmental economics
Programme Supervised for
Master, Environmental Sciences
Environmental Economics; Environmental Policy; Ecology Fieldwork; Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
Professional Experience
Visiting scholar, Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA, USA, 2014.8-2015.8
Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 2016-present
Assistant Professor, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 2007-2015
Peer-Reviewed Article
Ma H., He G. Effects of the Post-Olympics Driving Restrictions on Air Quality in Beijing. Sustainability, 2016, 8(9): 902.
Ma H., Liu H., Gong Y., Jin J., Mao X. A Comparison of Mode Effects between Face-to-Face and Drop-Off Contingent Valuation Surveys. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2015, 7(3): 510-527.
Ma H., Liu H., Gong Y., Jin J., Mao X. Willingness to Pay of Urban and Suburban households in Beijing for an Ecological Project in the Surrounding Areas. Arid Zone Research, 2013, 30(3): 527-533. (in Chinese)
Ma H., Lu Y., Xing Y., He G., Sun Y. Rural households’ attitude and economic strategies toward the Conversion of Cropland to Forest and Grassland Program (CCFG): A case study in Qira, China. Environmental Management, 2009, 43(6): 1039-1047.
Ma H., Lu Yonglong, Zhou Kefa, Sun Yamei. Discrepancy in Land Use/Cover Change of Mountain-Oasis-Desert System in the Arid Region in Western China: Taking Qira as an Example. Xinjiang Geology, 2008, 26(1): 117-121. (in Chinese)
Ma H., Lu Y., Zhou K., Chen C. Study of mineral development and environment variation in the Liuhuanggou mineral district Based on Remote Sensing data. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2007, 23(5): 1181-1188. (in Chinese)
HE G., LU Y., MA H., WANG X. Multi-indicators Assessment of Water Environment in Government Environmental Auditing. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19(4): 494-501.
Ma H., Lu Yonglong, Xing Ying, Sun Yamei. Rural Households’ Behavior Responses to Grazing Prohibition Policy£ºA Case Study in Qira, China. Arid Land Geography, 2006, 29(6): 902-908. (in Chinese)
Conference and Workshop
Ma H., He G. Z. Compensatory effect of air quality emergency management during mega-events in China: taking the Beijing Olympics as an example. Urban Transition Global Summit 2016, Shanghai, China, Sep. 6-9, 2016. Oral Presentation.
Ma H., Linyan Chen. Environmental Impacts of License Plate Number-Based Driving Restrictions in Beijing. In: SCOPE-ZHONGYU Environmental Forum 2012, pp74, Taiyuan, China, Oct. 11-13, 2012. Oral Presentation.
Ma H. Valuing gains from environmental service improvement in Beijing. In: SCOPE-ZHONGYU Environmental Forum 2011, pp9, Yixing, China, Nov. 27-30, 2011. Oral Presentation.
Ma H. Willingness to pay for the Beijing and Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project: a contingent valuation study. 35th Biannual Workshop of Economic and Environmental Program of Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), Hanoi, Vietnam, May 16-20, 2011. Oral Presentation.
Office: 920 Geology Building
Postal address: College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing 102249