Department of Geology

Education Background
1978.10—1982.8 Undergrduate student of petroleum geology in Eastchina Petroleum Institute
1982.9—1985.6 Master’s student of petroleum geology in Eastchina Petroleum Institute
1987.9—1990.7 Ph.D student of petroleum geology in China University of Petroleum
《Sedimentary Facies》,40 teaching hours, one time ,each year
《Sequence Stratigraphy》,48 teaching hours, one time ,each year
Previous Teaching/Working Experience
1985.7—1987.8 Assistant professor of petroleum geology in Eastchina Petroleum Institute
1990.8—1999.10 Lecture (1990-1992),associate professor(1992) and Chairman of Department of Petroleum Geology
1999.11-2000.4 Visiting scholar in University of Texas at Austin (BEG)
2004.5—2011.7 Professor (from 1994), Dean of College of Geosciences
2011.8-now Professor, College of Geosciences, CUP
1. The 11th Lisiguang Award(2009), The highest awards of geology in China
2. The 6th National outstanding teacher Award(2011), The highest awards of Chinese
More than 270 research papers have been published in basin analysis, sedimentology, sequence stratigrphy,seismic sedimentology etc.The followings are typical papers.
1. Zhu Xiaomin, Zhong Dakang, Zhao Chenlin, Genetic mechanism and prediction of Paleozoic clastic eureservoirs in platform of Tarim basin,CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,
2.Zhu Xiamin, Zhong Dakang,Zhang Qin and Zhang Li,2004, Sandstone diagenesis and porosity evolution of Paleogene in Huimin depression,Petroleum Sceince,2004,1(3):23-29
3.Zhu Xiaomin, Dong Yanlei,Sequence stratigraphic framework and distribution of depositional systems for the Paleogene in Liaodong Bay area,Science in China series D:Earth Science,2008,V.51,Supp.II:1-10
4.Zhong Dakang,Zhu Xiaomin,Wang Hongjun, Characteristics and genetic mechanism of deep-buried clastic eureservoir,Science in China series D:Earth Science,Supp,II:1-10
5.Yang Junsheng,Fan Leyuan,Rashid A.d.,Zhu Xiaomin, Sequence stratigraphy and depositional systems of lower Cretaceous in Fula subbasin,Muglad basin, Sudan,Journal of Science & Techenology,2008, 9(1):63-86
6.Zhu Xiaomin,Cheng huanqin ,Zhong Dakang,Mechanism of Secondary Pore formation and prediction of favorable Paleogene Reservoir in Jiyang Sag,Eastern China, Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2008, 19(6): 441–450
7. Zhu Xiaomin, Liu Chenlin, Diagenesis and its succession of gas–bearing and non gas-bearing reservoirs in Sulige gas field of Ordos basin, China,Acta Geologica Sinica,2009,83(6):1202-1213
8. Xiaomin Zhu, Shifa Zhu, Benzhong Xian,Jingjing Xue and Xincai You,Reservoir differences and formation mechanisms in the Ke-Bai overthrust belt, northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin,Petroleum Science,2010,7(1):40-48
9. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Wang Xulong, et al. Diagenesis of Zeolite and Its Control on Petroleum Reservoir Quality of Permian in Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2011. 55(3):386-396
10. Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Niu Huapeng, et al. The genetic mechanism of dolomitization in Fengcheng Formation in Wu-Xia area of Junggar Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 2012,86(2):447-461
11. Zeng Hongliu, Zhu Xiaomin,Seismic Sedimentology of Complex Non-Marine Depositional Systems in Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Qijia Area, Songliao Basin, China,2013 AAPG
12.Zhu Xiaomin,Dong Yanlei,High resolution sequence framework and seismic sedimentology- take Biyang depression as case,Oil and Gas Geology,2011,32(4):615-624(In chineses with English abstract)
13.Zhu Xiaomin,Li Yang, The method of seismic sedimentology and case study of Qikou depression,China Geology,2013,40(1):152-162(In chineses with English abstract)
14.Zhu Xiaomin,Liu Ziliang, The shallow braided delta model in Erdos lacustrine basin,Geological frotier,2013,20(2):19-28(In chineses with English abstract)
15.Zeng Hongliu, Zhu Xiaomin,Seismic prediction ofsandstone diagenetic facies- take Songliao basinas an example,Petroleum Exploration and Development,2013,40(3):266-274(In chineses with English abstract)
Works and textbooks
1. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Basin analysis in faulted continental basinb》,1995,Petroleum Industry Press,Beijing
2. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Pricinpal and application of sequence stratygraphy》,1998,
Petroleum Industry Press,Beijing
3. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Sequence stratygraphy》,2000,Petroleum University Press,Dongying
4. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Tertiary sequence stratigraphy in Liaohe basin》,2000,Petroleum Industry Press,Beijing
5. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Evaluation of reservoir in Talim Basin》,2004,Petroleum Industry Press ,Beijing
6. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Reservoir characteristics of Donghe sandstone in Talim baisan》,2006,Petroleum Industry Press,Beijing
7. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Reservoir characteristics of classtic rock in Jiyang baisan》,2008,China Science Press,Beijing
8. Zhu Xiaomin ,《Sedimentology》,2008,Petroleum Industry Press,Beijing