Department of Geology
Dr. Liu Zhina
Jan. 2010 -- PhD, Uppsala University (UU), Uppsala, Sweden
Sep. 2005 -- Jan. 2008 Master, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China
Sep. 2001 -- Jul. 2005 Bachelor, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China
Slope tectonics
Structural geology
Geotechnical Engineering and Slope Stability Analysis
Numerical Modeling Techniques
Selected projects
1. Linking surface features with deeper structures; The effect of friction and cohesion on deformation and slope instabilities, (In Uppsala, Sweden, Jan. 2010 - now)
2. Long-term slope stability analysis and stabilization under natural conditions by distinct element method, (In Hong Kong, Jun. 2007-Sep. 2008)
3. Laboratory test and Particle Flow Simulation of the Movement of Loess Cover during Ore Drawing, (In Hong Kong, Jan. 2008-Mar. 2008)
4. Study on the stability of slope and surrounding rockmass during mining from a change of open-pit into underground mining, Master Thesis, (In Beijing and Hong Kong, Mar. 2006-Jan. 2008)
5. Study on stope structure parameter optimization of sublevel caving method without sill pillar in Daye iron Mine by PFC software (In Beijing, Sep. 2006-Dec. 2006)
6. Study on the mechanism of debris flow in underground metal mine by sublevel caving extraction, (In Beijing, Mar. 2006-Sep.2006)
Lab assistant in Hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, UU (2012, 2013)
Introduction to Discrete Element Method at USTB (Invited lecture, 2007)
Work experience
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Visiting Address: Fuxue Road No.18, Changping,Beijing, China 102249
Awards and honors
Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad (2013)
Outstanding postgraduate student award in University of Science and Technology Beijing (2006, 2007)
Award for best bachelor project in University of Science and Technology Beijing (2005)
Peer-reviewed journal papers
1. Z. Liu, H.A. Koyi, 2014. Modeling impact of a weak layer on kinematics and internal deformation of granular slopes. Tectonophysics 632, 76-95.
2. Z. Liu, H.A. Koyi, J.O.H. Swantesson, F. Nilfouroushan, Y. Reshetyuk, 2013. Kinematics and 3-D internal deformation of granular slopes: analogue models and natural landslides. Journal of Structural geology 53, 27-42.
3. Z. Liu, H.A. Koyi, 2013. The impact of a weak horizon on kinematics and internal deformation of a failure mass using discrete element method. Tectonophysics 586, 95-111.
4. Z. Liu, H.A. Koyi, 2013. Kinematics and internal deformation of granular slopes: insights from discrete element modeling. Landslides 10, 139-160.
5. Y.M. Cheng, Z. Liu, W. Song, S.K. Au, 2009. Laboratory test and Particle Flow Simulation of silos problem with nonhomogeneous materials. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135(11), 1754~1761.
6. Z. Liu, L. Mei, W. Song, 2008. Study on Stope Structure Parameter Optimization of Sublevel Caving Method without Sill Pillar in Daye Iron Mine by PFC2D Software, Mining Research and Development, 28(1), 3-5. (In Chinese)
7. J. Du, W. Bao, Z. Liu, W. Song, 2007. The Numerical Simulation Study on The Multi-tunnel Effect During The Excavation of The Subway in Guanghua Road Station in Beijing Metro Line 10, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 29(2), 36-40. (In Chinese)
Refereed Conference Abstracts
1. Z. Liu, H. A. Koyi, J. Swantesson, F. Nilfouroushan, Kinematics and internal deformation within 3-D granular slopes: insights from analogue mdoels and natural slopes. Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting 2013, Leeds. (Oral presentation)
2. Z. Liu, H. A. Koyi, F. Nilfouroushan, J. Swantesson, Y. Reshetyuk, Internal deformation within an unstable granular slope: insights from physical modeling. EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna. (Oral presentation)
3. Z. Liu, H. A. Koyi, Monitoring internal deformation of unstable cohesionless slopes: insights from DEM modeling. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna. (Oral presentation)