Department of Geology
Dr. Sun Haitao
PhD from China University of Petroleum-Beijing (China)
Master from China University of Petroleum-Beijing (China)
Bachelor from Jilin University (China)
Sandstones diagenesis and its influences on reservoirs porosity and permeability:
Sedimentary proceed of clastic rocks
Sedimentary Petrology; Lithofacies Paleogeography;
Professional Affiliations
International Association of Sedimentologists
American Association of Petroleum Geologistsa
TEL: 13581601632
Address of Office: 1002
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang, Liu Luofu. Carbonate cementation difference and its origin between exterior and interior surfaces of lenticular sandbody in Shahejie Formation of Zhanhua Depression. ACTA PETROLEI SINICA, 2010,31(2): 68-74
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang. Difference in hydrocarbon distribution in passive margin basins of east and west Africa, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2010, 37(5): 561-567
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang. Characteristics and Mechanism of Permian Shanxi Tight Reservoir of Changbei Gas Field, Ordos Basin. ACTA SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 29(4): 724-733
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang. Characteristics and significance of the turbidite lenticular sandbody diagenesis in Shahejie Formation, Zhanhua Depression. Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 2013, 43(3): 680-691
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang. Formation and evolution of petroliferous basins in Africa continent and their hydrocarbon distribution, Global Geology, 2010,13(1): 41-49
Sun Haitao, Zhong Dakang. Characteristics and origin of low permeability reservoir of the third member of Shahejie Formation in Bozhong 25-1 oilfield. Lithologic Reservoirs, 2014, 26(3): 11-17.
Zhao Renbao, Sun Haitao, et. al,. Influence of CO2 corrosion on rock structure and its mechanical characteristics. Sci China:Tech Sci, 2010, 53(3): 822-828