Department of Geology

Dr. Yang GeLian
Bachelor degree: September, 1990 to Jun, 1994, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’An. Major: Geology
Master degree: September, 1994 to Jun, 1997, Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science. Major: Geomagnetism and Space Physics.
Ph. D.: September, 1998 to March, 2001, China University of Petroleum (Beijing). Major: Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration
Mainly research on Sedimentary Geology, Quaternary geology; teaching on Historical Geology, Geomorphology and Quaternary geology, Principle and Application of Stratigraphy, and, Field Practice of general geology.
Historical Geology, 40 hours, for undergraduate
Geomorphology and Quaternary geology, 32 hours, for undergraduate
Principle and Application of Stratigraphy, 24 hours, for graduate
Field Practice of General Geology, 2 weeks, for undergraduate
Previous Teaching/working Experience
2001.7- now, been working in college of GeoScience, China University of Petroleum, Beijing.
1986, 8-1990, 8, been a Junior High school Teacher in Lantian county Shanxi province.
1999-2001, engaged in research work on “Characteristics and Distribution of Cenozoic Stratigraphy in Qaidam basin”. The program was an engineering project of oil and gas exploration technology of China National Petroleum Company from1996 to 2000.
1992-1996, engaged in research work on “Paleogene marine transgression in foreland basin Kuche, Tarim Basin”.
2003-2004, engaged in research work on “Fine Structure Interpretation and Sequence Stratigraphy analysis of Paleogene in Chengbei fault step belt , Dagang oilfield”, which was one of Science and technology project in Dagang Oilfield Branch Company of PetroChina Co Ltd.
Contact information
Post address: Fuxue Road, Changping, Institute of Geoscience, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China. 102249
Tel +86-10-89733290
Publication and awards
1.Yang GeLian, Sun NaiDa, Jing MinChang, 2001,Foraminifers of Salinized Lake Facies and Their significancein paleogeographic Study, geological Review 47(1):70-74。
2.Yang GeLian,Sun ZhenCheng,Jing MinChang,Li Dongming,2001 Rvelation from Exploratin Stratigraphic Study in QaidmBasin. Petroleum Exploration &Development,28(4):99-102。
3.Yang Ge-Lian,Zhao Xi-Tao,Zhu Ri-Xiang,Qu Yon-gXin,Sun Zhen-Cheng,Qin Zu-Miao,2001,The prilminary study in Magnetostratigraphy of Gubaizhui Loss Section in Xingyang,Henan province, Geoscience,China,Journal of graduated school China university of Geosicences,15(1):35-39。
4.Yang GeLian,Sun ZhenCheng,Jing MinChang etc,2001,Meso-Cenozoic Paleo-lakes and Petroleum Resource in China,China Petroleum Exploration,6(2):92-94。