Department of Geology
Dr. Fusheng Yu
Title: Professor
Nationality: ChineseDate of Birth: December 22th 1969
Languages: Chinese (mother tongue), English
Contact Details
China University of PetroleumDepartment of Earth Sciences
Changping, Beijing, ChinaFuxue Road, 18
Tel: (0086) 13810145256
Fax: (0086) 10-89734158
Email: fushengyu@cup.edu.cn;syfu1234@163.com
Post-Doc Experience, 2002-2004, High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
PhD. in Structural Geology and Petroleum exploration, Institute of Geology, China University of Petroleum, China. June 28, 2002.
MSc. in Structural Geology, Institute of Geology, Xi’an Engineering University, Shanxi Province, China. June 23, 1999.
BSc. in Geology, Department of Geology, Hebei University of Geology, Hebei Province, China. June 30, 1991.
Physical Geology, 48hours, for undergraduates
Field Exploration, 2 weeks, for undergraduates
Structure analysis of petroleumprovince,32hour, for graduates
Tectonics, 32hours, forgraduates
Geology of Sedimentary Basin, 32hours, for PhD
Geology: Structural Geology and Tectonics, for PhD and Master Degree
My research is focused on both the seismic interpretation combining with field data and dynamic models to understand the tectonic processes that are responsible for the formation of geological structures in the crust and upper mantle. My research results are applied to; Hydrocarbon-related and exploration structural geology (structural evolution of extensional and compressional areas targeted for hydrocarbon exploration (Bohai Bay Basin in China, Junggar Basin,Qaidam Basin, Sichuan Basin, Song Liao Basin, Elian Basin, and South and East China Sea, Chusa Basin in Kazakhstan, Forelandbasin in Papua New Guinea, Baer Basin in Mongolia), rock deformation, tectonics, modelling geological processes, My research focuses on:
· Analogue and numerical modelling of superimposed fault systems of multiphase extension resulting from stresschanges-an example of Nanpu Sag in Bohai Bay Basin, china (2015-2018).
- Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon enrichment rules of Lufeng Depression in Pearl River Mouth Basin, the north continental margin basins of South China Sea (2015-2017).
- The control mechanism of contemporaneous reverse faults on alluvial fan depositional architecture (2014-2017).
- Fine reservoir description of Che35 well area in the west of the Junggar Basin (2014-2015).
- Fine reservoir description of Che60 well area in the west of the Junggar Basin (2013-2015).
- The tectonic evolution and structural fracture simulation of the Chusa Basin in Kazakhstan(2012-2015)
- Oil and Gas Enrichment of Nanpu Sag and favourable area with forecast (2011-2015).
- Quantitative research on the evolution of multi-layer detachment fault-and-fold belts in Southern Junggar Basin (2010-2012).
- Establishment of three-dimensional structural model and the prediction of favourable oil and gas area at the Southwest area of Qaidam Basin (2009-2011).
- Tectonic evolution and genesis mechanism in the South of Baer Basin in Mongolia (2008-2010).
- Tectonic evolution and petroleum geological significance of Junggar Basin (2006-2008).
- Summary on the tectonic evolution of Song Liao Basin in China (2010-2011).
- Physical modelling of the thrust-and-fold belts in the front of Longmen Shan tectonic belt in the west boundary of Sichuan Basin (2009-2010).
- The structural characteristics and petroleum resources assessment in the forelandbasin in Papua New Guinea (2012-2013).
- Study on the Mechanism Regularity of Hydrocarbon Enrichment of Elian basin in China(2012-2014).
Work Experience
A. Current Appointment: FullProfessor inthe Department of Earth Sciences, China Petroleum University
- Teaching courses in physical geology, field observation and exploration for undergraduates, tectonics analysis of basin for master and PhD students.
- Research on studying: the role of different Décollements in fold-thrust belts, the effect of denser blocks on the stability of salt diapirs, modelling structures in rift basins and passive margin basins, oil and gas resource evaluation and prediction.
B.Visiting Researcher,Hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden (2015-2016)
- Modelling the mechanism of Bohai Bay Basin in China, 3D-modelling of the interfered.
- Patterns of normal faults in Pearl River Mouth Basin in the north continental margin basins of South China Sea.
- Vice supervisorof MSc in Uppsala University, Sweden(2015-2016).
- Committee member of PhD defending in Uppsala University, Sweden(2015-2016).
C. Research Fellow in High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002-2004).
- Research on the tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon resource evaluation of Santanghu Basin, located on the border between China and Mongolia.
- Interpretation of seismic and set up the model of evolution of Santanghu Basin.
- Studying the techniques of Neutron activation and analyses the rare elements of volcanic rocks from the Changbaishan volcanoes.
D. Geological Engineer in Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resource of Gansu Province (1991-1996).
- Responsible for the projects of regional geological survey at the scale of 1:50000and published four maps named after Shimenchuan, Laolongwan, Wufuosi and Jingoukou.
Grants in the Last Five years
- Analogue and numerical modelling of superimposed fault systems of multiphase extension resulting from stress changes-an example of Nanpu Sag in Bohai Bay Basin, china (2015-2018).1.0M Yuan.
- Quantitative research on the evolution of multi-layer detachment fault-and-fold belts in Southern Junggar Basin (2010-2012). 0.5M Yuan.
- Fine reservoir description of Che60 well area in the west of the Junggar Basin (2013-2015). 0.68M Yuan.
- Fine reservoir description of Che35 well area in the west of the Junggar Basin (2014-2015). 0.5M Yuan.
- Study on the Mechanism Regularity of Hydrocarbon Enrichment of Elian basin in China (2012-2014). 0.6M Yuan.
- Oil and Gas Enrichment of Nanpu Sag and favourable area with forecast (2011-2015). 0.6M Yuan.
- Establishment of three-dimensional structural model and the prediction of favourable oil and gas area at the Southwest area of Qaidam Basin (2010-2011). 0.85M Yuan.
- Tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon enrichment rules of Lufeng Depression in Pearl River Mouth Basin, the north continental margin basins of South China Sea (2015-2017). 0.80M Yuan.
·Sunyue Qi Outstanding Doctoral Award in 2001
·Rank second for the Petrochemical Technology Progress Award of China, 2012
Excellent supervisor for the National Geological Competition in China, 2012, 2014
·The physical geology taught by Fusheng Yu was selected as the brand course in China University of
Petroleum, 2014
[1] Yu, F.S, and Koyi, H.A. Theoretical and experimental estimation of geometric relationship of non-parallel conjugate normal faults,Tectonophysics, 2017, 703-704: 85–97. (SCI、EI)
[2]Yu, F.S, Koyi, H.A., and Zhang, X.T.Intersection patterns of normal faults in the Lufeng Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, China: Insights from 4D physical simulations, Journal of Structural Geology, 2016, 93:67-90. (SCI、EI)
[3]Yu, F.S, and Koyi, H.A. Cenozoic tectonic model of the Bohai Bay Basin in China, Geological Magazine, 2016, 153 (5/6): 866-886. (SCI、EI)
[4]Qi, J.F., Li, X.G., Yu, F.S., Yu, T.C. Cenozoic structural deformation and expression of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone in the West Sag of Liaohe Depression, Bohaiwan basin province, China. Science China-Earth Sciences (in English), 2013, 56 (10): 1707–1721. (SCI、EI)
[5]Yu, F.S., Li, X.J., Li, D.H, Feng, Z.C., and Li, X.L. Simulation for the controlling factors of structural deformation in the southern margin of Junggar Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica (in English), 2012, 86(4): 842-853. (SCI、EI)
[6] Zeng, L.B., Tang, X.M., Qi, J.F., Yu, F.S., Gong, L., Wang, T.C. Insight into the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China from fracture information, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012, 101(8):2183-2191. (SCI)
[7]Tong, H.M., Yu, F.S., and Geng C.B.Characteristics and evolution of strike-slip tectonics of the Liaohe Western Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Pet.Sci (in English), 2008, 5: 23-229.(SCI)
[8] Zhou, J.X., Xu, F.Y., Wei, C.G., Li, G., Yu, F.S., Tong, H.M. Shortening of analogue models with contractive substrata: Insights into the origin of purely landward-vergent thrusting wedge along the Cascadia subduction zone and the deformation evolution of Himalayan–Tibetan orogeny. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007, 260: 13-327.(SCI)
[9] Yu, F.S, Han, S., Ma, Z.B., and Xie, R.J. Uranium Series Chronology of the Late Pleistocene Basalt from the Longgang Volcanoes, Jilin Province. Acta Geologica Sinica (in English), 2005,79 :211-214. (SCI、EI)
[10]Yu, F.S., Han, S., Huang, Y., He, W., Cao, J., Application of nuclear analytical techniques to trace elements of Cenozoic Basalt and their mantle xenoliths from Aershan area in Inner Mongolia, China, Nuclear Technique, 2005,16(2): 108-113.(EI)
[11]Yuan, W.M., Zhang, X.T., Dong, J.Q., Tang, Y.H., Yu, F.S., Wang, S.C. A new vision of the intercontinental evolution of the eaten Kunlun Mountains, Northern Qinghai -Tibet plateau, China,Radiation Measurements, 2003,36:357-362. (SCI、EI)
[12] Yu Fusheng, Dong Yuexia, Tong Hengmao, Xiong Lianqiao, Long Xian. 2015. Characteristics and origins of structural deformation in the Paleogene in the Western Sag of Liaohe Depression,Bohai Bay Basin.Oil & Gas Geology, 36(1), 51-60.
[13] Yu Fusheng, Li Dinghua, Zhao Jinyong, Dong Changhua.2012. Physical simulation of double decollement: Insight into the fold- and-thrust belt in the southern front of Junggar Basin.Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment, 34(2), 15-24.
[14] Yu Fusheng, Ji Zhenwa, Wang Yanhua.2012. Study on characteristics of Mesozoic intrusive rocks in Suolunzhen area, Ulanhot, Inner Mongolia. Resource Survey and Environment, 33(1), 1-8.
[15] Yu Fusheng, Wang Yanhua, Li Xueliang, Li Xiaojian and Feng Zicheng.2011. Deformation characteristics and genesis simulation of theShizigou-Youshashan structural belt in Qaidam Basin. Geotectonica etMetallogenia, 35(2):207-215.
[16] Yu Fusheng, Zhang Fangfeng, Yang Changqing, Li Xueliang and Feng Zicheng.2010. Physical simulation and major deformation-controlling factors of typical structural Sections for Guankou Fault in the front of Longmen Mountains.Geotectonica etMetallogenia, 34(2), 147-158.
[17] Yu Fusheng, LiGuozhi, Yang Guangda, Ma Baojun and Chen Shuping. 2009. Deformation feature andgenesis simulation of Fold-and-Thrust Belts in the Southern Margin, JunggarBasin.Geotectonica etMetallogenia, 33(3), 386-395.
[18] Yu Fusheng, Amu Guleng, Yang Guangda, Ma Baojun. 2008. Tectonic Evolution and Mechanism Analysis of Che-Mo Palaeo-uplift in Junggar Basin.Aata Geoscientica Sinica, 29(1):39-44.
[19] Yu Fusheng, Ji Zhenwa, Yang Xue, Yu Zhenquan, Ma Baojun, Zhang Liangjie.2007.Cenozoic fault feature and trap styles of northern area in west depression of Liaohe Basin. Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment, 29(2), 149-154.
[20] Yu Fusheng, Li Jinbao, Wang Tao.2006.The U-Pb isotopic age of zircon from Hongliuhe Ophiolites in east Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Aata Geoscientica Sinica, 27(3):213-216.
[21] Yu Fusheng, Cong Limin. 2006. Trace element characteristics of Cenozoic basalts and their mantle xenoliths selected from Aershan area in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Mineral Petrol, 26(1), 29-34.
[22]Yu Fusheng, Han Song, Huang Yuying, He Wei, Cao Jie, Wang Hongyue.2005. Application of nuclear analytical techniques to trace elements of Cenozoic Basalt and their mantle xenoliths from Aershan area in Inner Mongolia, China.Nuclear Technique, 16(2),
[23] Yu Fusheng, Han Song. 2005. Estimation of dynamic parameters of eruptive column and hazard assessment at Jinlongdingzi Volcano. Resource Survey and Environment, 26(1), 19-21.
[24] Yu Fusheng, Qi Jiafu, Wang Chunying, Zhang Weigang. 2003. Analysis of Origin of the Early Cretaceous Dasheng-Mazhan Basin in the North Part of Yishu Fracture. Journal of Xi′an Petroleum Institute( Natural Science Edition),18(1),1-3.
[25] Yu Fusheng, Wang Chunying, Du Guoming. 2002. Chronological evidence of Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in the easten segment of the North Qilian Mountains.Geology in China, 29(4), 360-364.
[26] Yu Fusheng, Qi Jiafu, Wang Chunying. 2002. Tectonic deformation of Indosinian Period in eastern part of North China. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 31(4), 402-407.
[27] Yu Fusheng, Qi Jiafu, Wang Chunying, Zhang Jun.2001. Features of the late Proterozoic metamorphic volcanic rocks in the eastern part of the northern Qilian Mountains and their tectonic setting. Geotectonica etMetallogenia, 25(1):74-82.
[28] Yu Fusheng, Wang Tao, Wang Chunying, Qi Jiafu. 2000. The feature of ductile deformation taking place from early Caledonian to later Hercynianin Hongliuhe area located at the boundary between Gansu and Xinjiang. Journal of Xi’an EngineeringUniversity, 22(4), 37-40.
[29] Yu Fusheng, Wang Chunying,Qi Jiafu, Wang Tao. 2000. The clarification and tectonic implication of the early Silurian ophiolite mélange in Hongliuhe area.Journal of Mineral Petrol, 82(4), 60-66
[30] Yu Fusheng, Qi Jiafu, Chen Shuping, 2000.Development of research on the coupling process of foreland basins and orogens and its effect on the oil-gas system. Geological Science and Technology Information, 19(4), 50-55.
[31]Yu Fusheng, Wang Chunying. 1997. Preliminary analysis on uplift bedding-delamination structure in Mijiashan.Acta Geologica Gansu, 6(2), 77-81.
International Cooperation
· Hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden.
· Petroleum Company in Papua New Guinea.
· Petroleum Company in Mongolia.
· Petroleum Company in Kazakhstan.
Course Evaluations
· Some comment results from students about Fusheng Yu’s teaching (Copied directly from the Education Management Office, China Universityof Petroleum):