Department of Geology
Dr. Hancheng Ji
Professor of College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum - Beijing
18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing 102249, China
E-mail: jihancheng@vip.sina.com
Tel: (010)89733188
PhD: China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 1999
Master: China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 1991
Bachelor: Petroleum geology, East China Petroleum Institute, 1988
Lecturer of national high-quality course "sedimentary petrology" and national high-quality online course "petroleum geology"
Coauthor of "Modern Sedimentology ", "Sedimentary Petrology"
Research Interests:
Reservoir geology, carbonate sedimentology, volcanic petrology and geochemistry, modern sedimentary, source-sink sedimentary systems, tectonic activities and sedimentary processes, paleogeography and paleoclimate, geothermal resource exploration and development
Research Projects
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (41672100) , "Response and mechanism of sediment transport to deep lakes controlled by changes in lake level over millions of years"
[2] National Science and Technology Major Project (2016ZX05047-003-002) , "Quantitative characterization and geological modeling of pore-type tight gas reservoir[l1]"
[3] National Key Research and Development Program (2017 YFC0603104) , "Formation mechanism, characterization technology and distribution prediction of effective super-deep reservoir"
[4] National Key Research and Development Program (2018YFC0604301) , " Demonstration of deep geothermal resource detection and evaluation technology in Xiong’an new area"
[5] China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC) Huabei Oilfield Cooperation Project, "Study on formation, evolution and distribution characteristics of the Lower Paleozoic buried hill and the inner dominant reservoir in Jizhong sag"
Selected Publications
[1]Ji Hancheng,Jia Haibo,Sun Simin,Chen Liang,Tang Yang,ChenWei,GengYikai,Zhou Hang,[l2]Tectonics-palaeogeomorphology in rift basins: controlling effect on the sequence architecture, Petroleum Science,2013,10(4):458-465.
[2]Ji Hancheng. [l3]Sequence stratigraphy and depositional systems in the Paleogene, Liaodong Bay. Petroleum Science, 2008, 5(2):110-118.
[3]Haibo Jia, Hancheng Ji*, Xiangchao Meng. 2019. Controls of sediment supply on the delivery of sediments among different basin morphological units- A case study from the Luanping Basin, Northern China. Geological Journal.
[4]Chen, L., Ji, H.*, Zhang, L., Zhu, Y., & Fang, Z. 2019. Rift activity and sequence stratigraphy of the Oligocene Dongying Formation in the Nanpu Sag, eastern China: Implications for rift sequence stratigraphy in lacustrine basins. Geological Journal.
[5]Chen, L., Ji, H.*, Dou, L., Du, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, L., ... & Fu, S. 2018. The characteristics of source rock and hydrocarbon charging time of Precambrian granite reservoirs in the Bongor Basin, Chad. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 97, 323-338.
[6]Haibo Jia, Hancheng Ji*, Linsheng Wang, Yan Gao, Xinwei Li, Hang Zhou. 2017. Reservoir quality variations within a conglomeratic fan-delta system in the Mahu sag, northwestern Junggar Basin: characteristics and controlling factors. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 152:165-181.
[7]Haibo Jia, Hancheng Ji*, Chaojin Lu, Liang Chen, Xuan Yang, Simin Sun, Hui Zhang. 2017. Sequence stratigraphy and depositional system analysis in Paleogene Nanpu Sag: sequence model and sediment partition. Geological Journal. 152:165-181.
[8]Chen, L., Ji, H.*, Zhang, L., Jia, H., Zhu, Yue., & Fang, Z. Effect of burial processes on the evolution of organic acids and implications for acidic dissolution from a case study of the Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2017, 39, 173-187.
[9]Fang, C., Ji, H.*, Zhou, J., Zhang, J., Jia, H., & Liu, Z. The influences of sea-level changes on the quality of bank reservoirs of the lower Cambrian Longwangmiao formation, in the Gaoshiti-Moxi area, Sichuan province, china. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016,.32, 292-303.
[10]Haibo Jia, Hancheng Ji*, Xinwei Li, Hang Zhou, Linsheng Wang, Yan Gao. 2016. A retreating fan-delta system in NorthwesternJunggarBasin, northwestern China—characteristics, evolution and controlling factors. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 123 (1): 162-177.
[11]Haibo Jia, Hancheng Ji*, Liwu Wang,Dongjie Yang,Yang Tang,Peiwei Meng, Cong Shi. 2016. Tectono-sedimentary and hydrocarbon potential analysis of rift-related successions in the Dehui Depression, Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 76: 262-278.