Department of Petroleum Geology
Dr. Hou Jiagen
PhD fromChina University of Petroleum-Beijing,1997
Masters from East China Petroleum Institute, Beijing graduate department,1988
Oilfield Production Geology
Programme supervised:
Programme supervised for doctorial of geological resources and geological engineering
Oilfield Production Geology; Oilfield Geology
Previous Teaching Experience:
10/2003-Present: China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing,Professor
11/1999-10/2003: University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong Province, Professor
11/1993-11/1999:University of Petroleum,Dongying,ShandongProvince,AssociateProfessor
06/1991-11/1993:University of Petroleum, Dongying,Shandong Province, Lecturer
06/1988-06/1991: UniversityofPetroleum, Dongying,Shandong Province, Teaching Assistant
Other Functions:
Professional Affiliations:
AAPG(American Association of Petroleum Geologists)
SEPM(Societyfor Sedimentary of Geology)
IAS(International Association of Sedimentologists)
Email: houjg63@cup.edu.cn
TEL: 86-10-89733101
Address of Office: 902 Geoscience Building
1. Hou Jiagen, Ma Xiaoqiang, Hu Xiangyang, Liu Yuming, Qi Deshan, Key Issues of 3D Geological Modeling of Paleokarst-Cave Carbonate Reservoir, Geological Journal of China Universities, 2013,19(1) :64-69
2. Ma Xiaoqiang,Hou Jiagen,Hu Xiangyang,Liu Yuming,Qi Deshan, Framework of Fault-controlled Meteoric Palaeokarst Ordovician Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield,Tarim Basin, Geological Review ,2013,59(3):521-531
3. Wu Xiaobin,Hou Jiagen ,Wang Daxing ,et.al, Study on sedimentary microfacies of beach-bar sand of the first member of ShajieheFormation in Gangzhong Oilfield basedon the modern Qinghai Lake deposition, Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University( Natural Science Edition), 2013, 28(5): 31-38
4. Liu Keke, Hou Jiagen, Liu Yuming, Sedimentary characteristics and architecture of distributary channel in Fulvial-dominated shallow delta based on dense well pattern, China, 10th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology , 14-19 July 2013 , Leeds, UK
5.Shi Yanqing, Hou Jiagen, Architecture Characterization of Braided River Reservoir Based on Dense Well Pattern in Daqing Oilfield, China, AAPG 2012 Annual Convention & Exhibition, 22-25 April,Long Beach,California,USA
6. Ma Xiaoqiang, Hou Jiagen, et.al, A Method Involved Multiple-Point Statistics of Modeling to Paleokarst Fractured-Vuggy Reservoirs, AAPG 2012 Annual Convention & Exhibition,22-25 April,Long Beach,California,USA
7.Hou Jiagen, Ma Xiaoqiang, Liu Yuming,et al. Modelling of carbonate fracture-vuggy reservoir:a case study of Ordovician reservoir of 4th block in Tahe oilfield, Earth Science Frontiers,2012,19(2): 59-66
8. Zhang You, Hou Jiagen, Li Na, Sun Haihang, Reservoir characteristics and controlling factorsof the lower part of Member 1 of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Tang 34 Block, Huanghua Depression, Journal of Palaeogeography,2012,14(3): 383-392
9.Xin Zhiguo, Hou Jiagen, Feng Weiguang, Correction model of oil and water saturation in sealing core, Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition),2012,42(3): 3438-3446
10. Liu Yuming, Hou Jiagen, Song Baoquan, et al.Characterization of interlayers within braided-river thick sandstones: A case studyon the Lamadian Oilfield in Daqing. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2011 , 32(5) :836-841
11. Zhao Bin, Hou Jiagen, Zhang Guoyi, Chen Shiwang, Liu Yuming, Sedimentary microfacies and remaining oil distribution of theEocene Guaduas formation in Velasquez Oilfield, Columbia. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2011 , 42(5): 1384-1392
12. Zhang Guoyi, Hou Jiagen,Liu Yuming,Zhao Bin, Channel sandbodies prediction in west 58-8 sparseborefield of Dagang Oilfield. Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2011,35 ( 1 ) :7-12
13. Duan Dongping, Hou Jiagen, et al.Identification and Distribution of Intercalated Strata in the TriassicPetroleum Reservoir of the 9th Area, TaheOilfield. Science & Technology Review , 2010 , 28(19): 21-25
14. Liu Yuming,Hou Jiagen,Wang Xingming,Wang Min, Flow Units of Heterogeneous Reservoir in Faulted Blocks Oilfield. Natural Gas Geoscience, 2010,21(1) :168-171
15. Liu Yuming, Hou Jiagen, et al.Architecture analysis of braided river reservoir. Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2009,33(1) 7-11,17
16. Song Fan and Hou Jiagen, Model building for Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field, Mining Science and Technology , 2009,19(2):245-251
17. Hou Jiagen, Liu Yuming, et al. Architecture of braided fluvial sandbody and origin for petroliferous difference of the Guantao Formation in Kongdian Oilfield of Huanghua Depression. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2008,10(5)
18. Hou Jiagen,Gao Jian, et al.Distribution Regularities and Appraisal of Unproved Reservoirs forthe Jurassic in the Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin. Geological Journal of China Universities,2008,14(2) :459-464
19. Gao Jian, Hou Jiagen , Analysis of classification method and con trolling factors of flow unit formulti-oil layered weak heterogeneous reservoir. Petroleum Geology & Development of Daqing, 2008 , 27(3): 72-74
20. Xu Chunhua , Hou Jiagen, et al. The application of cased hole formation resistivity logging in Karamay lowpermeable reservoir. Journal of Southwest Petroleum University( Science & Technology Edition) ,2008,30(4) :55-59
21. Hou Jiagen, Prediction of interbeds intercalated into complex heterogeneous reservoir at a high water cut stage , Petroleum Science, 2007, 4(3):27-30
22. Gao Jian , Hou Jiagen ,Lin Chengyan , Jiao Qiaoping, Key factors of remaining oil distribution of the lowest permeablesandstone reservoir and favorable area evaluation. Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2007,31(1):13-18
23. Jiao Qiaoping, Hou Jiagen, et al.Anastomosing river sediment of the Zao0 reservoir group in the Duanliubo Oilfield,Huanghua Depression. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2004,31(3)
24. Hou Jiagen, Jiao Qiaoping, Xin Huagang, Wang Xiujuan, Study on the Braided-river Sedimentation and Reservoir Heterogeneity of Duanliubooilfield in Dagang Area. Petroleum Geology & Experiment, 2003 , 25(4)
25. Hou Jiagen, An analysis of sedimentary microfacies and production responsefor the lower part of the second Shahejie sub-member in BlockWen-79in the south of Wenliu oilfield.Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2000, 27(6)
26. Hou Jiagen, Reservoir Characterization of Integrating Seismic, Log, and Geology — A Case of Daqing Oilfield, Scientia Geologica Sinica, 1998, 7(3)
27. Hou Jiagen, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Micro-facies Of Fluvial Deposits, Upper Guantao Formation, Chengdao Field, Scientia Geologica Sinica, 1999,8(4)
28. Hou Jiagen and Xu Shouyu,Stochastic simulation methods analysis of channel sandstonereservoir, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 1998, 25(4)