Department of Petroleum Geology
Dr. Li Pingping
PhD from China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Masters from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Areas of Research Focus
Mechanism of petroleum migration and accumulation
Mechanism of petroleum migration and accumulation
Digenesis and porosity evolution of carbonate reservoirs
The description and formation of fracture
Petroleum Geology; Unconventional Resources
Professional Affiliations
Member of American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Email: lpp@cup.edu.cn
TEL: +86 010 89733192
Address of Office: Room 824, Geologic Building
1. Pingping Li, Fang Hao, XushengGuo et al, Processes involved in the origin and accumulation of hydrocarbon gases in the Yuanba gas field, Sichuan Basin, southwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2015, 59, 150-165.
2.Pingping Li, Huayao Zou, Yuanchun Zhang et al, Paleo-Oil-Water Contact and Present-day Gas-Water Contact: Implication for Evolution History of the Puguang Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2008.19(6):715-725.
3. Xiaozhuan Cheng, Pingping Li, Huayao Zouet al, Geochemical characteristics and fluid origin of the Changxing Formation dolomitic rock in the Xinglongchang area of the East Sichuan Basin. ActaGeologicaSinica, 2013, 87(7): 1031-1040.
4. Xinya Yu, Pingping Li, Huayao Zouet al,Porosity Threshold for Paleo-Oil accumulation of Changxing-Feixianguanformations in the Northeastern Sichuan Basin. ActaGeologicaSinica, 2014, 88(11): 2131-2140.