Department of Petroleum Geology
Dr. Wu Xinsong
Education Background
PhD from China University of Mining and Technology, 2001-2005
M.S. from China University of Petroleum, Beijing, 1991-1994
B.S. from Petroleum institute of East China, 1987-1991
Areas of Research Focus
Geologyinoil & gas production
Reservoir characterization
Geology-well logintegration
Geologyinoil & gas production
Reservoir characterization
Geology-well logintegration
Program supervised for Masters
Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
Courses for graduates or undergraduates
Methodology ofoil & gas exploration
Geological interpretationof Mud logging data
Geological engineeringof oil & gas production
Methodology ofoil & gas exploration
Geological interpretationof Mud logging data
Geological engineeringof oil & gas production
TEL: (+86) 10 8973 1226
Fax: (+86) 10 8973 4158
Address of Office:Geology Building 8.26 E
TEL: (+86) 10 8973 1226
Fax: (+86) 10 8973 4158
Address of Office:Geology Building 8.26 E
ZhaYuming, Wu Xinsong, Yu Da. Relationship between total organic carbon content and sedimentationrate of the Upper Cretaceous source rocks in WellCCSD-SK-I in Songliao Basin. Journalofpaleogeography,2016,18(5):857-864
Wu Xinsong, Jiang Tao, Liu Xuwu. Geothermal field and its application of Moliqingfault depressionin Yitonggraben. Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition), 2016,31(1):23-28
Zhang Hui Fang, Wu Xin SongWang Bin, et al. Research Progress of the Enrichment Mechanism of SedimentaryOrganics in Lacustrine Basin. ACTA SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA 2016,34(3):463-477
1WuXinsong,LiNa,ZhouLianwu,et al. Distribution and origin of Molecular Nitrogen in natural gas ofKokpansor Depression,Chu-Sarysu Basin. Journal of China University of Petroleum( Edition of Natural Science) ,2015,39 ( 4) : 35-41.
GuoJuanjuan, WuXinsong, PanJianguo,et al. Study on meter-scale cycles of the Lower Cretaceous QuantouFormation in SK-1 well. Lithologicreservoirs, 2012,24(6):38-41
WuXinsong, GuoJuanjuan,Huang Yongjian, Fu Jianwei. Well logging proxy of the late Cretaceous paleoclimate changes in Songliao Basin. Journal of palaeogeography.2011,13(1):103-110.
Wu Xinsong, Yao Rui, GongFuhua. Hydrological preservation conditions of Hydrocarbon accumulation and its exploration significance in Chuanxi Foreland Basin. Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute, 2010,28(5):47-20.
Chang Jian-bo1,Wu Xin-song1,YaoRui,etal.ControllingfactorsoflithologichydrocarbonreservoirsinPaleogeneShuangyangformationinMoliqingrift,Jilinprovince. 2010,17(2):48-51
Wu Xinsong, Wei Jianxin, Chang Jianbo,Han Jianfa. Difficulties and countermeasures in carbonate paleo-karst reservoir prediction. Journal of China university of Petroleum.2009,33(6):16-22.
Zhang Jian, WuXinsong, Sui Qinglin, et al.IdentificationandquantitativeCharacterization of the igneousrockreservoirsin the north of Huiminsag,Jiyang depression. Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society. 2009:118-119.
Wu Xinsong, Pan Wenqing, Guqiaoyuan, et al. Distribution rule of Paleo-karst cavernous reservoir in the west Lunnan region, Tarim Basin.Petroleum Geology & Recovery Efficiency.2006,13(1):1-4.
Wu Xinsong, Liu Qin, Su Xiaojun. PGC Quantitative discrimination of water-flooded oil layer.Natural Gas Industry. 2006,26(10):27-29.
Wu Xinsong, Han Dexin, Zhang Jinqiang. Evaluation and optimization of coal bed methane accumulation zones in North China. Natural Gas Industry. 2004,24(4):4-6.
Wu Xinsong, Wang Yanbin, ZouXiaoyong. A new method for hydrocarbon loss recovering of Rock-Eval pyrolysis.Journal of China University of Mining & Technology (English edition). 2004,14(2):200-203.
Wu Xinsong, Yang Lei. Logging Geology Study of the Caverned Paleo-karst Reservoir Distribution. Petroleum Science (English edition), Vol.2(2):71-75
Wu Xinsong,Su Xiaojun, Wu Zonglai. Logging geology evaluation of reservoir parameter changes in water-flooding production. Well Logging Technology. 2002,26(4):311-314.
Wu Xinsong, WangZhizhang. Application of geochemical logging data to quantitative evaluation of crude oil properties. Xinjiang Petroleum Geology.2000,21(1):42-44
WuXinsong,WangZhizhang, LiEnzhong,etal. Theapplicationofbrightspotindexinreservoirevaluationonwellsite,ACTA. 2000,21(6):39~42