Department of Petroleum Geology
Resume of Youliang Ji
Dr. You Liang Ji
PhD from China University of Petroleum (China)
Bachelor from East China Petroleum Institute (China)
Areas of Research Focus
Sequence Stratigraphy
Reservoir Geology
Reservoir Sedimentology
Reservoir Geology
Sequence Stratigraphy
Previous Teaching and Working Experience
1983-1986, East China Petroleum Institute (China)
1991-1997, China University of Petroleum, Shandong (China)
1997, Visiting Scholar in USGS, USA
1997-2002, China University of Petroleum, Shandong (China)
2003-2007, Tongji University, Shanghai,China
2007- , China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Other Functions
Vice Director of Laboratory of Petroleum reservoir Geology, CNPC
Professional Affiliations
Chinese Petroleum Society
International Association of Sedimentologists
Email: jiyouliang@cup.edu.cn
TEL: 86 10 89731636
Fax: 86 10 89731636
Address of Office: Room 820, Geological Building, China University of Petroleum,Beijing,18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing ,China ,102249
Zhou Yong, Youliang Ji,Tectono-stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Tanan sub-basin, Tamtsag Basin,Mongolia: Sequence architecture, depositional systems and controls on sediment infill[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 49(2014),176-202.
Youliang Ji, Zhou Yong, Pan Chunfu, Sequence Characteristics of Foreland Basin and Its Controlling Factors[J]. Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, p. 737–754,
Youliang Ji, Zhou Yong, Pan Chunfu,The formation and evolution of chepaizi-mosuowan paleouplift and its control on the distribution of sedimentary facies in Junggar basin[J]. SCIENCE CHINA(Earth Science), Vol. 53, No. 6, p. 791–932.
Xianliang Chen,Youliang Ji,Tailiang Fan,et. al. Sequence Stratigraphy and Subtle Oil-Gas Reservoir in the Qikeshu Area,Lishu Rift.Geological Science and Technology Information. 2014,3(2):123-129.
Xianliang Chen,Youliang Ji,Tailiang Fan,et. al. Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Sedimentary System Distributionin the Lishu Rift,Songliao Basin[J].Geological Journal of China Universities.2014,3(1):122-130.
Xianliang Chen, Youliang Ji, Tailiang Fan,et. al.Sequence Stratigraphic Types and Models in Lishu rift,Songliao Basin[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology).2014,4(4):1151-1162.
Youliang Ji,Yong Wang,Qingshan Li,Bin Hu.Study on Sequence Models and Controlling Factors of Paleogene Dainan Formation in Gaoyou Sag,Northern Jiangsu Basin[J].Lithologic Reservoires.2014,8(4):9-15.
Xianliang Chen, Youliang Ji, Keming Yang,et. al.Flood-overlake Sedimentary Characteristics of the Suining Formation(Lower Jurassic) in Western Sichuan Depression[J].Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. 2014.10(5):912-920.
Youliang Ji,Yanyan Wang, Yurui Liu, Huan Lu.Differential Diagenesis and its Genetic Analysis of 1st Member of Funning Formation in Gaoyou Depression[J].Journal of Tong Ji University(Natural Science).2014.3(3):474-479.
Youliang Ji,Yong Zhou,Yurui Liu,et.al.The Impact of Sedimentary Characteristics on the Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of The 1st Member of Paleogene Funing Formation in the Gaoyou Subbasin[J].Actageologica Sinica. 2014,7(7):1299-1310.
Yixun Deng,Youliang Ji,Shenbou Xu,et. al.Characteristics and Main Controlling Factors of Tenggeer Formation Reservoir in Sanghe Area,Baiyinchagan Sag[J].Acta Sedimentologica Sinica.2013,12(2)350-357.
Liyuan Zhang ,Youliang Ji,Li Liu,et. al.Diagenetic Evolution and Controlling Factors of Pyroclastic Reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous in Nanbeier Sag,Hailar-Tamtsag Basin[J].Journal of Palaeogeography.2013,4(2):261-274.
Youliang Ji,Shenghe Wu ,Yong Zhou,et. al.Radiational Bedding in Sandstone and Analysis of its Origin in Dongyangshugou Section of Luanping,Hebei Province[J].Journal of Paleogeography.2013,2(1):43-48.
Youliang Ji,Huan Lu,Yurui Liu.Sedimentary Model of Shallow Water delta and Beach Barin the Member 1 of Paleogene Funing Formationin Gaoyou sag,Subei Basin. Journal of Palaeogeography.2013,10(5):729-740.
Jingfu Shan, Youliang Ji, Lihong Jin,et. al.Sedimentary Facies Characteristic of Nantun Formation in Tarnan-Southbell Depression[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology).2013,1(1):241-250.
Changlin Shi,Youliang Ji,Lingtong Liu,Weilin Yao.Research on High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation Mode under the Control of Autocyclical and Allocyclical Fan Delta[J].Journal of Oil and Gas Technology. 2013,3(3):6-11.
Yong Zhou,Youliang Ji,Shanwen Zhang,et. al.Diagenetic and Pore Space evolution:A Case Study from the Cretaceous Jiaolai Basin[J].Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition).2013.3(2):340-350.
Youliang Ji, Zhou Yong, Shenghe Wu,et. al.Formation Mechanism and Recognizing Method of High Resolution Strata Architecture Boundary in Fluvial Strata[J].Journal of China University of Petroleum. 2012, 36(2): 9-15.
Youliang Ji,Qingshan Li,Yong Wang,et. al.Fan Delta Sedimentary and Facies Models of Dainan Formation of Paleogene in Gaoyou Sag[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment. 2012,3(34): 9-19.
Rui zhang,Youliang Ji,Wenzhen Yue,et. al.High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy for Fan Delta at Steep Slope Belt:Taking the Lower Sand Groups of the Third-submember Sedimentation of MemberⅢ of Shahejie Formation in the North Resion of Liuzan Oilfield as an Example.Science Technology and Engineering.2012,12(15):3587-3590.
Yong Zhou ,Youliang Ji,Shanwen Zhang,et. al.Characteristics and Controlling Factors on Physical Properties of Low-Permeability Sandstones of the Laiyang Formation in the Laiyang Sag,Jiaolai Basin[J].Acta Petrolei Sinica.2011,7(4):611-620.
Youliang Ji,Qi Meng,Jingfu Shan,Ge Zhang.Depositional System of Lower Nantun Formationin South Tamuchage-South Beier Sag[J].Petroleum Geology & Experiment.2011,6(3):260-265.
Youilang Ji,Chunfu Pan,Yong Zhou,et. al.Sequence Characteristics of Foreland Basin and Its Difference from Those of Other Types of Basin.2011,22(6):737-754.
Chunfu Pan,Youliang Ji,Zhiyong Gao,et. al.Research on Types and Development Models of Neocene Sequences at Southern Margin of Junggar Basin[J].Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field.2011,1(1):34-37.
Youliang Ji,Zhou Y,Kuang J,et al.The Formation and Evolution of Chepaizi-Mosuowan Paleo-Uplift and its Control on the Distributions of Sedimentary Facies in the Junggar Basin[J].Science China Press.2010, 40(10):1342-1355.
Youliang Ji,Qi'an Meng,Ruicheng Cao,et. al.Stratigraphic Architecture and Sedimentary Infilling Characteristics of the Cretaceous in Southern Tamuchage Basin,East Mongolia[J].Journal of Paleogeography.2010, 12(6):729-736.
Youliang Ji,Ruicheng Cao,Qi'an Meng,et. al.Analysis of Sequence Structure and Its Controlling Factors in Lower Cretaceous in Tanan Depression,Tamuchage Basin[J].Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. 2009, 83(6): 99-111.
Youliang Ji,Jinhu Du,Xianzheng Zhao,et. al.Sequence Stratigraphy Models and Controlling Factors of Eogene in Raoyang Depression[J].Acta Sedimentologica Sinica.2007, 25(1):1-9.
Jingfu Shan,Youliang Ji,Hailing Zhang,et. al.Research on Reservoir Heterogeneity of the Putaohua Formation,Daqing Oilfield[J].Geological Servey and Research.2006,29(2):136-144.
Youliang Ji,Jianhui Feng,Shenglang Wang,et. al.Shifting of Lake Shore Line and Lithofacies Palaeogeographic Characters during Sedimentary Period of the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Dongpu Sag[J].Journal of Paleogeography.2005,7(2):145-156.
Youliang Ji,Guangming Hu,Shanwen Zhang,Junqing Zhao,et. al.Mineralogical and Geochemical Methods in Study of Sedimentary Sequence Boundary[J].Journal of Tongji University(Earth Science Edition).2004,32(4):455-460.
Youliang Ji,Jianhui Feng,Shenglang Wang,et. al.High Frequency Lake-Level Change of 3rd Member of Shahejie Formation and Prediction of Lowstand Sand Body in Dongpu Depression[J].Geological Journal of China Universities.2003,9(1):99-111.
Youliang Ji,Chuansheng Peng,Liqiang Zhang,et. al.Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Ordovician in Kuruketage Region of Xingjiang[J].Acta Sedimentologica Sinica.2002, 4(1):43-51.