Research Center of Basin and Reservoir
Fujie Jiang., Prof. Dr.
College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum-Beijing,
18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing 102249, China
Tel: 010-89732310
Email: jiangfj@cup.edu.cn
Fujie Jiang was born in 1979 in Heilongjiang Province, China. His undergraduate studies in Geological Exploration of Oil and Gas (1998-2002) were at Northeast Petroleum University, Heilongjiang Province, China. His master in Mineral Reconnaissance and Exploration (2002-2005) and his Ph.D. in Geological Resources & Geological Engineering (2005-2008) were at China University of Petroleum-Beijing. He has been an associate professor since June 2013, and Full professor since July 2018 in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering at the Department of Geosciences of the China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
Petroleum Basin Analysis and Resource Evaluation
Distribution and Formation Mechanism of Reservoirs
Mechanism and Model of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs
Forming Mechanism and Distribution Pattern of Shale Gas
Undergraduate: Exploration of Oil & Gas Field (2011-Present)
Petroleum Geology (2010-Present)
Graduate: Geology Engineering and Evaluation of Petroleum Exploration (2013-2016)
Associate Editor:
Petroleum Science Associate Editor (August 2019 to present)
Journal Reviewer:
Reviewer for: AAPG Bulletin, Fuel, Energy & Fuels, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Natural Resources Research, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Interpretation, Geoscience Frontiers, Journal of African Earth Sciences RESEARCH PROJECTS ACCOMPLISHED AND ONGOING
1) National Science and Technology Major Project: Mechanisms and quantitative characterization of hydrocarbon generation and pore formation of organic matters in salt-bearing shale strata, Principal Investigator (2019.01-2022.12).
2) Petro China Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Langfang Project: Evaluation of the geological conditions and exploration potential of Upper Paleozoic coalbed gas in east Ordos Basin, Principal Investigator (2019.5-2020.8).
3) National Science and Technology Major Project: Geological evaluation and target optimization of tight gas in Tarim Basin, Pringcipal Investigator (2016.01-2020.12)
4) National Science and Technology Major Project: Dynamic mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation and fine evaluation of residual resources in Nanpu Sag, China, Associate Investigator (2017.11-2019.12)
1) Petro China Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Langfang Project: Hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and enrichment regularity of Benxi Formation, Ordos Basin, Pringcipal Investigator (2018.03-2019.08).
2) Sinopec Key Science and Technology Project: Study of hydrocarbon accumulation and reserves increase in Dongpu depression, Associate Investigator (2015.08-2018.03)
3) National Natural Science Foundation of China: Residual oil and gas in source rocks and its influence on oil and gas potential in shale during hydrocarbon generation, Principal Investigator (2016.01-2016.12)
4) PetroChina Innovation Foundation: Mechanisms and evaluation model of shale gas storage and emission, Principal Investigator (2014.07-2016.06)
5) Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project: Model of shale gas reservoir evaluation based on the function of residual gas in source rocks, Principal Investigator (2013.07-2016.02)
6) National Science Foundation for Young Scholars of China: Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Accumulations of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Principal Investigator (2012.01-2014.12)
7) New Teacher Fund from Doctoral Program of Ministry of Education of China: Hydrodynamic Mechanism and Mode of Accumulations of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, Principal Investigator (2012.01-2014.12)
8) State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (973): Superposition and Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Deep Parts of Tarim Basin, Principal Investigtor (2011-2015).
9) Special Programs for Survey and Evaluation of Strategic Block Selection of National Petroleum Resources from the Ministry of Land and Resources: Comprehensive Study and Map Compilation of Shale Gas in North and Northeast China, Principal Investigator (2012-2013).
10) Special Programs for Survey and Evaluation of Strategic Block Selection of National Petroleum Resources from the Ministry of Land and Resources: Survey and Block Selection of Shale Gas Resources in Mesozoic, Tarim Basin, Associate Investigator (2011-2013).
11) Scientific Research Starting Fund for Young Scholars of University Research Programs in Xinjiang Autonomous Region: Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Conditions and its Distribution Mode in Southern Foreland Basin, Junggar Basin, Principal Investigator (2009.01-2010.12).
Fujie Jiang*, Chunlin Zhang , Ke Wang, Zhengfu Zhao , and KesuZhong. Characteristics of micropores, pore throats, and movable fluids in the tight sandstone oil reservoirs of the Yanchang Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, China[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 2019, DOI:10.1306/03061917284.
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang*, Longlong Li, Qiaochu Wang, Yuexia Dong, Tao Hu, Lijun Chen, Jian Chen, Yingxun Wang. Petroleum resources in the Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 2018, 102(7): 1213-1237.SCI
Fujie Jiang*, Tao Hu, Luofu Liu, Qifeng Wang, Xiaoyue Gao, Pengyuan Zhang, Hui Li, KangchaoNing, Ying Liu, ChenxiZhu.Geochemical and geological characteristics of the Jurassic continental black shale in the Southwestern Depression of TarimBasin[J]. Geological Journal, 2018, 3. DOI:10.1002/gj.3212. SCI
F. Jiang*, Q. Wang, L. Liu, X. Gao, and T. Hu. Geological and geochemical characteristics of the Middle–Lower Jurassic shales in the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin: an evaluation of shale gas resources[J]. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018, 65(4): 557–573.SCI
FujieJiang*, JianChen, ZiyangXu, ZhifangWang, TaoHu, DiChen, QinglinLi, YaxiLi. Organic Matter Pore Characterization in Lacustrine Shales with Variable Maturity Using Nanometer-Scale Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography[J].Energy & Fuels,2017,31(3):2669-2680.SCI
Jian Chen, Fujie Jiang*, Tao Hu, Zhifang Wang, Ziyang Xu, Junwen Peng, Di Chen, LonglongLi.Experimental investigation of the characteristics of organic matter pores in Chang 7 member lacustrine shale from the Ordos Basin due to organic matter evolution induced by hydrous pyrolysis[J].Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,2016,35:412-424. SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang*, Jing Bai, Xinhuai Zhou, Jianping Li, and YonghuaGuo.Comprehensive assessment of source rocks in the Bohai Sea area, eastern China[J]. AAPG Bulletin, 2016, 100(06): 969-1002. SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Di Chen, Jian Chen, Qianwen Li, Ying Liu, Xinhe Shao, Tao Hu, JinxiongDai.Fractal Analysis of Shale Pore Structure of Continental Gas Shale Reservoir in the Ordos Basin, NW China[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2016,30(6):4676-89. SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Di Chen, Zhifang Wang, Ziyang Xu, Jian Chen, Li Liu, YuyingHuyan, Ying Liu.Pore characteristic analysis of a lacustrine shale: A case study in the Ordos Basin, NW China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016,73:554-571. SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, FengtaoGuo, JigangGuo.Critical conditions for natural gas charging and delineation of effective gas source rocks for tight sandstone reservoirs[J]. Geological Journal, 2016,51(1): 113-124.SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, Sa Yu, Tao Hu, Jing Bai, Guomeng Han, BoyuanLi.Charging history of Paleogene deep gas in the Qibei sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2015,67:617-634.SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, JigangGuo, Xinhuai Zhou, Xiaohui Zhou, Dandan Liu, Pengwei Wang. Identification and hydrocarbon expulsion history simulation of the effective source rocks in the Dongying Formation, Paleogene, Bohai Sea area, eastern China[J].Revista Mexicana De CienciasGeológicas, 2013, 30(2): 355-370.SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, JigangGuo.Quantitative analysis model and application of the hydrocarbon distribution threshold[J ].ActaGeologicaSinica (EnglishEdition),2013,87(1):232-242. SCI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, Xuecheng Ouyang, Jigang Guo, Cong Jin, Zhipeng Huo, Qing Wang. The main progress and problems of shale gas study and the potential prediction of shale gas exploration in China. Geoscience Frontiers, 2012, 19(2):198-211.
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang. Quantitative evaluation of hydrocarbon resource potential and its distribution in the Bozhong Sag and surrounding areas, Bohai Bay Basin[J].Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011, 38(1):23-29.SCI; EI
Fujie Jiang*, Xiongqi Pang, QingyangMeng, Xiaohui Zhou. A method of identifying effective source rocks and its application in the Bozhong Depression, Bohai Sea, China[J].Petroleum Science, 2010,7(4):458-465.SCI
2018 First Prize of Innovation Project of Industry, Education and Research in China.
2017 Science and Technology Prize to Young Geological Workers of Geological Society of China
2016 Two Second Prize and one Third Prize of China Petroleum and Chemical Education and Science Research Papers.
2016 Ethics Model of Teachers from 2014-2016 of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
2015 Excellent Teaching Award of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
2015 First Prize in the 9th Young Teachers’ Teaching Basic Skill Thesis Contest and of univeristies in Beijing.
2014 First Prize of Progress in Science and Technology of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.
2014 First Prize of Innovation Project of Industry, Education and Research in China.
2014 Prominent Teacher of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
2013 Innovative Team of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.
2013 Selected into Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project.
2013 Second Prize in the 9th Young Teachers’ Teaching Basic Skill Contest and The Most Popular Teacher of univeristies in Beijing.
2013 Excellent Works in the 1st session of Online Course Teaching Competition of Ministry of Education (Beijing District).
2013 Honored 3rd session of Excellent Young Teachers of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
2013 First Prize in the 1st session of Online Course Teaching Competition of China University of Petroleum-Beijinhg.
2011 First Prize in the “Hongda Cup” Competition of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.
2011 First Prize in the 9th Young Teachers’ Teaching Basic Skill Contest of China University of Petroleum.
2011 Excellent Paper Award of the Fourth Session China Petroleum Geological Annual Academic Forum for Young Scholars.
2010 Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress in the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.
2010 Beijing Excellent Teaching Team Prize.
2010 First Prize for Excellent Paper in the 8th session of Beijing Petroleum Society Academic Forum for Young Scholars.
2009 Outstanding Volunteered Tearche of College of Geological and Exploration Engineering, Xinjiang University.
2009 Excellent Doctor Degree Dissertation of China University of Petroleum.