Research Center of Basin and Reservoir
Ph. D., Mineral Resources Survey and Exploration, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, 2003
M. S., Petroleum Organic Geochemistry, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, China, 1997
B. S., Chemistry, Xihua Normal University, Sichuan, China, 1994
Reservoir geochemistry
Oxygen, sulfur-heterocyclic aromatics in oil and sedimentary organic matter
Biomarkers in lacustrine and marine sedimentary basins
Molecular organic geochemistry in the study of ancient life evolution and geological events
Petroleum geology
Program Supervised for
M.S. in Geology, Geological Engineering
Ph.D. in Geology,
Environmental Chemistry, for undergraduate students
Introduction to Organic Geochemistry, for undergraduate students
Petroleum Geochemistry, for undergraduates
Geochemical Experimental Method and Data Processing, for graduates
Scientific Paper Writing in English, for graduates
Previous Teaching/Working Experiences
2011/06-2012/06, Visiting Scientist in U.S. Geological Survey (Denver)
2006/06-2006/10, Visiting Scientist in Canadian Geological Survey (Calgary)
2013/06-present, Professor in Geology, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
2008/06-2013/05, Associate Professor in Organic Geochemistry, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
2005/06-2008/05, Assistant Professor in Organic Geochemistry, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
2003/09-2005/06, Postdoctoral Researcher, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
1997/07-2000/08, Geochemist, Liaohe Oilfield, China National Petroleum Company, Liaoning, China
Professional Affiliations
Member: America Chemistry Society (ACS), 2013-pesent
Member: American Association of Petroleum Geologists(AAPG), 2001-present
Member: Chinese Petroleum Society, 2008-present
Associate Editor: Petroleum Sciences, 2017-present
E-mail: meijunli2008@hotmail.com; meijunli@cup.edu.cn
Tel.: (86)-10-8973 1709;
Fax: (86)-10-8973 1109;
Address of office: College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
No. 18 Fuxue Rd., Changping District, Beijing, 102249, P.R.China
[42]Li, M.*, Liu, X., Wang, T.-G., Jiang, W., Fang, R., Yang, L., Tang, Y., 2018. Fractionation of dibenzofurans during subsurface petroleum migration: Based on molecular dynamics simulation and reservoir geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry, 115, 220-232.
[41] Fang, R., Li, M., Wang, T.G., Liu, X., Yuan, Y., Jiang, W., Wang, D., Shi, S., 2017.Trimethyldibenzothiophenes: Molecular tracers for filling pathways in oil reservoir. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 159, 451-460.
[40] Song, D., Wang, T.G., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ou, G., Ni, Z., Yang, F., Yang, C., 2017.Geochemistry and charge history of oils from the Yuqi area of Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,79, 81-98.
[39] Chen, Z., Yang, Y., Wang, T.G., Cheng, B., Li, M., Luo, B., Chen, Y., Ni, Z., Yang, C., Chen, T., Fang, R., Wang, M., 2017. Dibenzothiophenes in solid bitumens: Use of molecular markers to trace paleo-oil filling orientations in the Lower Cambrian reservoir of the Moxi–Gaoshiti Bulge, Sichuan Basin, southern China. Organic Geochemistry, 2017, 108, 94-112.
[38] Yang, L., Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G, Liu, X., Jiang, W., Fang, R., Lai, H., 2017. Phenyldibenzofurans and Methyldibenzofurans in Source Rocks and Crude Oils, and Their Implications for Maturity and Depositional Environment. Energy & Fuels, 31(3), 2513-2523.
[37] Fang, R., Li, M.*, Lü, H., Wang, T., Yuan, Y., Liu, Y., Ni Z., 2016. Oil charging history and pathways of the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Tuoputai region, Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science, (4):1-14.
[36] Li, M.*, Wang, H., Shi, S., Fang, R., Tang, Q., Wang, D., 2016. The occurrence and distribution of phenylnaphthalenes, terphenyls and quaterphenyls in selected lacustrine shales and related oils in China. Organic Geochemistry, 95, 55-70.
[35] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G, Li, H., Fang, R., Yang,L., Shi, S., Kuang, J., 2016. The occurrence and geochemical significance of phenylnaphthalenes and terphenyls in oils and condensates from the Yakela Faulted-Uplift, Tarim Basin (China). Energy & Fuels, 30 (6),4457–4466.
[34] Fang, R., Wang, T.-G., Li, M.*, Xiao, Z., Zhang, B., Huang, S., Shi, S., Wang, D., Deng, W., 2016. Dibenzothiophenes and benzonaphthothiophenes: Molecular markers for tracing oil filling pathways in the carbonate reservoir of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 91, 68-80.
[33] Xiao, Z., Li, M.*, Huang, S., Wang, T.-G., Zhang, B., Fang, R., Zhang, K., Ni, Z., Zhao, Q., Wang, D., 2016. Source, oil charging history and filling pathways of the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Halahatang Oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 73, 59-71.
[32] Huang, S., Li, M.*, Zhang, K., Wang, T.-G., Xiao, Z., Fang, R., Zhang, B., Wang, D., Zhao, Q., Yang, F., 2016. The distribution and geochemical significance of phenylphenanthrenes and their isomers in selected oils and rock extracts from the Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science,
[31] Yang, L., Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Shi, Y.,2016. Dibenzothiophenes and benzonaphthothiophenes in oils, and their application in identifying oil filling pathways in Eocene lacustrine clastic reservoirs in the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 146:1026-1036.
[30] Ni, Z., Wang T.-G., Li, M., Fang, R., Li, Q., Tao,X., Cao, W., 2016. An examination of the fluid inclusions of the well RP3-1 at the Halahatang Sag in Tarim Basin, northwest China: Implications for hydrocarbon charging time and fluid evolution, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 146, 326-339.
[29] Liu, X., He, X., Qiu, N., Yang, X., Tian, Z., Li, M., Xue, Y., 2016. Molecular simulation of CH4, CO2, H2O and N2 molecules adsorptionon heterogeneous surface models of coal. Applied Surface Science, 389: 895-905.
[28] Yang, F., Wang, T.-G., Li, M., 2016 Oil filling history of the Mesozoic oil reservoir in the Tabei Uplift of Tarim Basin, NW China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 142, 129-140.
[27] Song, D., Wang, T.-G., Li, M., 2016. Geochemistry and possible origin of the hydrocarbons from Wells Zhongshen1 and Zhongshen, Tazhong Uplift, Science China: Earth Sciences, 46(1): 107-117.
[26] Li, M.*, Ellis,G.S., 2015. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of dibenzofuran, alkyldibenzofurans, and benzo[b]naphthofurans in crude oils and source rock extracts, Energy &Fuels, 29 (3), 1421–1430.
[25] Fang, R., Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G, Zhang, L., Shi, S., 2015. Identification and distribution of pyrene, methylpyrenes and their isomers in rock extracts and crude oils. Organic Geochemistry, 83–84, 65-76.
[24] Song, D., Wang, T.-G., Li, M., 2015. Source of the condensates from the Hetianhe Field and the genetic relationship between the condensates and their associated gases. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(9): 1566-1576.
[22]Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Shi, S., Liu, K., Ellis, G., 2014. Benzo[b]naphthothiophenes and alky dibenzothiophenes: molecular tracers for oil migration distances. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57, 403-417.
[21] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Shi, S., Zhu, L., Fang, R., 2014. The oil maturity assessment by maturity indicators based on methylated dibenzothiophenes. Petroleum Science, 11, 234-246.
[20] Li, M.*, Simoneit, B.R.T., Zhong, N., Fang, R., 2013. The distribution and origin of dimethyldibenzothiophenes in sediment extracts from the Liaohe Basin, East China. Organic Geochemistry, 65, 63-73.
[19] Li, M.*, Wang, T., Zhong, N., Zhang, W., Sadik, A., Li, H., 2013. Ternary diagram of fluorenes, dibenzothiophenes and dibenzofurans: Indicating depositional environment of crude oil source rocks. Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, 31, 569-588.
[18] Li, M.*, Zhong, N., Shi, S., Zhu, L. Tang, Y., 2013. The origin of trimethyldibenzothiophenes and their application as maturity indictors in sediments from the Liaohe Basin, East China. Fuel, 103, 299-307.
[17] Song, D., Li, M., Wang, T.-G., 2013. Geochemical studies of the Silurian oil reservoir in the Well Shun-9 prospect area, Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Science, 10, 432-441.
[16] Cui, J., Wang, T.-G., Li, M., Ou, G., Geng, F., Hu, J., 2013. Oil filling history of the Bashituo Oilfield in the Markit Slope, SW Tarim Basin, China. Petroleum Science, 10, 58-64.
[15] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Simoneit, B.R.T., Shi, S., Zhang, L., Yang, F., 2012. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of dibenzothiophene, its methylated homologues, and benzonaphthothiophenes in crude oils, coal, and sediment extract. Journal of Chromatography A, 1233, 126-136.
[13] Li, M.*, Shi, S., Wang, T.-G., 2012. Identification and distribution of chrysene, methylchrysenes and their isomers in crude oils and rock extracts. Organic Geochemistry, 52, 55-66.
[12] Li, M.*, Shi, S., Wang, T.-G., Zhong, N., Wang, G., Cui, J., 2012. The occurrence and distribution of phenylphenanthrenes, phenylanthracenes and binaphthyls in Palaeozoic to Cenozoic shales from China. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 2560-2569.
[11] Cui, J., Wang, T.-G., Zou, C., Li, M., Li, N., Hu, J., 2012. Geochemical characteristics and oil-source correlation of oil-sand extracts of Kelatuo Anticline in the northern Kashi Sag, NW Tarim Basin, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 30, 609-622.
[10] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Chen, J., He, F., Yun, L., Akbar, S., Zhang, W., 2010. Paleo-heat flow evolution of the Tabei Uplift in Tarim Basin, northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 37, 52-66.
[9] Li, M*., Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Zhang, M., Lu, H., Ma, Q., Gao, L., 2010. Alkyl Naphthalenes and Phenanthrenes: Molecular Markers for Tracing Filling Pathways of Light Oil and Condensate Reservoirs. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 84, 1294-1305.
[8] Wang, T.-G., Dai, S., Li, M., Zhang, W., Qiu, N., Wang, G., 2010. Enlightenment of stratigraphic thermo-history to regional geo-evolution research in Tarim Basin, NW China. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 53, 1407-1564.
[7] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Zhang, M., Lu, H., Ma, Q., Gao, L., 2009. Biomarker 17α(H)-diahopane: A geochemical tool to study the petroleum system of a Tertiary lacustrine basin, Northern South China Sea. Applied Geochemistry, 24, 172-183.
[6] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Lu, H., Wu, W., Gao, L., 2008. Occurrence and origin of carbon dioxide in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 25, 500-513.
[5] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Zhang, M., Lu, H., Ma, Q., Gao, L., 2008. The Occurrence of Oleananes in the Beibuwan Basin and Its Application to the Study of Maturity and Oil-Source Rock Correlation, Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 82, 585-595.
[4] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Zhang, M., Lu, H., Ma, Q., Gao, L., 2008. Total alkyl dibenzothiophenes content tracing the filling pathway of condensate reservoir in the Fushan Depression, South China Sea. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51(Supl), 138-145.
[3] Wang, T.-G., Li, M., Wang, C., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Shi, Q., Zhu, L., 2008. Organic molecular evidence in the Late Neoproterozoic Tillites for a palaeo-oceanic environment during the snowball earth era in the Yangtze region, southern China. Precambrian Research, 162, 317-326.
[2] Li, M.*, Wang, T.-G., Liu, J., Zhang, M., Lu, H., Ma, Q., Gao, L., 2007. Characteristics of oil and gas accumulation in Yong’an-Meitai area of the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea.Petroleum Science, 4, 23-33.
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