2008/09 -2013/06,中国石油大学(北京),工商管理学院管理系,博士(硕博连读),导师:罗东坤
1. 国家自然科学基金,碳排放约束下化石能源生产补贴退出机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,在研,主持。
2. 教育部人文社科基金,资源型集群与区域创新网络的耦合机理及协同发展对策研究, 2018/07-2021/12,在研,参加。
3. 中石油科学技术研究院委托项目,中小油气公司数据平台建设,2018/5-2019/5,已结题,参加。
4. 中石油科学技术研究院委托项目,海外勘探项目多维度资产优化方法研究,2017/11-2018/11,已结题,参加。
5. 中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金,海外油气勘探开发一体化技术经济评价方法研究,2015/01-2017/12,已结题,主持。
6. OECD知识产权服务项目,Review on upstream oil and gas models,2013/11-2014/01,已结题,主持。
7. 国家社科基金重大项目,基于中国石油安全视角的海外油气资源接替战略研究,2012/01-2015/12,已结题,参加。
(1) Xu Zhao*, Carol A. Dahl, Dongkun Luo. How OECD countries subsidize oil and natural gas producers and modeling the consequences: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, 2019, 104: 111-126.
(2) Xu Zhao*, Dongkun Luo, Kun Lu, Xiaoyu Wang, Carol Dahl. How the removal of producer subsidies influences oil and gas extraction: A case study in the Gulf of Mexico. Energy, 2019, 166: 1000-1012.
(3) Xu Zhao*, Dongkun Luo. Forecasting fossil energy consumption structure toward low-carbon and sustainable economy in China: Evidence and policy responses. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2018, 22: 303-312.
(4) Xiaoyu Wang, Dongkun Luo, Xu Zhao, Zhu Sun. Estimates of energy consumption in China using a self-adaptive multi-verse optimizer-based support vector machine with rolling cross-validation. Energy, 152: 539-548.
(5) Xu Zhao*, Dongkun Luo. Driving force of rising renewable energy in China: Environment, regulation and employment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 68:48-56.
(6) Rui Guo, Dongkun Luo, Xu Zhao, Jianliang Wang. Integrated Evaluation Method-Based Technical and Economic Factors for International Oil Exploration Projects. Sustainability, 2016, 8(2).
(7) Dongkun Luo, Xu Zhao*. Modeling optimal oil production path under risk service contract. Petroleum Science. 2013, 10(4): 596-602.
(8) Xu Zhao*, Dongkun Luo, Liangyu Xia. Modelling optimal production rate with contract effects for international oil development projects. Energy, 2012, 45(1): 662-668.
(9) Dongkun Luo, Xu Zhao*. Modeling the operating costs for petroleum exploration and development projects. Energy 2012, 40(1): 189-195.
(1) Xu Zhao. Optimal timing of phasing out fossil fuel producer subsidies. 40th IAEE international conference, Singapore, June 18-22, 2017.
(2) Xu Zhao, Carol A. Dahl. How OECD countries subsidizes oil and natural gas producers and modelling the consequences. 37th IAEE international conference, New York, June 15-18, 2014.
1. 基于石油安全和油气资源经济评价的海外投资战略,省部级三等奖,商务部,2018.6
2. 海外油气投资经济评价方法,省部级一等奖,中国石油和化学工业联合会,2018.1
3. 基于中国石油安全视角的海外油气资源接替战略研究,省部级二等奖,国家能源局,2016.12