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我院新入职学科博后涂海银在国际顶级学术期刊Journal of Management Studies发表论文

近期,经济管理学院学科博后涂海银以第一作者身份在Journal of Management Studies (JMS)上发表合作论文“The Cost of Dancing with the Government: A Conservation of Resources Theory of Political Networking and CEO Burnout”,这项研究的合作者为北京大学光华管理学院的仲为国副教授和南京财经大学的顾远东教授和周文莉副教授。JMS是管理学领域的国际顶级期刊,是金融时报评定出的50本商学院顶级期刊之一(Financial Times 50 Journals,简称FT50),也是ABS四星期刊,中科院SSCI分区1区期刊,五年影响因子为14.7。FT50与UTD24同为国际经济管理领域公认的顶级学术期刊列表,该文章是继学院2022年在UTD24国际顶级期刊M&SOM上发文后的又一新的突破。近年来,学院在UTD24、FT50、PNAS、Nature子刊、Cell子刊、JEEM等国际公认顶级学术期刊获得持续科研成果发表,有力地支撑了经济管理学科建设。



尽管以往有关企业政治活动(CPA)阴暗面的研究从 CPA 的宏观成本(即组织损失)和高管的利己动机(即个人收益)的角度考察了 CPA 对企业的负面影响,但在很大程度上忽略了 CPA 对密切参与该过程的个人的负面影响(即个人损失)。本文借鉴资源保护(COR)理论,以参与政治网络(PN)的首席执行官(CEO)为研究对象,探讨 PN 如何影响 CEO 的职业倦怠。本文将政治网络概念化为公司与政治实体之间的一种关系交换形式,并假设政治网络会导致深度参与其中的人资源大量耗竭,这主要是由于重大的伦理道德挑战(即身份威胁)。随着政治社交的加剧,CEO不得不分配更多的时间、精力和能量来应对这些不断升级的挑战,从而加剧了CEO的职业倦怠。通过对为期两年的CEO匹配调查和二手数据的分析,本文的假设得到了有力的支持。此外,本文的研究结果表明,CEO的利他主义和制度知识削弱了PN与CEO职业倦怠之间的关系,表明个人造福集体的意图和驾驭这种网络实践的能力改变了CEO感知到的身份挑战。本文的研究为 CPA 提供了一种个人层面的资源耗竭视角,并提醒人们注意 CEO 在马基雅维利逻辑驱动下参与CPA的倾向。

Although prior research on the dark side of corporate political activity (CPA) has examined the negative impact of CPA on firms from the perspective of the macro cost of CPA (i.e., organizational loss) and the self-interested motives of executives (i.e., personal gain), it has largely overlooked the negative repercussions of CPA for individuals intimately engaged in that process (i.e., personal loss). Drawing on the conservation of resources (COR) theory and focusing on Chief Executives Officers (CEOs) who engage in political networking (PN), we investigate how PN affects CEO burnout. We conceptualize PN as a form of relational exchanges between firms and political entities, positing that PN entails substantial resource depletion for those deeply involved, primarily due to significant ethical and moral challenges (i.e., identity threat). As PN intensifies, CEOs are compelled to allocate more time, effort and energy to navigate these escalating challenges, consequently exacerbating CEO burnout. Through the analysis of a two-year matched survey of CEOs and comprehensive archive data, we find robust support for our hypothesis. Furthermore, our findings suggest that CEO altruism and institutional knowledge weaken the relationship between PN and CEO burnout, indicating that individual intentions to benefit the collective and the ability to navigate such networking practices alter CEOs’ perceived identity challenges. Our study contributes an individual-level resource-depletion perspective of CPA and cautions against the propensity of CEOs to engage in CPA driven by Machiavellian logic.


涂海银博士,中国石油大学(北京)经济管理学院学科博后,南京大学商学院博士。研究领域:人工智能、数字经济、企业ESG和国际化战略。在Journal of Management Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Management等国内外重要期刊上发表多篇论文,同时担任多个期刊的匿名审稿人。