首页» 过刊浏览» 2016» Vol. 1» Issue (1) 171-174     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2016.01.012
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中国石油大学(北京)重质油国家重点实验室,北京 102249
Challenges and key technologies in development of natural gas hydrates
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  天然气水合物具有能量密度大、分布广、储量大的特点,是未来的理想清洁能源,也被认为是常规能源的替代者。多个国家都将天然气水合物开发列入国家发展计划当中,并展开了一系列的基础研究以及试采实验。但现阶段的理论以及技术积累远不能应对实现天然气水合物商业开发带来的诸多挑战:1)天然气水合物储层特殊性导致开发易诱发环境和地质灾害,同时存在开采效率低的问题;2)现有钻完井技术装备难以满足水合物储层开发的需求,需要专门配套;3)水合物开发过程中产水量大,井下气水快速分离困难;4)没有成熟的办法来提高开采能效以保证水合物开发的经济性。为了克服以上困难,实现安全高效的开采天然气水合物,应该发展如下4 项关键技术:天然气水合物储层改造与保护技术;天然气水合物储层钻完井技术;井下气水快速分离技术与装备;提高水合物开采能效技术。
关键词 : 天然气水合物; 开发; 储层改造与保护; 钻完井; 气水分离; 能效

  Natural gas hydrate is a possible clean and sustainable energy source because of its high energy density, wide distribution and enormous reserves. Many countries have included the exploitation of gas hydrate in their national development plan and have carried out studies of basic properties of natural gas hydrate and field tests in permafrost and on the seafloor. However, the present theories and technologies are not enough to overcome the challenges for commercial production. These are: 1) Environmental and geological risks and low gas production efficiency. 2) Lack of drilling and completion technologies for natural gas hydrate. 3) Difficulty in separation of gas and water for mass water yield during production of gas hydrate. 4) No solutions for economic production of gas hydrate with high energy efficiency. To realize the safe and efficient production of gas hydrate, the following four key technologies need to be investigated: Reconstruction and protection of gas hydrate reservoirs; Specialized drilling and completion technologies; Technologies for rapid efficient downhole separation of gas and water; Enhancement of energy efficiency.

Key words: natural gas hydrate ; exploitation ; reservoir reconstruction and protection ; drilling and completion ; gas and water separation ; energy efficiency
收稿日期: 2018-05-30     
李楠,王晓辉,吕一宁,孙长宇,陈光进. 天然气水合物开发面临的挑战及关键技术[J]. 石油科学通报, 2016, 1(1): 171-174. LI Nan, WANG Xiaohui, LV Yining, SUN Changyu, CHEN Guangjin. Challenges and key technologies in development of natural gas hydrates. 石油科学通报, 2016, 1(1): 171-174.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社