2025年3月13日 星期四
首页» 过刊浏览» 2016» Vol. 1» Issue (3) 353-362     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2016.03.030
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1中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室,北京 102249 2西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,成都 610500
Experimental research into fracture propagation of complex lithologies in fractured tight oil reservoirs
ZHANG Ran, LI Gensheng, GUO Jianchun
1 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China

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摘要  我国部分含天然裂缝的混合岩性致密油储层受岩石非均质性的影响,压裂裂缝起裂与延伸规律复杂,裂缝形态认识不清,采用北美缝网压裂思路进行增产改造后产量差异较大。为此,本文采用岩性复杂、天然裂缝发育的大港油田沧东孔二段致密油储层井下岩样,进行三轴力学测试、矿物组分测试和CT扫描,对储层岩样的力学参数、矿物组分和天然裂缝展布情况进行了分析,选取其中含有水平、低角度、高角度和复杂天然裂缝的井下岩样进行真三轴压裂实验,并采用CT扫描对压裂裂缝进行监测,以研究含天然裂缝的混合岩性致密油储层压裂裂缝起裂与扩展规律。实验结果表明:(1)根据对压裂效果的有利程度,可将压后裂缝形态分为以下3类:水力单缝、沿天然裂缝开启和复杂裂缝;(2)天然裂缝是压后裂缝形态的主要控制因素;(3)实验中,水力裂缝遭遇天然裂缝时出现3种延伸模式:沿天然裂缝张开、穿过天然裂缝(直接穿过、转向后穿过)、被天然裂缝阻断,应力差大小决定了以上3种延伸模式;(4)天然裂缝发育程度严重影响破裂压力和压裂液滤失量。实验结果对认识含天然裂缝的混合岩性致密油储层压裂裂缝形态,评价此类储层缝网压裂效果提供了依据。
关键词 : 致密油压裂; 天然裂缝; 裂缝形态; CT扫描; 缝网压裂; 真三轴压裂实验

  In the Cangdong Depression of the Dagang Oilfield, the lithology of tight oil reservoirs in the Kong-2 member of the Kongdian Formation includes shales, sandstones, carbonate rocks and transitionalmigmatites. Its lithologyis complex and variable, with strong heterogeneity. The reservoirs are mainly middle-porosity to low-porosity, and extra-low to ultra-low permeability, which have developed certain stratification and natural fractures. Previously, the concept of network fracturing was introduced. This led to the effective implementation of combined fracturing fluids and multiple sand fracturing techniques, which achieved some progress in tight oil fracturing. However, due to the heterogeneity of reservoir rocks, there is a lack of understanding on the ability of each layer to form fracture networks. This has resulted in significant differences in the effectiveness of different well fractures. In view of this, downhole rock specimens from Cangdong tight oil reservoirs were used for triaxial mechanical testing, mineral composition testing, and CT scanning. Based on these tests, the mechanical parameters, mineral composition and natural fracture distribution of the reservoir rock specimens were analyzed. Rock specimens with either horizontal, low-angle, high-angle or complex natural fractures were selected for true triaxial fracture testing. In addition, CT scans were performed to monitor the fractures. Our aim was to investigate the patterns of fracture initiation and propagation in the tight oil reservoirs of the Cangdong Sag. The experimental results show that: (1) Based on the effectiveness of fracturing, the fractures can be categorized into three forms: single hydraulic fractures, initiation along natural fractures, and complex fractures. (2) The primary factor controlling the pattern of hydraulic fracturing is the natural fractures inthe Kong-2 member ofthe Kongdian Formation. (3) In the experiments, when hydraulic fractures encountered natural fractures, there were three propagation modes: opening along natural fractures, penetration through natural fractures (direct penetration or penetration after changing direction), and obstruction by natural fractures. The difference in principal stress determines the mode for fracture propagation. (4) The development degree of natural fractures significantly influenced the fracturing pressure and fracture-fluid loss. These results can serve as a reliable basis to understand the fracture patterns of tight oil reservoirs in the Cangdong Depression of the Dagang Oilfield, and to assess the effectiveness of network fracturing techniques in reservoirs.

Key words: tight oil fracturing ; natural fractures ; fracture patterns ; CT scan ; network fracturing techniques ; true triaxial fracture testing
收稿日期: 2016-10-08     
通讯作者: ligs@cup.edu.cn
张然,李根生,郭建春. 含裂缝混合岩性致密油储层压裂裂缝起裂与扩展实验研究[J]. 石油科学通报, 2016, 1(3): 353-362. ZHANG Ran, LI Gensheng, GUO Jianchun. Experimental research into fracture propagation of complex lithologies in fractured tight oil reservoirs. 石油科学通报, 2016, 1(3): 353-362.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社