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High resolution chemically enhanced oil recovery simulation using higher order differential schemes
ZHU Zhouyuan1,4, LI Minghui2, LEI Zhengdong3, CHEN Zhangxing1,4

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摘要  油藏数值模拟的精度取决于网格尺寸,网格越小,模拟结果的精度越高,结果越趋近于收敛。大尺寸网格往往伴随着严重的数值扩散现象。化学驱作为一种复杂的提高采收率过程,由于其复杂的机理(如乳液的相态变化),往往需要很小尺寸的网格以获得精确的模拟结果。本文重点探讨使用高阶格式来改进化学驱模拟的精度。首先对提高油藏数值模拟精度的主流方法进行了全面的分析,包括网格粗化方法、自适应网格加密方法和高阶格式方法。考虑到化学驱模拟的特点,本文选用高阶格式方法对化学驱模拟的精度进行改进提升。随后测试了一维、二维和三维矿场尺度的ASP三元复合驱模拟问题,结果发现模拟的精度高度依赖于所用的网格尺寸。为了获得接近收敛的结果,化学驱所需的网格尺寸远小于水驱模拟。一维化学驱中,网格越粗,表面活性剂分布越“平均化”,最终采收率越低。使用二阶和三阶格式,一维、二维和三维矿场尺度三元复合驱模型测试的模拟精度均有大幅提升。使用较粗的网格及高精度格式,即可获得与细网格类似的精度。高精度格式为降低数值黏性、提高精度、降低模拟所需网格数和计算时间,提供了有效的解决办法。该方法也有助于大型油田化学驱的快速精确数值模拟、历史拟合、优化等技术的顺利实施。
关键词 : 油藏数值模拟;化学驱;模拟精度;高阶格式;数值模拟效率

The accuracy of reservoir simulation depends on the grid block sizes: the smaller the grid sizes, the higher the
modeling accuracy, and also the closer towards the converged result. Using large sized grid blocks is often associated with severe
numerical diffusion. Chemical flood is a complex Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) process. Due to its complex mechanisms (the
emulsion phase behavior as an example), chemical EOR often requires very small grid blocks to achieve accurate simulation
results. In this work, we explore the possibility of using higher order numerical schemes to improve the accuracy of chemical
EOR simulations. First, we conduct a comprehensive review of the three major methods for improving the reservoir simulation
accuracy, including the upscaling method, adaptive mesh refinement and the use of higher order schemes. Considering the
particular problem of chemical flooding, we choose the use of a higher order scheme as our approach to solve this accuracy
improvement problem. Furthermore, we tested the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Alkaline Surfactant Polymer (ASP)
flood simulation problems. We found the simulation accuracy highly dependent on the grid block sizes used. In order to obtain
close to convergent results, chemical EOR requires much smaller grid blocks than normal water flood simulations. In one-dimensional
chemical EOR modeling, the larger the grids, the more artificial averaging we observe for key physical properties such as
surfactant concentrations, which ultimately lead to less recovery. Finally, by using second and third order numerical schemes,
we have found great enhancement in modeling accuracy when simulating one-dimensional and two-dimensional ASP flooding.
Using a coarse grid and higher order schemes may get the similar level of accuracy as fine grid simulation. Higher order schemes
serve as powerful solution to reducing numerical viscosity, increasing accuracy, reducing the required number of grid blocks and computational time. This method shall also assist the implementation of fast and accurate field scale chemical EOR simulations,
history matching, and optimizations.

Key words: reservoir simulation; chemical flooding; simulation accuracy; higher order differential scheme; numerical simulation efficiency
收稿日期: 2018-06-29     
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社