首页» 过刊浏览» 2020» Vol.5» Issue(2) 277-289     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2020.02.024
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中国石油大学(北京) 经济管理学院,北京 102249
Bi-level programming model of wastewater management in shale gas development while considering uncertainties
WANG Jianliang, ZHANG Xingda
School of Economics and Management, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  页岩气资源的勘探开发已成为近年来能源领域关注度最高的话题之一,并对世界天然气工业和天然气市 场产生了显著影响。进一步,作为最为清洁的化石燃料,页岩气资源的开发也将在全球能源低碳化转型中扮演 重要角色。在此背景下,可以预期页岩气资源的开发规模将在未来越来越大。然而,需要关注的是,开发页岩 气资源并不是一个对环境完全无害的过程。大量研究显示,页岩气资源的开发活动会产生一些严重的环境影响, 例如甲烷泄露以及大量的水资源消耗等。在这些众多的环境影响中,与水相关的问题被认为是最根本且对页岩 气规模开发而言长期产生阻碍的一个话题。而最佳的水资源管理是应对水资源相关问题的最有效处理措施。 本文聚焦于页岩气开发中产出废水的分配与回用等水资源管理问题。进一步,在产出废水的分配和回用过 程中,存在大量的不确定性因素,且这些因素会对最终优化结果产生显著影响。因此,本文首先对页岩气开发 废水处理与回用流程及过程中的不确定因素进行了详细描述与分析;然后以经济效益和环境效益分别作为双层 规划模型的上下两层目标函数,用模糊规划来处理产出废水的不确定性,区间规划处理废水运输、处理、回用 中的其他不确定性,进而构建页岩气废水资源管理的不确定双层规划模型;在模型构建之后,基于满意度的交 互式算法被用于模型的求解;最后将模型应用于具体算例以论证模型的有效性。 研究结果表明:对于每一个钻井点而言,都存在一个主要的产出废水分配和回用方案,且该方案主要受到 经济因素、废水处理设施的处理能力以及上下层目标函数的相对位置影响。此外,对于各类不确定性因素的考 虑,确实提高了优化过程的客观性,且优化结果与实际也更加相符。进一步,在求解过程中,对产出废水量不 确定性的合理容忍可以提高全局满意度,这有助于给出更好的优化结果。最后,通过对比本文建立的双层规划 模型和传统的两个单目标模型显示,本文的双层规模模型可以实现在经济效益和环境效益目标之间的权衡,而 这种权衡与现实更加匹配。
关键词 : 页岩气;水力压裂;废水管理;不确定性;双层规划;模糊规划;区间规划
The exploration and exploitation of shale gas resources has been seen as a game changer in recent years which has affected the world natural gas industry and gas market significantly. Furthermore, as the relatively cleanest fossil energy, development of shale gas resources is expected to play an important role in the world’s projected transition towards a low-carbon energy future. In this case, the large-scale extraction of shale gas resources could be inevitable in future. However, extracting shale gas resources is not an entirely environmental benign issue. Numerous studies have shown that shale gas development may have some serious environmental impacts, for example, methane leakage and huge water consumption. Of these, water-related issues are a fundamental and longer lasting obstacle. Better water resource management has been seen as one of the most effective measures for dealing with water-related issues.
This paper focuses on the management of wastewater allocation and reuse in shale gas development. Uncertainties in the process of wastewater allocation and reuse could affect the final optimization results considerably, therefore, this paper first gives a detailed description and analysis of the process of wastewater treatment and reuse and related uncertain factors. Secondly, a bi-level programming model with uncertainty is established for wastewater management for shale gas development, where economic and environmental benefits are upper-level and lower-level objectives respectively, fuzzy and interval programming is used to deal with uncertainties from the amount of produced wastewater and others in transportation, treatment, and reuse of produced wastewater. After the model is established, algorithms based on satisfaction and interaction are used for solving the model. Finally, the established model is used in a case study to show its effectiveness.
The results show that one main plan of wastewater allocation and reuse always exists for each drilling point, and this plan is mainly affected by economic factors, capacity of wastewater treatment facilities as well as the relative position of the upper and lower objective functions. Besides, the consideration of those uncertainties does make the result more objective and closer to reality. In addition, tolerance of the uncertainty in the amount of produced wastewater can improve the overall degree of satisfaction, which is good for providing the optimal results. Finally, a comparison of results from the established bi-level programming model and those from two traditional single objective programming models shows that the proposed model in this paper could achieve a trade-off between economic and environmental benefits, and this trade-off is more in line with reality
Key words: shale gas; hydraulic fracturing; wastewater management; uncertainty; bi-level optimization; fuzzy programming; interval programming
收稿日期: 2020-06-30     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(71874201,71503264,71673297,71874202) 资助
通讯作者: wangjianliang@cup.edu.cn
WANG Jianliang, ZHANG Xingda. Bi-level programming model of wastewater management in shale gas development while considering uncertainties. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2020, 02: 277-289.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社