首页» 过刊浏览» 2020» Vol.5» Issue(2) 161-171     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2020.02.016
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1 中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院,北京 102249
Geological characteristics and exploration directions of Devonian strata in the Ninglang-Yanyuan Basin
ZHANG Ziya, SHI Dishi, LAN Zhiqin, ZHANG Cong, QIN Yinglun, CHEN Rong, KANG Haixia
1 Unconventional Petroleum Research Institute, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  云南宁蒗地区云宁地 1 井首次在康滇古陆以西泥盆系钻获稳定天然气流,取得了新区新层系油气调查重 大发现。本文基于宁蒗—盐源盆地云宁地 1 井的系列岩心、测录井、地震以及地质地化综合实验分析,开展泥 盆系烃源岩地化特征、储层物性特征以及保存成藏等方面的综合研究,对宁蒗—盐源盆地泥盆系油气地质条件 进行了系统评价。研究结果表明:(1)云宁地 1 井钻遇中泥盆统大槽子组生屑泥页岩段累计厚度约 130 m,富有 机质页岩厚度大,热演化程度适中,具有良好的页岩气富集基础。(2)大槽子组页岩脆性矿物含量较高,平均为 63.1%,有利于储层改造;孔隙度为 0.66%~3.3%,微米—纳米级孔隙发育,有机质孔、溶蚀孔、粒间孔、晶间 孔、层间孔和微裂缝等均广泛分布,具备良好的页岩气赋存储集空间。(3)上覆中泥盆统碳山坪组发育礁滩相沉 积,下段生物礁灰岩孔隙度达 4.91%;原生孔隙、溶蚀孔和缝合线等均较为发育,其中原生孔隙多为层孔虫和 珊瑚等构成的生物格架孔。碳山坪组储层物性较好,上段致密灰岩排替压力大,封盖能力佳,和大槽子组泥页 岩构成良好的生储盖组合。综合认为,宁蒗—盐源盆地泥盆系具备良好的常规天然气藏与页岩气藏形成条件, 是下一步勘查和攻关研究重点方向。该成果同时也为四川盆地外复杂构造区天然气勘查提供了启示和借鉴。
关键词 : 云南;四川;泥盆系;碳山坪组;大槽子组;页岩气调查
Well Yunningdi 1 in the Ninglang area of Yunnan Province (SW China) produced a stable natural gas flow for the first time from Devonian strata in the west of the Kangdian ancient continent, which can be considered as a major progress and a great discovery in oil and gas investigation targeting new areas and sedimentary series. On the basis of integrated analysis of drill core observations, well logging interpretation, and seismic and geochemical data concerning the Well Yunningdi 1 in the Ninglang-Yanyuan Basin, comprehensive research on geochemical characteristics of source rocks, petrophysical properties, and hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation conditions has been conducted in this current work. This, provides a systemic eval  uation of the geological conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation in the Devonian strata system in the Ninglang-Yanyuan basin (SW China). The results show that: (1) The bioclastic organic-rich shales developed in the Middle Devonian Dacaozi Formation in Well Yunningdi 1 have a cumulative thickness of over 130m, and also a moderate degree of thermal evolution, suggesting an ideal material base for shale gas generation and accumulation. (2) The shale reservoirs of the Dacaozi Formation display a high content of brittle minerals with an average of 63%, which is favorable for reservoir stimulation. Besides, a relatively high porosity of 0.66%~3.3% suggests a widespread development of micro-nanoscale pores, as confirmed by FE-SEM images showing       organic pores, dissolved pores, inter-particle pores, inter-crystalline pores, interlayer pores, and microfractures, which constitute important storage spaces and migration pathways for shale gas. (3) Reef-beach facies reservoirs are developed in the overlying Middle Devonian Tanshanping Formation. The lower segment is characterized by high porosity (up to approximately 4.9%) reef limestones indicating good physical reservoir properties, and also well-developed primary pores, dissolved pores and stylolites. It is noteworthy that the primary pore systems are dominated by biogenic skeleton-supported pores mainly consisting of abundant stromatoporoids and corals. The upper segment has a displacement pressure, indicating effective source-reservoir-cap assemblages in the shale reservoirs in the Dacaozi Formation. To sum up, the Devonian depositional system in the Ninglang-Yanyuan basin is suggested as a target for future exploration and investigation directions due to its good and realistic geological conditions for the development of potential conventional and unconventional natural gas reservoirs. This investigation also lends some additional and valuable insight into potential mechanisms of natural gas accumulation in complex structural belts surrounding the Sichuan Basin, and can be used as a key reference for shale reservoir evaluation in the Upper Yangtze Platform.      
Key words: Yunnan; Sichuan; devonian; Tanshanping Formation; Dacaozi Formation; shale gas survey
收稿日期: 2020-06-30     
基金资助:中国地质调查局项目“滇黔桂地区上古生界海相页岩气基础地质调查”(DD2016-0178) 资助
通讯作者: zyzhang3327@163.com
ZHANG Ziya, SHI Dishi, LAN Zhiqin, ZHANG Cong, QIN Yinglun, CHEN Rong, KANG Haixia. Geological characteristics and exploration directions of Devonian strata in the Ninglang-Yanyuan Basin. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2020, 02: 161-171.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社