首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(1) 158-166     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.01.012
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黄辉荣, 虞维超, 唐艺宁, 梁平, 王大庆, 孙晓波
1 重庆科技大学石油与天然气工程学院,重庆 401331 2 国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司油气调控中心,北京 100013 3 重庆相国寺储气库有限公司,重庆 401120
Study into the deposition of heavy components in crude oil diluted with light oil
HUANG Huirong, YU Weichao, TANG Yining, LIANG Ping, WANG Daqing, SUN Xiaobo
1 College of Petroleum Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China 2 PipeChina Oil & Gas Control Center, Beijing 100013, China 3 Chongqing Xiangguo Temple Gas Storage Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401120, China

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摘要  稠油因蜡、胶质、沥青质等重组分含量多,致使其流动性差,在管输过程中极易出现重组分沉积堵塞管道,给管输安全带来严峻挑战。掺混稀油是改善稠油流动性的有效方法之一,但目前的研究对掺混原油沉积规律关注较少。基于此,本文采用小型沉积实验装置,系统研究稀油类型、掺混比例、沉积时间等对掺混原油沉积规律的影响。结果表明,随着沉积时间增加,掺混原油沉积物质量逐渐增大;施加搅拌后,掺混原油沉积物质量减小,且搅拌速率越大,沉积物质量越小;增大稀油掺混量,掺混原油析蜡点降低,沉积物质量减小。揭示了沉积物中蜡、胶质、沥青质含量增加是造成沉积物质量增大的主要原因,提出了将掺混原油析蜡点作为稠油掺稀输送的重要工艺参数加以考虑。该结论为掺混原油管道主要进线指标以及清管周期的确定提供了理论指导。
关键词 : 稠油,掺混原油,掺混比例,析蜡点,沉积规律

Due to the high content of heavy components such as wax, resin and asphaltene, leading to the poor fluidity of heavy oil, it is very easy for heavy components to deposit and block the pipeline during pipeline transportation, which brings serious safety challenges. Dilution with light oil is one of the methods to improve the fluidity of heavy oil, but the current research pays less attention to the deposition from blended crude oil. Therefore, the present work aims to systematically investigate the effects of light oil type, blending ratio, deposition time, etc. on the deposition from dilute heavy oil with a small deposition experiment device. The results show that with the increase of deposition time, the sedimentation from the blended crude oil increases gradually. The stirring contributes to the decrease of sedimentation of the blended crude oil. The greater the stirring rate, the smaller the sedimentation. Increasing the ratio of light oil blending, both the wax appearance temperature and the sedimentation of the blended system decrease. It is revealed that the wax, resin and asphaltenes should be responsible for the increase of the sediment. It is proposed that the wax appearance temperature should be taken into consideration as an important index parameter during dilute heavy oil transportation. This conclusion provides theoretical guidance for the determination of main incoming line indicators and pigging cycle of heavy oil diluted with light oil for transportation.

Key words: heavy oil; blending crude oil; blending ratio; wax appearance temperature; deposition law
收稿日期: 2024-02-29     
基金资助:重庆市自然科学基金“纳米杂化降凝剂NPPD 对含蜡油体系表观流变特性的改善机理研究”(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0918)、重庆市教委科技研究计划“纳米降凝剂NPPD 对含蜡油蜡沉积特性的影响机理研究”(KJQN202101545)、国家自然科学基金“磁性纳流动改性剂与磁场协同调控含蜡油结晶行为及改性机理研究”(52302402) 和重庆科技大学科研启动项目“新型纳米流动改性剂NFM 对含蜡油微观结晶过程的调控机理研究”(ckrc2021003) 联合资助
通讯作者: hryh@cqust.edu.cn
黄辉荣, 虞维超, 唐艺宁, 梁平, 王大庆, 孙晓波. 掺稀稠油重组分沉积规律研究. 石油科学通报, 2024, 01: 158-166 HUANG Huirong, YU Weichao, TANG Yining, LIANG Ping, WANG Daqing, SUN Xiaobo. Study into the deposition of heavy components in crude oil diluted with light oil. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 01: 158-166.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社