首页» 过刊浏览» 2024» Vol.9» lssue(4) 617-626     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2024.04.046
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王倩男, 蒋官澄, 王奕杰, 贺垠博
中国石油大学( 北京) 石油工程学院,北京 102249
Laboratory study and evaluation of grape extract as an environmentally friendly fluid loss reducer
WANG Qiannan, JIANG Guancheng, WANG Yijie, HE Yinbo
College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  本文针对现有的天然材料降滤失剂抗温能力不足的问题,我们寻找了一种抗高温的绿色材料—葡萄提取物(GE),并首次评价了GE的降滤失性能及降滤失机理。首先利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)表征了GE的结构,热重实验(TGA)表明了其具有较好的热稳定性。随后通过中压滤失和高温高压滤失实验评价了GE在高温条件下对基浆降滤失性的影响,并利用Zeta电位、粒径分布、扫描电镜(SEM)实验分析了GE的降滤失机理。实验结果表明,170 ℃老化16 h后,含有3%GE基浆的中压(API)滤失量为12.8 mL,小于15 mL,120 ℃高温高压(HTHP)滤失量为24.0 mL,优于常用降滤失剂羧甲基淀粉(CMS)、聚阴离子纤维素(PAC)和国外聚合物降滤失剂Driscal,与磺酸盐共聚物(DSP-2)的降滤失效果相当。GE具有优异的降滤失性能主要通过氢键作用和静电作用强烈吸附在膨润土表面,增加了膨润土的zeta电位绝对值,提高了膨润土在高温下的电稳定性,使得膨润土高温不易聚结,减小了膨润土的粒径,更好地促进了膨润土的分散,且滤饼表面光滑。GE分子结构含有苯并六元杂环,这种结构使得分子链刚性强,在高温条件下不易发生蜷曲变形,使其在高温170 ℃下保持了优异的降滤失性能。此外,GE的生物毒性EC50 为133 690 mg/L,大于30 000 mg/L,GE的生物降解性BOD5/CODcr为32.75%,大于5%,表明了它是无毒且易生物降解。
关键词 : 水基钻井液,葡萄提取物,降滤失剂,高温,环保

In this paper, to deal with the problem of insufficient temperature resistance of existing filter loss reduction agents for natural materials, we have searched for a green material, grape extract (GE), that is resistant to high temperatures, and evaluated the filter loss reduction performance and filter loss reduction mechanism of GE for the first time. The structure of GE was firstly characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and thermogravimetric experiments (TGA) showed that it had a good thermal stability. Subsequently, the effects of GE on the filter loss reduction of base slurry under high temperature conditions were evaluated by medium-pressure filtration loss and high-temperature and high-pressure filtration loss experiments, and the filter loss reduction mechanism of GE was analyzed by using zeta potential, particle size distribution, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) experiments. The experimental results showed that after aging at 170 ℃ for 16 h, the medium pressure (API) filtration loss of the base slurry containing 3% GE was the smallest, 12.8 mL (less than 15 mL), and the high-temperature and high-pressure (HTHP) filtration loss at 120 ℃ was 24.0 mL, which was superior to those of the commonly used fluid loss controlling agent, carboxymethyl starch (CMS), polyanionic cellulose (PAC), and foreign polymer fluid loss controlling agent Driscal, and the filtration loss reduction effect of sulfonate copolymer (DSP-2) was comparable. GE has excellent performance in reducing the loss of filtration is mainly attributed to the strong adsorption on the surface of bentonite through hydrogen bonding and strong electrostatic effect, increasing the absolute value of the zeta potential of the surface of the bentonite, improving the electrical stability of bentonite at high temperatures, so that the bentonite at high temperatures is not easy to occur under the conditions of agglomeration, reducing the size of the bentonite, and better promote the dispersion of the bentonite, and the surface of the filter cake is smooth. In addition, the molecular structure of GE contains a benzene six-membered heterocyclic ring, this structure can enhance the rigidity of the molecular chain, it is not easy to curl and deform at high temperatures conditions, so that it maintains an excellent filtration loss reduction performance at high temperatures of 170 ℃. At the same time, the biotoxicity EC50 of GE is 133690 mg/L, which is greater than 30000 mg/L, and the biodegradability BOD5/CODcr of GE is 32.75%, which is greater than 5%, which indicates that it is non-toxic and easily biodegradable.

Key words: water based drilling fluid; grape extract; filter loss reducer; high temperature; environmentally friendly
收稿日期: 2024-08-30     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目《智能钻井液聚合物处理剂刺激响应机理与分子结构设计方法研究》(52004297) 资助
通讯作者: m15600263100_1@163.com
王倩男, 蒋官澄, 王奕杰, 贺垠博. 葡萄提取物作为环保型降滤失剂的室内研究与评价. 石油科学通报, 2024, 04: 617-626 WANG Qiannan, JIANG Guancheng, WANG Yijie, HE Yinbo. Laboratory study and evaluation of grape extract as an environmentally friendly fluid loss reducer. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2024, 04: 617-626.
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