首页» 过刊浏览» 2025» Vol.10» lssue(1) 87-106     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2025.02.004
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孙伟, 张广清
1 中国石油大学( 北京) 石油工程学院,北京 102249 2 中国石油大学( 北京) 油气资源与工程全国重点实验室,北京 102249
Progress and prospects of variable load fracturing characteristics
SUN Wei, ZHANG Guangqing
1 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China

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摘要  水力压裂是非常规能源开采的重要手段。然而,传统水力压裂面临诸多挑战,如过高的破裂压力、潜在的断层滑移风险以及酸化压裂液对环境的污染等。如何在降低诱发自然灾害风险的前提下,实现高效的储层改造是关键科学问题,这迫切需要探索新的压裂方式以应对这些挑战。近年来,变载荷压裂作为一种通过物理或化学手段引起作用于地层岩石上的载荷(如压力、流体、温度以及高能气体等)周期性或随机变化的压裂施工形式,逐渐引起人们的广泛关注。变载荷压裂强调压裂过程中,流体、温度、高能气体等因素与岩石这种多孔介质之间的多场耦合作用,这区别于金属的机械疲劳破坏,其概念范围更加广泛。本文系统梳理了变载荷压裂实验的最新进展,从研究对象、影响因素、研究内容及分析方法进行了全面总结。将变载荷压裂作用形式划分为6种:循环载荷、递增载荷、阶梯载荷、脉冲载荷、冲击载荷和组合载荷。重点关注变载荷对岩石破裂前后的具体影响,并归纳总结了4 个变载荷压裂特征:降低岩石破裂压力、降低岩石破裂能量、改变岩石渗透率以及产生复杂裂缝形态。进一步从岩石疲劳断裂、应力腐蚀、爆燃压裂裂缝扩展等方面探讨了变载荷压裂相关作用机制。最后,着重对变载荷压裂特征研究做了未来展望,认为要明确岩石结构特征对增渗效果及复杂裂缝形态的影响。紧跟深层/超深层开发研究趋势,考虑复杂极端条件下变载荷压裂适用性和新变化,以拓宽变载荷压裂研究发展空间。从多场、多尺度、多时度的角度综合分析变载荷压裂作用特征及内在机理。本文旨在为变载荷压裂提供基础性认知,并为未来研究发展提供思路和方向。
关键词 : 变载荷压裂,破裂压力,破裂能量,渗透率,裂缝形态

Hydraulic fracturing plays a crucial role in the development of unconventional energy resources. However, traditional hydraulic fracturing faces many challenges, such as excessive breakdown pressure, potential geological risk of fault slip, and pol- lution of the environment by acid fracturing fluids, etc. How to achieve efficient reservoir reformation on the premise of reducing the risk of inducing natural disasters is a key scientific topic, and the new fracturing methods were needed urgently to deal with these challenges. Recently, variable-load fracturing, as a form of fracturing operation that applies periodic or random variable loads (such as pressure, fluid, temperature, and high-energy gas, etc.) acting on formation rocks through physical or chemical means, has gradually attracted widespread attention. Variable-load fracturing emphasizes the multi-field coupling effect between factors such as fluid, temperature, high-energy gas, etc. and the porous medium of rocks during the fracturing process, which is fundamentally different from the mechanical fatigue failure of metals and has a broader conceptual scope. This paper systematically reviews the latest advancements in variable-load fracturing experiments and comprehensively summarizes the findings from four key perspectives: research subjects, influencing factors, research contents, and analytical methods. The variable-load actions are categorized into six primary types: cyclic load, increasing load, stepped load, pulse load, impact load, and combined load. Particular attention is given to the specific effects of variable-load on rocks both before and after fracture, summarizing four characteristics of variable-load fracturing: reduction in rock fracture pressure, decrease in rock fracture energy, alteration in rock permeability, and generation of complex fracture patterns. Furthermore, this paper delves into the underlying mechanisms of variable- load fracturing, examining aspects such as rock fatigue fracture, stress corrosion, and fracture propagation in deflagration fracturing. Finally, the future research directions on variable-load fracturing characteristics were emphasized. It is believed that the influence of rock structure characteristics on the permeability enhancement effect and complex fracture morphology should be clarified. Keeping up with the research trends in deep/ultra-deep reservoir development, the applicability and potential changes of variable-load fracturing under complex and extreme conditions should be considered thoroughly to broaden the research and development space for variable-load fracturing. The action characteristics and internal mechanisms of variable-load fracturing should be comprehensively analyzed from the perspectives of multiple fields, multiple scales, and multiple time periods. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive basic understanding of variable-load fracturing and offers ideas and directions for future research and development. 

Key words: variable load fracturing; breakdown pressure; failure energy; permeability; fracture geometry
收稿日期: 2025-02-26     
基金资助:国家杰出青年科学基金(51925405) 和国家自然科学基金重点项目(52434001) 联合资助
通讯作者: zhangguangqing@cup.edu.cn
孙伟, 张广清. 变载荷压裂特征研究进展及展望. 石油科学通报, 2025, 10(01): 87-106 SUN Wei, ZHANG Guangqing. Progress and prospects of variable load fracturing characteristics. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2025, 10(01): 87-106.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社