首页» 过刊浏览» 2025» Vol.10» lssue(1) 178-190     DOI : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-1693.2025.02.003
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尚臣, 谢萍, 谢书懿, 李波, 李丽锋, 徐康凯, 杜洋
1 国家管网西部管道有限责任公司, 乌鲁木齐 830000 2 中国石油集团工程材料研究院有限公司, 西安 710077 3 中国石油集团测井有限公司西南分公司, 成都 400021 4 中国石油大学( 华东) 机电工程学院,青岛 2665801 国家管网西部管道有限责任公司, 乌鲁木齐 830000 2 中国石油集团工程材料研究院有限公司, 西安 710077 3 中国石油集团测井有限公司西南分公司, 成都 400021 4 中国石油大学( 华东) 机电工程学院,青岛 266580
Research on stress analysis and support plant optimization of natural gas pipeline with ball valve structure in compressor station
SHANG Chen, XIE Ping, XIE Shuyi, LI Bo, LI Lifeng, XU Kangkai, DU Yang.
1 PipeChina West Pipeline Company, Urumqi 830000, China 2 CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute, Xi′an 710077, China 3 Southwest Branch, China National Logging Corporation, Chengdu 400021, China 4 College of Mechanical Electronical and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China

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摘要  压气站中天然气管线球阀遍布且具有较大自重,极易引发管道应力集中、变形过大及埋地端沉降等问题,合理布置支墩是改善应力分布和减缓管道沉降的有效措施。本文以西北湿陷性黄土地区某压气站含球阀的天然气管道为对象,构建了全尺寸有限元模型。首先,深入分析无支墩时管道的应力与变形,探究埋地端沉降根源。发现因管道中部两球阀自重较大,导致埋地端产生较大弯矩,致使管道弯管区域应力和变形显著,靠近较重球阀一侧更甚,进而引发埋地端沉降。其次,全面探讨支墩位置、数量及沉降工况对管道应力和变形的影响,明确球阀底部是修建支墩的最佳位置;综合成本考量,只在质量最大的球阀端部设一个支墩即可。基于上述研究结果制定了支墩布置优化方案并应用于工程现场。采用X射线法进行现场应力测试,应力测试值与有限元计算值误差≤20%。依据JB 4732-1995(R2005)《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》校核管道强度,现场工艺优化方案通过验证。本文所提优化方案为改善管道应力分布、保障天然气管道安全运行提供了有效参考,有望为天然气管道工程领域发展及后续研究实践提供参考价值。
关键词 : 天然气管道,球阀,支墩优化,沉降,有限元

The ball valves in natural-gas pipelines at compressor stations have a relatively large self-weight, which can lead to pipeline stress, deformation, and subsidence at the buried ends. Here, the natural-gas pipeline with ball valves at a compressor station in the northwest collapsible loess area was studied. A full-scale finite element model is established. First, the stress and deformation of the pipeline without support plant were analyzed, and the reasons for the subsidence of the buried ends were explored. The results showed that due to the large self-weight of the two ball valves in the middle of the pipeline, a large bending moment was generated at the buried ends of the pipeline under the action of gravity, resulting in significant stress and deformation in the elbow areas, especially on the side closer to the heavier ball valve, which made the pipeline prone to subsidence at the buried ends. Second, the influence of the location and number of support plants as well as the settlement conditions on the stress and deformation of the pipeline was discussed. It was found that the optimal location for building support plants is at the bottom of the ball valves. When the number of support plants is the same as that of the ball valves and they are all placed at the bottom of the ball valves, the control effect on stress and deformation is the best one. However, considering the construction cost of the support plants, it is sufficient to build a support only at the end of the ball valve with the largest mass. Based on these findings, an optimized support plants layout plan is proposed and applied to the engineering site. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed plan, X-ray stress testing was used. The error of the stress test values and the finite-element analysis results is within 20%. The stress linearization calibration was carried out in accordance with the JB 4732-1995(R2005) “Steel Pressure Vessels-Analytical Design Criteria”, and the results showed that the on-site process optimization scheme can pass the verification. This research provides an in-depth analysis of the stress and deformation problems of natural-gas pipelines with ball valves, and the proposed optimization scheme offers an effective reference for improving the stress distribution of pipelines and ensuring the safe operation of natural-gas pipelines. It was believed this study can contribute to the development of the natural-gas pipeline engineering field and provide valuable guidance for future engineering practices and further research in this area. 

Key words: natural gas pipelines; ball valves; optimization of support plants; subsidence of the pipeline; finite element analysis
收稿日期: 2025-02-26     
基金资助:国家自然科学基金青年基金( 基于率型损伤演化与流固耦合的内爆炸下管道裂纹动态扩展机理与预测研究) 资助
通讯作者: xukangkai@cnpc.com.cn
尚臣, 谢萍, 谢书懿, 李波, 李丽锋, 徐康凯, 杜洋. 站场含球阀天然气管线应力分析与支墩工艺优化研究. 石油科学通报, 2025, 10(01): 178-190 SHANG Chen, XIE Ping, XIE Shuyi, LI Bo, LI Lifeng, XU Kangkai, DU Yang. Research on stress analysis and support plant optimization of natural gas pipeline with ball valve structure in compressor station. Petroleum Science Bulletin, 2025, 10(01): 178-190.
版权所有 2016 《石油科学通报》杂志社