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第六十二期阳光讲坛——Challenges to Geoscience to Meet Future Energy Demand

【主讲人】Prof. Dirk Smit

【时  间】2012年12月11号(周二)


【地  点】国际交流中心306会议室


Dirk Smit has been with Shell since 1992, and currently Vice President of Exploration Technology in R&D. He holds a PhD in Mathematical Physics, and had an Academic live before Shell at UC Berkerly in the US. Dirk started his career with R&D some 16 years ago and among others have been chief geophysicist for Shell UK and Technology Manager for Global Exploration.  He holds a number of positions outside Shell: a visiting faculty position at the Earth Science dept at MIT, the National Research Council in the US as well as the National Dutch Science Board for Basic Science Research. In 2010, he was awarded Visiting Professor of China University of Petroleum, Beijing.


Geoscience Technologies will be important to secure a safe and responsible Energy Future, in which energy supply is sufficient for generations to come. Their role may in fact expand. This is due to two related, but different reasons. First, the absolute volume of primary energy needed in the coming decades requires development of all possible primary energy resources including energy from hydrocarbons. Their relative importance may be different from region to region and of course change over time, however, over all the role of hydrocarbons, in particular of natural gas will be significant for decades to come. Although there is likely to be enough gas resource, its production will not be trivial, and poses a significant affordability challenge: Can the industry indeed produce significantly more gas much more efficiently and with much less environmental foot print? Secondly, the absolute amount of primary energy needed means that its production can no longer be seen in isolation from for example water and agricultural challenges. This adds a credibility question to the affordability challenge mentioned earlier. This so-called “License to Operate” will impact energy producing industries profoundly, and in fact may be a significant driver for innovation in geo-science technologies. In this talk we will consider how these challenges may be met in the context of recent innovative geo-technologies currently being developed in academia and industry.



【承  办】共青团中国石油大学(北京)委员会



【协  办】中国石油大学(北京)研究生会