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   一、比赛主题The Place I have been to with my Dad

     “Where Are We Going, Dad?”, a TV show about celebrity fathers with their children, has enraptured China. Watching the celebrity fathers and their children traipsing around China and sometimes even abroad, riding camels through the western deserts, fishing off the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare home, audiences themselves are often reminded of their time spent with their fathers when they were young.

     This show raises an important question for modern Chinese society—what is the role of fathers in today’s China? In traditional Chinese culture, the conventional conception of parenthood is that the father is stern and the mother is kind. However, in modern times, fathers can also be very gentle on their kids and very much involved in their upbringing.

     Unlike the celebrity fathers in the show, our fathers are ordinary men, but they seemed to shoulder their shared responsibilities very well, giving their kids a home, keeping them safe and warm. Write first in the form of narration an account of an experience you had with your father, traveling to a place and then comment on the father-son or father-daughter relationship as a piece of argumentative writing. The word limit is around 800 words.

            全国具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校在校本、专科学生、研究生(不包括在职研究生),35岁以下,中国国籍。曾获得往届“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”、 “‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”“‘外研社杯’全国英语辩论赛”出国及港澳交流奖项的选手不包括在内。

    石大选拔赛初赛时间:201592524时前自行提交到批改网。作文题号为 487533





