At 21:00 on June 25, Beijing time, the Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN) Secretariat and the International Multiphase Flow Technology Forum (IMFTF) held the second Academic Salon through online platform. This academic salon was held by WEUN in the form of IMFTF Keynote Meeting (2), with Senior Research Fellow Dr. Marco Colombo from School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds as keynote speaker. Ten IMFTF committee members from 8 countries and more than 50 international experts, scholars and graduate students attended the meeting.
The keynote speech was hosted by IMFTF Committee Member Tim Hunter, Professor of School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds. He introduced the contents of the last academic salon and said that the success of the last academic salon has aroused good repercussions. For this time, Dr. Marco Colombo are invited to give keynote reports, which will enable us to continuously deepen the understanding of the application and scientific frontier of multiphase flow technology, share scientific research achievements, inspire research ideas, and expand the international influence of WEUN and IMFTF.
Dr. Marco Colombo would like to thank WEUN and IMFTF for the invitation. Subsequently, he gave a keynote speech entitled "Computational modelling of multiphase gas-liquid flows at different scale resolution". He provided examples of multiphase computational fluid dynamic modelling techniques with different applicability and scale resolution. Multiple examples of applications to bubbly flow dynamics, boiling and passive cooling of nuclear reactors were provided. In the final part, recent developments in generalized models, where interface resolving capabilities are embedded in multifluid frameworks, were discussed and outlook for future research provided. The report lasted for 50 minutes and 25 minutes of Q&A session.

In the process of the report, relevant questions were raised continuously. After the report, Dr. Colombo answered all the questions. Prof. Tim Hunter also made wonderful analysis and comments on the report, which gave a good enlightenment to everyone. This academic salon is the second time held by WEUN. With the successful experience of the first salon and the smooth progress of the salon this time, WEUN will continue to hold monthly or bimonthly academic salons to help create a global platform for communication and collaboration among and between the WEUN member universities in research, innovation and education in the field of energy.

Dr. Marco Colombo is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds. He obtained his PhD from the Polytechnic University of Milan in 2013, with a thesis focused on the thermo fluid dynamics of helical coil steam generators. He joined the University of Leeds in 2013 and has worked on numerous funded projects focused on computational modelling of boiling and natural convection and application to nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics. In 2019, he was awarded the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Fellowship “Towards comprehensive multiphase flow modelling for nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics”. His main research interests are in the modelling of multiphase gas-liquid flows, boiling heat transfer, natural convection, turbulent fluid flows and nuclear thermal hydraulics at different levels of complexity and scale resolution. He is Principal and Co-Investigator in multiple EPSRC-funded grants and has published more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in journals, international conferences and books.
The Worldwide Energy University Network is a non-legally binding voluntary membership organization of research universities, brought together by a shared strategic interest in research, innovation, education and internationalization in the field of energy. Initiated by China University of Petroleum-Beijing in 2018, the number of its member universities has grown to 31 by the end of 2020. IMFTF was initiated on January 10, 2020 by China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and was established based on Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN). Up to now, IMFTF Committee Members come from 13 well-known universities in 7 countries. The forum aims at facilitating the academic exchange and experience sharing worldwide in the field of multiphase flow. Its main objectives are promoting scientific and technical communication as well as fostering collaborations among researchers.
Edited by Fan Xiaoyuan