At 22:00, March 26, Beijing time, the International Multiphase Flow Technology Forum (IMFTF) held an online committee meeting through Zoom platform. This meeting is the fourth online meeting since the establishment of IMFTF. The meeting was attended by eleven committee members from seven countries and regions around the world.
The meeting was hosted by IMFTF Committee Member Raffaella Ocone, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Professor of chemical engineering at Heriot-Watt University. She introduced that IMFTF had invited two of the four new committee members to give presentations in last December. For this meeting, we would like to invite two other new committee members to give us a report.

One of the new members of IMFTF Committee, Professor Abd Rashid Abd Aziz, from Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, gave a presentation. He introduced the general situation of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS and Institute of Transport Infrastructure to the participants, introduced the current research projects and displayed the selected academic publications. After that, another new committee member, Professor Wei Yan from Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, gave a presentation. After introducing CERE Kemi DTU, he introduced the high-temperature and high-pressure instruments and equipment, the applied technology and the experimental data to present the research topics he is currently engaged in. The reports of Professor Rashid and Professor Wei Yan were affirmed by all IMFTF Committee Members.

After the two new committee members have finished their presentations, committee member Professor Jun Yao from the Thermal Engineering Department of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), expressed his gratitude to all the attendees. He put forward three ideas on the future activities of IMFTF: firstly, each committee member needs to recommend two keynote speakers, and IMFTF will issue certificates to each reporter; secondly, according to the result of the Survey, we reached out the final decision that we canceled the September Meeting due to COVID-19. Instead, we suggest to invite keynote speakers to give us presentations once a month; thirdly, we expect to develop new committee members based on the research areas of current committee members. All the committee members discussed the above three ideas in detail. The meeting lasted for about 1 hour.
IMFTF was initiated on January 10, 2020 by China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and was established based on Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN). Up to now, IMFTF Committee Members come from 13 well-known universities in 7 countries. The forum aims at facilitating the academic exchange and experience sharing worldwide in the field of multiphase flow. Its main objectives are promoting scientific and technical communication as well as fostering collaborations among researchers.