"Human resources challenges of the digital economy: promising areas of education for the fuel and energy complex"
24 of September 2020, 8:00-10:00 CET
Tyumen, Russia

The modern world, thanks to the growing role of the digital economy, is undergoing a radical transformation. In order to provide a scientific and technological Foundation for building a modern economy, many countries of the world invest primarily in the development of human rather than material resources. It is human capital that is one of the main trends in the formation of the digital economy. Russia has a base for development and highly qualified specialists in the field of IT technologies. The main task today is to ensure the "digital maturity" of key sectors of the country's economy with professionally competent, digitally competent personnel.
This is the topic of a discussion organized by Industrial University of Tyumen in 2020. The event will develop the issues raised at the TNF platform last year: an overview of current trends in the world labor market, identifying the needs of actively developing industries, analyzing problems and finding new solutions and formats for training future personnel.
Key Participants:
Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, Government of the Tyumen region, Industrial University of Tyumen, LUKOIL-Engineering LLC»
Background information about the organizer:
Industrial University of Tyumen is the Flagship University of Western Siberia! It is one of the largest educational and scientific-industrial complexes in the country, focused on modern educational practices and unique requirements of the region's industry.
Key topics:
•New challenges for education in the current environment
•Continuous in-house workplace training system Safety Skills as a basis for safe production management at fuel and energy companies
•How to evaluate and properly use the potential of a specialist in a large company
•Digitalization: the main challenges to education and the fuel and energy sector
•New competencies of fuel and energy complex employees and tools for their formation
•What knowledge and skills are urgently needed in the industry
•Professions of the future
•What areas of training will allow graduates in the oil and gas sector to be in demand as specialists in the future labor market, and educational organizations to optimize their business models
•Key factors of training qualified personnel for the digital economy
•How educational organizations adapt to the requirements of the industry and the labor market: personalized education (individual educational paths), it training, a favorable environment for continuing education, increasing the speed of strategic decision-making, the formation of a digital educational environment
•Formats of transformation of scientific and educational activities of universities in the interests of industrial partners
•Practices of Tyumen industrial University: Eg higher school of engineering, Student innovation platform, center for advanced research and innovation development – collective use Center
•Developing the competencies of the oil and gas company's project staff in the context of digital transformation
•Trends in the digital economy and the role of basic departments in training personnel for the oil and gas industry
The contact person from the university is the Head of the Department of international educational programs Oksana Nikolaevna Skrauch (+ 7-922-269-01-35, skrauchon@tyuiu.ru).
(edited by Fan Xiaoyuan and Ji Lu)