李依霖,女,河北涿州人,1994年9月生,2017年本科毕业于华北电力大学能源与动力工程学院,以专业第一名的成绩保送至北京大学进行硕博连读,2023年获得北京大学理学博士学位,同年入职中国石油大学(北京)。从研究生阶段起,一直从事系统工程理论方法在碳排放核算与脱碳管理、可再生和可持续能源潜力评估、能源-经济-环境多要素耦合代谢模型构建与政策优化分析等方面的应用。目前在Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Resources, Conservation and Recycling、Journal of Cleaner Production等能源、管理领域顶级/高水平SCI/SSCI期刊发表论文21篇,其中9篇为第一作者/共同一作,且第一作者的论文全部发表在中科院核心一区top类期刊、ABS三星级期刊上,总引用超过700次(Web of Science)。同时,获批国家发明专利2项,作为负责人主持国家资助博士后研究人员计划人才项目一项,并参与教育部优秀青年团队项目和中国工程院重大战略咨询项目等重要科研项目。
● 2023.07-至今 中国石油大学(北京)碳中和未来技术学院 讲师
● 2017.08-2023.01 北京大学,系统生态与可持续发展实验室,博士(硕博连读)
● 2013.09-2017.07 华北电力大学,本科
Yilin Li, Bin Chen, Guoqian Chen*. Carbon network embodied in international trade: Global structural evolution and its policy implications. Energy Policy 2020;139; 111316.
Yilin Li, Bin Chen, Chaohui Li, Guoqian Chen*. Energy perspective of Sino-US trade imbalance in global supply chains. Energy Economics. 2020;92; 104959.
Yilin Li, Bin Chen, Guoqian Chen*, XiaoFang. The global oil supply chain: The essential role of non-oil product as revealed by a comparison between physical and virtual oil trade patterns. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2021;175; 105836.
Yilin Li, Mengyao Han*, Siyuan Liu, Guoqian Chen*. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by buildings: A multi-scale perspective. Building and Environment 2019;151; 240-250.
Yilin Li, Mengyao Han*. Embodied water demands, transfers and imbalance of China's mega-cities. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018;172; 1336-1345.
Yilin Li, Bin Chen, Mengyao Han*, Michael Dunford, Weidong Liu, Zhi Li. Tracking carbon transfers embodied in Chinese municipalities' domestic and foreign trade. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018;192; 950-960.
Yilin Li, Bin Chen, Guoqian Chen*, Jing Meng, Tasawar Hayat. An embodied energy perspective of urban economy: A three-scale analysis for Beijing 2002-2012 with headquarter effect. Science of the total environment. 2020;732; 139097.
Shan Guo#, Yilin Li#, Ping He, Haosong Chen, Jing Meng*. Embodied energy use of China’s megacities: A comparative study of Beijing and Shanghai. Energy Policy 2021;155; 112243. (#共同一作)