

报 告 人:冯德正
主持 人:陈冰飞
冯德正博士现为香港理工大学英文系助理教授(Research Assistant Professor),主要研究方向为多模态语篇分析,认知语言学,语言教学等。他先后在Journal of Pragmatics, Visual Communication, Semiotica, Review of Cognitive Linguistic, Narrative Inquiry等国内外知名期刊发表论文二十余篇。他目前主持或参与10项国家、教育部、香港特区政府及香港理工大学项目,主要关注公共传媒(如公益广告、新闻)与英语教学(包括英语教材与英语课堂)中信息与知识的多模态建构。主要讲授Language in SocietyLanguage and Literacy Development for Young Learners,以及Language and Images in Advertising等课程。
Theoretical Integration in Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Metaphor, Metonymy and the Visual Grammar
In this talk, he will integrate the two main theoretical foundations of multimodal discourse analysis, namely, systemic functional theory (SFL) (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004) and conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). These two theories enlightened visual grammar (Kress & van Leeuwen, 1996), and visual metaphor (Forceville, 1996) respectively, which are now two main approaches to multimodal studies. However, both theories have their limitations. First, as Kress & van Leeuwen (1998: 218) admit, 'the major challenge to our approach is the epistemological status of our claims. For instance, how can we know that in western semiosis, left and right, top and bottom have the values we attribute to them, or more fundamentally, have any value at all? “Second, as Feng & O'Halloran (2013) observe, there is still no systematic account of how visual metaphors are semiotically constructed.
In spirit of cross-disciplinary fertilization, he finds that SFL and CMT can solve each other's problems. On the one hand, the systemic functional framework provides a comprehensive modeling of the visual realization of metaphor; on the other, conceptual metaphor theory provides an epistemological status to the semiotic description of visual images. This talk also proposes a new theoretical framework to explain the metonymic nature of visual representation. Therefore, he argues that the integration of these two major theoretical approaches to multimodal analysis is significant to furthering our understanding of the visual semiotic mode. He further argues that theoretical integration and cross-fertilization as a necessary means of creativity in academic research.