


地点:中国石油大学(北京)主楼A822 (暂定)



多模态认知 Charles Forceville (阿姆斯特丹大学)       Mark Turner (西储大学)

认知与文学 Nancy Easterlin (新奥尔良大学)               Lisa Zunshine (肯塔基大学)




主讲人:Nancy Easterlin

  间:上午 9:00-11:00

: “Finding the Right Approach: Interpretation in Cognitive Cultural Studies”


This session will guide the participants to work on English texts ("Meneseteung" by Alice Munro; "Simon Lee" and "The Mad Mother" by William Wordsworth) and discuss possible cognitive approaches that can be applied to them. Participants need to be prepared to give a synopsis of the texts and to identify key thematic and formal elements.




主讲人:Charles Forceville

  间:下午 2:00-4:00

: “Multimodality: SFL/social semiotics approaches versus Relevance Theory approaches.”


In this session, before immersing ourselves in theories of metaphor, we get an idea of “multimodality,” and of some of the problems besetting this young but quickly developing discipline. In the first half of this lecture, an introduction will be given to the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach to multimodality, concentrating on Kress & Van Leeuwen’s Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design (Routledge 1999). Both its strengths and weaknesses will be discussed. In the second half, a relevance-theoretic approach will be introduced, a cognitivist- oriented communication theory (Sperber and Wilson 1995, 2012). Many visuals and multimodal examples will be shown and discussed.





主讲人:Charles Forceville

  间:上午 9:00-11:00

目:Max Black’s ‘interaction theory’ and its applicability to visual/multimodal metaphor in print & billboard advertising.”


In this lecture, the most important theory of creative verbal metaphor is explained to us, and we consider how it can be adapted for analysing one genre of static visual and multimodal discourse: advertising.




主讲人:Charles Forceville

  间:下午 1:30-3:30

  目: “Visual and multimodal metaphors in commercials and feature films.”


In this lecture, we have investigated non-verbal and multimodal metaphors in static visuals. In this lecture, we will see that some dimensions of metaphor change when the medium shifts from static visuals to moving images, here commercials. Moreover, other aspects change when the metaphors occur in a different genre, namely feature films. A number of fragments and clips will be shown to serve as case studies.




主讲人:Mark Turner

  间:下午 3:45-5:45

  目:Research methods in multimodal communication (1)


This session will be divided into four segments, and in each segment, there will be an introduction of a concept/ method in multimodality and cognitive research, followed by discussion and application of the concept/ method.

Required readings: “How to Annotate with Elan”; “Start a New Annotation Project”;

Recommended reading:Frame Blending,” “Double-Scope Stories,” “Figure,” “The Ghost of Anyone’s Father,” Blending in Language and Communication,” “Compression and Representation,”  “The Origin of Selkies,” and “The Performing Mind.”





主讲人:Mark Turner

  间:上午 8:00-9:50

  目:Research methods in multimodal communication (2)


This session will be divided into four segments, and in each segment, there will be an introduction of a concept/ method in multimodality and cognitive research, followed by discussion and application of the concept/ method. (Further details to be announced soon.)



主讲人:Charles Forceville


  目: “The conceptual metaphor LIFE IS A JOURNEY in animation films.”


Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) Conceptual Metaphor Theory claims that human beings systematically conceptualize abstract, complex phenomena in terms of concrete, perceptible phenomena. Most of the work in that tradition, however, focused on verbal manifestations of such conceptual metaphors. But if Lakoff and Johnson are right, conceptual metaphors must also occur in other media. In this Lecture, we will examine the conceptual metaphor PURPOSIVE ACTIVITY IS SELF-PROPELLED MOVEMENT TOWARD A DESTINATION, popularly known as LIFE IS A JOURNEY. In this Lecture we will examine this basic metaphor in a number of short, wordless animation films.




主讲人Lisa Zunshine

  下午 1:30-3:00

  “The Secret Life of Fiction”


My talk brings together research in literary studies and cognitive sciences to address such issues as, what can cognitive science tell us about reasons we enjoy reading fiction; what are some models of collaboration between cognitive scientists and literary scholars; and what are some immediate payoffs of using cognitive literary theory to interpret works of fiction.




主讲人:Charles Forceville

  间:下午 3.20-5.10

  目: “On runes, balloons, and other visual stylistic tools for narrating in comics.”


The study of comics and graphic novels is rapidly developing into a humanities sub-discipline in its own right. This emerging field is not only of interest for lovers of the medium, but also for students of visual and multimodal studies more generally. For both groups, it is important to have a better understanding of the medium-specific stylistic tools that are available for comics artists to create meaning. This Lecture will chart and briefly discuss a number of key visual categories for conveying narrative meaning in comics. They are (1) pages, panel arrangements and the gutter; (2) body types, postures, and facial expressions; (3) framing and angles in panels; (4) speech and thought balloons; (5) onomatopoeia and written words in the story world; (6) pictograms and pictorial runes.


