The 8th Annual Conference of Kazakhstan Students Association in China was Held i

On the morning of June 1st, the 8th Annual Conference of Kazakhstan Student Association in China with the theme of "Contribution of Kazakhstan’s Youth to the Social and Economic Development of Kazakhstan" was opened in the lecture hall of Cuigong Hotel. More than two hundred people attended the meeting, including Kazakhstan ambassador Nuryshev Shakhrat, vice-President of CUPB Wu Xiaolin, President of the China Industrial Overseas Development Association Hu Weiping, President of Geo-Jade Petroleum Corporation Chen Huanlong and other honored guests from Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the People’s Republic of China, China Industrial Overseas Development Associaton, Chinese enterprises which have branches in Kazakhstan and representatives of Kazakstan’s students.

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Ambassador Nuryshev Shakhrat delivered a speech, introduced the political, economic and social development in various fields in Kazakhstan, encouraged Kazakhstan’s students to concern about the motherland actively, learn Chinese and professional knowledge with an effort, so as to contribute to the friendly cooperation between the two countries.

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Vice President Wu Xiaolin said in her speech that Kazakhstan is the place where One Belt And One Road was initiated. The leaders of China and Kazakhstan attach great importance to bilateral cooperation and bilateral relations have been continuously deepened. Since 1997, more than 2,000 talents of all levels from Kazakhstan have been trained in CUPB. Our university opened several training courses on Chinese and professional skills for staff for Kazakh enterprises, signed cooperation memoranda with many Kazakhstan’s universities, and carried out joint scientific research cooperation, exchange programs of teachers and students. Young people are the future and hope of our country. Wu Xiaolin hoped that students from Kazakhstan will cherish the opportunity to study in China, learn knowledge and technology well, and create a better future for China-Kazakhstan friendship.

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President Chen Huanlong said that Geo-Jade Petroleum Corporation actively expanded the market of Kazakhstan, invested in oil and gas exploration and development, fulfilled social responsibility and achieved good economic and social benefits due to the great opportunities brought by the friendly relations between China and Kazakhstan and the joint construction of One Belt And One Road. In the future, Geo-Jade Petroleum Corporation will continue to root in Kazakhstan market, consolidate and strengthen the cooperation between government and enterprises as well as the friendly relations between schools and enterprises.


Nuryshev Shakhrat presented prizes to outstanding Kazakhstan’s students in recognition of their outstanding achievements during their study in China and their active participation in China-Kazakhstan friendly exchanges.

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Prior to the opening ceremony, Wu Xiaolin had a discussion with Nuryshev Shakhrat, Hu Weiping and Chen Huanlong, introduced the basic information about CUPB and its advantageous disciplines and specialties, as well as the close cooperative relations between CUPB and the government, enterprises and universities of Kazakhstan over the years. Nuryshev Shakhrat said that he was very glad to come to visit CUPB again and thanked CUPB for hosting this annual conference. Hu Weiping briefed the China Industrial Overseas Development Association’s work on promoting China-Kazakhstan production capacity cooperation. Chen Huanlong introduced the business layout and investment of Geo-Jade Petroleum Corporation in Kazakhtan.


On the afternoon of June 1st, the first Kazakhstan International Students' Campus Job Fair was held in the hall of the International Exchange Center. Counsellor Abdrakhmanov Kairat of the Kazakhstan Embassy in China, deputy secretary of China Industrial Overseas Development Association Wang Kewen and representatives of Chinese enterprises in Kazakhstan delivered speeches, introducing the basic situation of this campus recruitment fair and the demand of enterprise talents. At the recruitment meeting, representatives of nearly 20 enterprises, such as CNPC, North Huajin Chemical Industries Group Corporation and Universal Energy organized resume review and interview, and many overseas students reached their employment intention with the enterprises.

At present, Kazakhstan is the second largest source of international students of China University of Petroleum (Beijing). There are more than 120 Kazakhstan’s students studying language preparation, bachelor's, master's and doctor's programs in CUPB. After 2014, the Annual Meeting of Kazakhstan Students Association in China was held in CUPB for the second time.

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