2016-2017 Excellent International Student Award Application

In order to apply, download the application form by December 15, 2017 and submit it to the International Students Office Building A, Office 304

Contact: Jiaoluan Li

Tel: 89733979

Excellent student selection method

In order to encourage the majority of international students to study hard, to promote the development of International students education in our school, and to create a brand of training international talents, this approach has been carefully revised to form this approach. Each year, outstanding students will be selected for recognition and reward.

1. Selection Requirements

1. Our school students studying undergraduate, graduate studies, studying at school for at least one year.

2. Abide by Chinese laws, regulations and schools of the rules and regulations.

3. Respect teachers, take care of public property, pay attention to sanitation, be a good role model in school.

4. Have a clear purpose of learning, diligent study, excellent academic performance.

5. Actively participate in the activities of schools, colleges and class organizations.

6. No cutting classes during the school year, Or asking for leave more than 3 times.

7. Pass all courses during the school year. (including compulsory, elective courses, training programs).

8. Completion of the training program courses, undergraduate GPA  2.9, graduate average annual score  75.

2. The selection method

1. Outstanding International students are selected once every academic year. Eligible students fill out the Application Form for Outstanding International Students according to the comprehensive performance of the previous academic year and submit them to the Office of the International Students for review.

2, The Office is responsible for organizing the responsible faculties to asses students  d on the daily performance of students, attending classes and participation in extra-curricular activities.

3. The outstanding students selected in each school year are not more than 10% of the total number of foreign students, and they are selected according to their comprehensive performance.

The school will reward outstanding students and a notification will be sent to their embassies in China.

2016-2017 selection of the excellent international students.pdf