The Delegation from College of International Education Went to Changchun, Jilin

From November 15th to 17th, the delegation from College of International Education went to Changchun, Jilin Province to conduct a special research on international student recruitment and management.


During the survey research, the delegation from College of Internatioanl Eduaction visited Northeast Normal University and Jilin University. In Northeast Normal University, members of the delegation had an in-depth exchange with the university's International Han School on topics such as the training of preparatory students, class management, academic atmosphere construction and daily management, and visited the Chinese Government Scholarship students receiving preparatory courses in the school.

In Jilin University, the delegation members discussed the topics of team construction, system contrution, daily management and assessment together with representatives from College of International Education, Jilin University and reached the cooperation intention.

Through a series of internal and external research work, College of International Education will fully learn advanced universities’ experience, further improve enrollment and management of international student, and promote the simultaneous enhancement of education quality and scale of international students in China University of Petroleum (Beijing).