The CIE achieved great performances in the "Chinese bridge" dubbing co

On December 21, "Chinese bridge" dubbing competition of Chinese conference for global foreigners 2018 was held in Zilihangjian located in Confucius Institute. Representatives of the winners from all over the world gathered here.

Zhao Guocheng, deputy director-general of the Confucius Institute headquarters, deputy director of Chinesization, Zhang Gaoli,president of China translation publishing house, Ding Qiao, producer of CCTV program, Qiang Wei, head of translation machine brand of Beijing branch of Keda, and the headquarters of Confucius institute's partner schools such as Communication University of China, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Language and Culture University, head of the relevant departments, as well as the foreign students in Beijing and "Chinese bridge" club members of more than one hundred people attended the event.

The award ceremony was hosted by Han Jia, host of CCTV and David, winner of 2014 "Chinese bridge" global Chinese conference for foreigners. At the award ceremony, representatives of foreign students performed songs and dances "Velvet Flower" and a small chorus "Fly Higher". Famous dubbing actor Qu Jingguo interacted with contestants to dub Titanic. Foreign host Anze and David performed dubbing of "The Story of The Office" and other programs on the same stage, it presents a wonderful picture of communication between Chinese and foreign languages and cultures.

There was one gold award, three silver awards, ten bronze awards, one best performance award, one best popularity award, and five excellent organization awards were presented at the scene.

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     China University of Petroleum (Beijing) international education college has actively promoted and mobilized 17 outstanding international students to participate in the competition. In the "Chinese bridge" dubbing competition of Chinese conference for global foreigners 2018, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) won the excellent organization award. International education college of CUPB student Nayefu from Yemen won the bronze award for his dubbing of Confucius. Yedma from Venezuela, Mansour, Su Yang, Babu and Korman from Turkmenistan, Mai Han, Yi bu, Mi Su from Sudan, Chen Peiyu and Zheng Caihong from Laos, Ruan Shiling and Yang Thiqingmei from Vietnam, Sangdu, from Mongolia, Lena from Russia, Asulan from Kazakhstan won the excellence award. Among them, Yedema from Venezuela is the Confucius Institute scholarship winner.