The Fourth Sports Sports Festival of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

On the 13th of May, 2018, the four of our students (including: Khishigbayar Enkhzul, Erdenebat Dolgormaa,Khurelkhuu Enkhbolor,Urazova Makhabbat) participated in “The Fourth Sports Festival of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)”, delegating the foreign students.


After I have seen the notification which was sent by the foreign students’ association head Gylymkhan Jandaulyet about the tournament, we formed a team as quickly as possible. The tournament consists of 4 rounds, which are: 3v3 basketball contest, 3-point contest, mid-round shooting contest, and 1v1 basketball contest.

At the 3v3 basketball contest, there were 11 men teams and 7 women teams which were participating. Among them, our foreign students’ women team has won the first place.

In the 3-point contest, mid-round shooting contest, and 1v1 basketball contest our students Khishigbayar Enkhzul and Khurelkhuu Enkhbolor seized the opportunity and took part in all of the rounds. Although it was a male and female mixed competition, Khishigbayar Enkhzul still successfully won the first place in the mid-round shooting contest.

To sum up, in the “The Fourth Sports Festival” in China University of Petroleum (Beijing) the international students’ team achieved good results.