Strict Prevetion and Control, Stay healthy and safe -- a Letter to International Students of CUPB

Dear students

Life is priceless, health is supreme. At present, the epidemic situation in China and abroad is becoming more and more serious. Please attach great importance to it, do a good job in protection, and jointly build a "safety line" and "life line" for epidemic prevention and control.

Students should keep wearing masks, wash hands frequently, keep a safe social distance of one meter, and keep the room well ventilated. At present, unless necessary, students should not leave school, leave Beijing, leave the country, nor gather in a crowd. Please develop good habits of work and rest, diet and exercise, do a good job in physical and mental adjustment and decompression, emotional counseling, etc.

All students should pay attention to the epidemic situation and prevention and control tips in time, and consciously abide by the school's prevention and control requirements. At the same time, please keep the communication unimpeded and communicate with your family and school as soon as possible once there is any new situation. While doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, students should also improve their awareness of prevention, do a good job in self-protection, and maintain daily personal, financial, traffic and other aspects of safety, especially to prevent accidental injury, theft and fraud, pay attention to fire and electricity safety.

According to the current epidemic prevention and control management regulations, students living in the campus and those living in Chengbei street of Changping District【1】 should not leave Chengbei Street area unless necessary (as shown in the scope below). Students living outside Chengbei street, Changping District, please do not leave the district where you live unless necessary. In case of leaving Chengbei street of Changping District for necessary reasons, such as going to the exit& entry administration and the Embassy in Beijing for necessary formalities, or to the medical institutions in Beijing, the students who stay in the campus must go through the Dingtalk application before going out and report in advance by applying for the exit pass. Students should go out only after being approved. After returning to school on time, they should check in by Dingtalk in time. If students need to go out immediately due to emergency reasons such as sudden illness and have no time to report with Dingtalk, they should inform the counsellor in time after the condition is under control.


Figure 1 map of Chengbei street in Changping District


Figure 2 satellite map of Chengbei street in Changping District


Figure 3 Dingtalk application for going out


Fig. 4 Dingtalk back to school check-in process

In addition, please pay attention to:

When you go out for necessary reasons, please try not to have close contact with people outside the school, do not participate in gathering activities of any nature, and try not to go to crowded places. If you have to go for medical treatment and other reasons, wear masks in crowded indoor places.

If you need to leave Beijing for other cities in China due to necessary internship, practice and other reasons, you need to contact the counselor to apply for permission, get the written request for leave, and leave after going through the leave formalities.

【1】Street is one of the administrative divisions in China. Its administrative status is the same as that of town, township, nationality township, Sumu, nationality Sumu and county. It is a township level administrative region under the jurisdiction of municipal district, county-level city, county, autonomous county and banner, or directly under the jurisdiction of Prefecture level city.