Application for exemption from Chinese language & Chinese culture
Hi guys,
If you have ever done Chinese language or Chinese culture courses, you can be exempt from taking Chinese language and Chinese culture if you meet these requirements.
Chinese language
Chinese taught students who have passed HSK level 5 or HSK level 6 you can apply to be exempt from attending Chinese language at Masters or PhD level. English taught students who have passed HSK level 3 or higher can apply to be exempt from attending Chinese language at Masters or PhD level. Please bring a copy of your HSK certificate and exempt form to the office to apply to be exempt from taking this course.
Introduction to China
If you did it and obtained the pass mark (>60) at your Bachelor’s or Master’s level. Please bring a copy of your bachelor’s or Master’s tran and exempt form to the office to apply to be exempt from this course.
The office is located at International Center A205
Deadline for submission: Monday September 30th
Scan QR code for exemption application form