Warm Tips on Matters Needing Attention During May Day Holiday

The "May Day" holiday is from May 1 to May 5, with a total of 5 days off, and normal classes begin on May 6.


We hereby remind you of the following matters concerning the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and safety instructions during the May Day holiday:


I. Epidemic Prevention and Control


a. We should practice the basic principles of epidemic prevention, such as frequent hand washing, frequent ventilation, wearing masks and less gathering.


b. Take temperature test every day and submit the daily health report every day as required. If suspected symptoms such as fever are found, report to the school and community in time, and go to the designated medical institutions with fever clinic (consulting room).


c. Moderate exercise, maintain good living habits, ensure balanced nutrition and adequate sleep, improve immunity.


d. Abide by the school epidemic prevention and control regulations, students shall not leave school nor Beijing unless necessary. On-campus living students are not allowed to stay at night outside the school. If you have to leave school or Beijing for special personal necessary reasons, you must contact the counselors in advance to go through the procedures of asking for leave and canceling leave, and take action only after approval.


e. If you need to handle personal affairs outside the school, you should do a good job in personal protection, wear masks in the whole process, take the initiative to cooperate with the temperature test, check the "Health Code" and other prevention and control measures.


II. Dormitory Safety


a. Please keep the important articles in the dormitory room properly, and lock the door when you leave the room to avoid property loss.


b. Eliminate the hidden danger of dormitory room fire. Don't place fire prone sundries in a dense place. Don't connect and pull the power cord randomly, and arrange the power cord after use. Do not place terminal blocks on beds and carpets. Do not use low-quality electrical appliances, do not use a variety of high-power electrical appliances on the same terminal board at the same time. Before leaving the room, cut off the power supply of the wiring board in the room, and turn off the air conditioner and toilet exhaust fan.


c. It is forbidden to smoke, cook, shelter or move fire-fighting facilities and equipment in dormitory rooms.


d. In addition to apartments for international students, smoking is also prohibited in teaching buildings, sports grounds, restaurants and other public places on campus. Smoking can only be carried out in the outdoor designated smoking area.


III. Other Matters


a. Buy food in regular market and supermarket, do not eat food without safety guarantee and expired food. Keep good eating habits, don't overeat, don't eat too greasy food, don't eat suspicious food of unknown origin, wash fruits before eating.


b. Obey the traffic rules. When crossing the road, you should take the zebra crossing, not run the red light, not cross the traffic barrier, pay attention to the traffic, not run.


c. When using all kinds of mobile app and browsing all kinds of websites, especially in the process of online shopping, you should not trust all kinds of advertisements, easily click unknown links or open unknown files, and guard against Telecom fraud.


Finally, we would like to remind you once again that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still grim. It is not allowed to leave school or Beijing unless necessary. If the international students leave the university or Beijing without permission, they shall bear all relevant responsibilities, and the university will seriously deal with them in accordance with relevant regulations.


We wish you a safe and happy holiday.