Notice for Application of 2020 CSC Excellent International Students Scholarship

  1.  Introduction

China Government Scholarship Council has established “CSC Excellent International Student Scholarship” to subsidize international students with excellent performance.

① Fixed Quota for CUPB: two current bachelor/master/Ph.D students who are studying in the second year or above for full-time education(not under CSC scholarship now). 

Awards: Certificate and One-off Scholarship:

RMB 18000 Yuan for bachelor students,

RMB 30000 Yuan for master/Ph.D students.


② Open Quota for CUPB: three current bachelor/master/Ph.D students who are studying in the second year or above for full-time education(must be under CSC scholarship). 

Awards: Certificate only, no money. 

 The 3 candidates will compete with all candidates in China (total 200). The final result depends on your documents and performance.


2. Requirements

① Friendly attitude towards China, excellent performance in China.

② Abiding by Chinese laws and university regulations. Mentally and psychologically healthy. High comprehensive quality.

③ Excellent academic performance. GPA≥ 3.5 for Bachelor students, Average points≥ 85 for master and Ph.D students.

④ Priority to students with higher level of Chinese language.

⑤ Priority to students with family financial difficulties if equal in status.

⑥ Actively participating activities or social practices. Contribute greatly to communicating Chinese traditional culture or strengthening international cultural exchange. Contribute greatly to public welfare.


3. How to Apply

① finish Online application

Programme: C

CUPB Accepting Institution Code: 11414

Study Period(write just this year): 2020.9.1-2021.7.15


② Prepare Electronic Materials

2.1-- The Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (which can be downloaded after submitting the application on the Online application platform of China Scholarship Council); (electronic version and scanned copy of print version)

2.2-- Study certificate; (Scan copy)

2.3-- Transcripts for the 2019-2020 academic year; (Student need to log on to to apply for with the official seal of the CUPB office of academic affairs. Invalid without the official seal. The print date shall be after September 2020.)

2.4-- Undergraduates are required to provide at least one recommendation letter from one teacher who has taught you, master and doctoral students are required to provide recommendation letters from their supervisor; (Scan copy)

2.5-- My Story of Studying in China (no limit on the title), no less than 800 words. The content should focus on the memorable experiences, experiences and feelings during the student’s study and life in China. It requires personal experience and reflection. The writing language is Chinese or English. (Electronic version in Word format)

2.6-- Personal PPT (including learning situation, scientific research achievements, awards and awards evaluation, participation in cultural and sports activities, social practice activities, overall performance in China, etc.)

2.7-- The retrieval certificate of the article, the offer notice (other theses are not submitted as supporting materials) or the certificate of participation in the publication of monographs; (Scan copy)

2.8-- Prize certificates or patent certificates of various national, provincial and municipal competitions; (Scan copy)

2.9-- Certificate of holding a position as a student cadre; (Please contact the chairman or person in charge of your association for application)

2.10-- Other on-campus certification materials shall be affixed with the official seal of the competent authority; (Scan copy)

2.11-- Other supporting materials, which can reflect students' learning, scientific research, award and merit evaluation, etc. (e.g., publicity reports or news on students) 

4. Procedures of Selection

① Applicants should log on to the online registration information platform of China Scholarship Council and submit your application. Then put all electronic materials in a compressed file and send the file to Email title format: CSCEI- Chinese name - student number. For example, CSCEI- Xiaoming - 201888888888. Identify each material inside the file in Chinese or English.

Deadline: 10:00 am on October 30, Beijing time.

② From November 2 to 6, The College of International Education will organize online evaluation through Tencent Conference. The specific time will be announced later.

③ The evaluation results will be published after November 6.

④ After the publicity period, the College of International Education shall report the evaluation results to the CSC.

During the initial evaluation period, the College of International Education will not provide any letter of recommendation to any enrolled students. Please only submit your recommendation letter from the recommendation letter from your supervisor or other teacher on the platform during this period.