"Food Heals the Mind" Online Cooking Sharing Activity for International Students in China

In order to create a positive and healthy campus psychological environment, guide international students to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude, improve college students' mental health awareness and adjustment ability, comprehensively strengthen international students' labor education, enhance the concept of healthy diet and cultivate their practical ability. The College of International Education of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) holds an online cooking sharing activity called "Food Heals the Mind", hoping to enrich the winter vacation life of international students by making delicious food and sharing pictures of delicious food to convey human interest and happiness. The specific activity are hereby notified as follows:

I. Form of the activity: with the theme of "Food Heals the Mind", we will collect pictures and text introduction of homemade dishes made by international students in China.

II. Participants: CUPB International students in China

III. Time: Feb. 9 -- Feb. 15, 2021

IV. Requirements:

Entrants should submit three homemade food pictures and a brief introduction (200-400 words) in Chinese or English Word format. The works must be original.

V. Procedures of Participation:

(I) Registration: From 0:00 on February 9th to 20:00 on February 15th, Beijing time, individuals need to submit their works via email to dengfengyu@cup.edu.cn with the name of "MS-Chinese Name - Student Number - Nationality", such as "MS-Xiaoming - 2018888888-Japan".

(II) Selection time: February 17 - February 23, the College of International Education will organize the online voting.

VI. Awards

The top five contestants in this contest will get a certificate of honor and a souvenir.