A time domain induced polarization relaxation time spectrum inversion method based on a damping factor and residual correction
Liu Xiaonan,Kong Li,Zhou Kaibo and Zhang Pu
Liu, X., Kong, L., Zhou, K. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 519. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0367-9
2014 Issue 4: 519-525

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An ARM-based debugging system for multi-pole array acoustic logging tools
Lu Junqiang,Ju Xiaodong and Men Baiyong
Lu, J., Ju, X. & Men, B. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 508. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0366-x
2014 Issue 4: 508-518

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Paleoporosity and critical porosity in the accumulation period and their impacts on hydrocarbon accumulation—A case study of the middle Es3 member of the Paleogene formation in the Niuzhuang Sag, Dongying Depression, Southeastern Bohai Bay Basin, East Chi
Liu Mingjie,Liu Zhen,Sun Xiaoming and Wang Biao
Liu, M., Liu, Z., Sun, X. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 495. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0365-y
2014 Issue 4: 495-507

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Mechanism of diagenetic trap formation in nearshore subaqueous fans on steep rift lacustrine basin slopes—A case study from the Shahejie Formation on the north slope of the Minfeng Subsag, Bohai Basin, China
Wang Yanzhong,Cao Yingchang,Ma Benben,Liu Huimin,Gao Yongjin and Chen Lin
Wang, Y., Cao, Y., Ma, B. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 481. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0364-z
2014 Issue 4: 481-494

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A static resistance model and the discontinuous pattern of hydrocarbon accumulation in tight oil reservoirs
Sun Liang,Zou Caineng,Liu Xiaoli,Zhu Rukai and Wang Xiaoqi
Sun, L., Zou, C., Liu, X. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 469. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0363-0
2014 Issue 4: 469-480

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A multilevel preconditioner and its shared memory implementation for a new generation reservoir simulator
Shu- hong Wu, Jin chao Xu, Chun sheng Feng, Chen-Song Zhang, Qiao-yun Li, Shi Shu, Bao-hua Wang, Xiao-bo Li , Hua Li
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2014 Issue 4: -

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Experimental and modelling study of the solubility of CO2 in various CaCl2 solutions at different temperatures and pressures
Alireza Bastami,Mohammad Allahgholi and Peyman Pourafshary
Bastami, A., Allahgholi, M. & Pourafshary, P. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 569. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0373-1
2014 Issue 4: 569-577

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Input signal design to estimate interwell connectivities in mature fields from the capacitance-resistance model
Gustavo A. Moreno and Larry W. Lake
Moreno, G.A. & Lake, L.W. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 563. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0372-z
2014 Issue 4: 563-568

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Progression of injectivity damage with oily waste water in linear flow
Jin Lu and Wojtanowicz Andrew K
Jin, L. & Wojtanowicz, A.K. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 550. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-013-0371-0
2014 Issue 4: 550-562

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The impact of cleats on hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in coal seams
Fan Tiegang,Zhang Guangqing and Cui Jinbang
Fan, T., Zhang, G. & Cui, J. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 532. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0369-7
2014 Issue 4: 532-539

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Research regarding coal-bed wellbore stability based on a discrete element model
Zhu Xiaohua,Liu Weiji and Jiang Jun
Zhu, X., Liu, W. & Jiang, J. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-013-0368-8
2014 Issue 4: 526-531

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Distribution of calcium, nickel, iron, and manganese in super-heavy oil from Liaohe Oilfield, China
Wu Bencheng,Zhu Jianhua and Li Xiaohui
Wu, B., Zhu, J. & Li, X. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 590. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0376-8
2014 Issue 4: 590-595

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Synthesis of temperature-resistant and salt-tolerant surfactant SDB-7 and its performance evaluation for Tahe Oilfield flooding (China)
Guo Jixiang,Shi Xiao,Yang Zuguo,Cao Jingjing,Wang Lei and Yin Ying
Guo, J., Shi, X., Yang, Z. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 584. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0375-9
2014 Issue 4: 584-589

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Improvements of heat resistance and adhesive property of condensed poly-nuclear aromatic resin via epoxy resin modification
Wu Mingbo,Wang Yuwei,Jiang Wei,Li Shibin,Sun Qiqian,Zheng Jingtang and Qiu Jieshan
Wu, M., Wang, Y., Jiang, W. et al. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 578. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0374-x
2014 Issue 4: 578-583

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Oil and gas cooperation between China and Central Asia in an environment of political and resource competition
Hu Bin
Hu, B. Pet. Sci. (2014) 11: 596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-014-0377-7
2014 Issue 4: 596-605

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