Clastic compaction unit classification based on clay contentand integrated compaction recovery using well and seismic data
Zhong Hong,Ming-Jun Su,Hua-Qing Liu and Gai Gao
Hong, Z., Su, MJ., Liu, HQ. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 685. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0129-y
2016 Issue 4: 685-697

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Reservoir stress path and induced seismic anisotropy: resultsfrom linking coupled fluid-flow/geomechanical simulationwith seismic modelling
D. A. Angus,Q. J. Fisher,J. M. Segura,J. P. Verdon,J.-M. Kendall,M. Dutko and A. J. L. Crook
Angus, D.A., Fisher, Q.J., Segura, J.M. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0126-1
2016 Issue 4: 669-684

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Formation mechanisms and sequence response of authigenic grain-coating chlorite: evidence from the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the southern Sichuan Basin, China
Yu Yu,Liang-Biao Lin and Jian Gao
Yu, Y., Lin, LB. & Gao, J. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 657. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0125-2
2016 Issue 4: 657-668

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Formation of fine crystalline dolomites in lacustrine carbonatesof the Eocene Sikou Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China
Yong-Qiang Yang,Long-Wei Qiu,Jay Gregg,Zheng Shi and Kuan-Hong Yu
Yang, YQ., Qiu, LW., Gregg, J. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 642. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0128-z
2016 Issue 4: 642-656

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Hydrocarbon charge history of the Paleogene reservoir in the northern Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
You-Lu Jiang,Lei Fang,Jing-Dong Liu,Hong-Jin Hu and Tian-Wu Xu
Jiang, YL., Fang, L., Liu, JD. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 625. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0130-5
2016 Issue 4: 625-641

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Interactions between the fluid and an isolation tool in a pipe: laboratory experiments and numerical simulation
Hong Zhao,Yi-Xin Zhao and Zhi-Hui Ye
Zhao, H., Zhao, YX. & Ye, ZH. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0123-4
2016 Issue 4: 746-759

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Waxes in asphaltenes of crude oils and wax deposits
Yulia M. Ganeeva,Tatiana N. Yusupova and Gennady V. Romanov
Ganeeva, Y.M., Yusupova, T.N. & Romanov, G.V. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 737. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0111-8
2016 Issue 4: 737-745

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Performance improvement of ionic surfactant flooding in carbonate rock samples by use of nanoparticles
Mohammad Ali Ahmadi and James Sheng
Ahmadi, M.A. & Sheng, J. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0109-2
2016 Issue 4: 725-736

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Rheology of rock salt for salt tectonics modeling
Shi-Yuan Li and Janos L. Urai
Li, SY. & Urai, J.L. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0121-6
2016 Issue 4: 712-724

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Influence of friction on buckling of a drill string in the circular channel of a bore hole
Valery Gulyayev and Natalya Shlyun
Gulyayev, V. & Shlyun, N. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 698. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0122-5
2016 Issue 4: 698-711

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Effects of pH on rheological characteristics and stabilityof petroleum coke water slurry
Fu-Yan Gao and Eric-J. Hu
Gao, FY. & Hu, EJ. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 782. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0118-1
2016 Issue 4: 782-787

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FCC riser quick separation system: a review
Zhi Li and Chun-Xi Lu
Li, Z. & Lu, CX. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 776. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0119-0
2016 Issue 4: 776-781

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The remarkable effect of organic salts on 1,3,5-trioxane synthesis
Liu-Yi Yin,Yu-Feng Hu and Hai-Yan Wang
Yin, LY., Hu, YF. & Wang, HY. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 770. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0124-3
2016 Issue 4: 770-775

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Extractive oxidative desulfurization of model oil/crude oil using KSF montmorillonite-supported 12-tungstophosphoric acid
Ezzat Rafiee,Sadegh Sahraei and Gholam Reza Moradi
Rafiee, E., Sahraei, S. & Moradi, G.R. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 760. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0127-0
2016 Issue 4: 760-769

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The potential of domestic production and imports of oil and gas in China: an energy return on investment perspective
Zhao-Yang Kong,Xiu-Cheng Dong,Qian Shao,Xin Wan,Da-Lin Tang and Gui-Xian Liu
Kong, ZY., Dong, XC., Shao, Q. et al. Pet. Sci. (2016) 13: 788. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12182-016-0120-7
2016 Issue 4: 788-804

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