Department of Electromechanical Engineering


Dr. Xiaoxiao Zhu


Ph.D. from China University of Petroleum, Beijing
Bachelor from Huazhong Agricultural University
Current research includespipeline emergency repair and
maintenancetechnology,Pipeline pigging technology.

Descriptive geometry and mechanical graphing

Previous Teaching /Working Experience
·         2014.9-present, China University of Petrolem, Beijing
·         2013.9-2014.9, Cranfield University, UK, Visiting student.
Professional Affiliations
Member of Society of Petroleum Engineer.
TEL: 010-89733835
Fax: 010-89733835
Address of Office:No.726, Zhongyou Building

[1] Xiao XiaoZhu, Shi Min Zhang, Gui Bin Tan, De Guo Wang and Wen Ming Wang (2014). Experimental study on dynamics of rotatable bypass-valve in speed control pig in gas pipeline. Measurement 47(0): 686-692.
[2] Xiaoxiao,Zhu,Shimin Zhang, Deguo Wang, Wenming Wang and Shuhai Liu (2013). The impact of pipeline bend on bi-directional pig and the theories for the optimal pig design. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), Takamastu, Japan, August 4-7, 2013, IEEE: 87-92.
[3] Xiaoxiao Zhu,Shimin Zhang,Xiaolong Li, Da Yu,Deguo Wang.Research and design progress of speed control device ofadjustable-speed pig.Oil Gas Storage and Transportation. 2014,09:922-927. (In Chinese)
[4] Xiaoxiao Zhu,Shimin Zhang,Deguo Wang, Hang Zhang,Xiaolong Li. Research on the design method of speed control pig in gas pipeline. 2014 academic exchanges of the reliability technology for machinery industry, August 2-4,2014, Chengdu, China:pp.267-273.(In Chinese)
[5]Xiaoxiao Zhu,Shimin Zhang,Wenming Wang,Xiaolong Li,Lisha Dai,Yuexia Han. A caliper for inspecting oil and gas pipeline.Invention Patents: CN103245381A. 2013-9-25.