Department of Safety Engineering
Dr. Duan Qingquan
PhD from China University of Mining & Technology (China)
Master from China University of Mining & Technology (China)
Bachelor from China University of Mining & Technology (China)
Computational and Analytical Methods for Oil and Gas Pipeline
Safety Assessment of petroleum Equipment and oil Field
Programs Supervised For
Msc in Safety Science and Engineering
Progress in Oil & Gas Safety Engineering; Engineering Mechanics; Combustion and explosion; Safety System Engineering; Mechanics Properties of Materials
Previous Teaching / Working Experience
· 2010- Present, China University of Petroleum- Beijing
· 2011- 2012, The University of Texas at Austin
· 2005- 2010, China University of Petroleum- Beijing
· 1997-1999, Datong Coal Mine Group Company
Professional Affiliations
· Reliability Engineering Committee Chinese Petroleum Association
Email:dqq@cup.edu.cn TEL: 86-10-89731239 Fax: 86-10-89733274
Address of Office:18# Fuxue Rd, Changping District, Beijing 102249
1. Qiu jingwei,Duan qingquan,Zhang hong, Zhang chen,Experimental study on vibration of free spanning pipeline caused by water flow,oil &gas storage and transportation, 2014.14(33): 391-394 ( Language: Chinese)
2. Duan Qingquan,Qiu Jingwei,Wang Jianlin,Yang Peng. Parameters Analysis of Remaining Strength Assessment of Pipeline with Corrosion Defects. Pressure vessel technology,2013.1(30):20-23 ( Language: Chinese)
3. Multiscale Geometric Analysis and Its Application of Denoising,Wu Guoning, Cao Siyuan,Duan Qingquan, 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2011),Springer-Verlag, recent advances in computer science and information engineering, 2012,3:605~610.
4. Liu, Caiping; Duan, Ingquan; Mao, Lingtao. Ductile damage evolution analysis of lead-free Sn-Zn solder based on meso topography. Source: Advanced Materials Research, v 152-153, p 1004-1008, 2011
5. Liu, Caiping; Duan Qingquan. Macroscopic and mesoscopic large deformation measurement methods for metal materials Source: Advanced Materials Research, v 146-147, p 1769-1774, 2011
6. Liu, Caiping; Duan, Qingquan; Zhang, Hong; Yang, Peng. Effect of carbon dioxide corrosion and temperature on strength of oilwell cement, 2010 International Conference on E-Product E-Service and E-Entertainment, ICEEE2010
7. Caiping Liu,Qingquan Duan, and Lingtao Mao,Ductile Damage Evolution Analysis of Lead-Free Sn-Zn Solder Based on Meso Topography, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 152-153 (2011) : 1004-1008
8. Caiping Liu, Qingquan Duan, Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Large Deformation Measurement Methodsfor Metal Materials, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 146-147 (2011) : 1769-1774
9. LIU Cai-ping,DUAN Qing-quan,Meso-structure Analysis on Instability of Dynamic Fracture in Rock,Fourth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics,18-20 November 2009,Singapore,Vol. 7522
10. DUAN Qingquan, TONG Shuhuan, WU Yandong, Risk Assessment and Preventive Measures of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal, Proceedings of The 3rd World Conference on Safety of Oil and Gas Industry,WCOGI 2010, Sept. 26-27, 2010, Beijing, China
11. LIU Cai-ping,JU Yang,DUAN Qing-quan,Influence of internal characteristic length scale on dynamic crack propagating mechanism in rock materials,Rock and soil mechanics, 2010,31(8):91-96 ( Language: Chinese)
12. LIU Cai-ping, JU Yang, DUAN Qing-quan. Influence of internal characteristic length scale on dynamic crack propagating mechanism in rock materials. Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2010,V31(8):91-96( Language: Chinese)
13. Qingquan, Duan , Hong, Zhang, Feng, Yan; Changyi, Deng, Hydrostatic burst test of X80 grade steel pipe, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2009, Volume 22(6):897-900
14. Duan qingquan, Cui xuehui. A Wavelet-galerkin Method for The Solute Transport Equations in Groundwater,International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering,2009,Wuhan,China
15. Duan Qingquan, Zhang Hong, Cui Xuehui, et al,Analysis and Design of the Database of Steel Pipeline Mechanical properties, Proceeding of the International conference on pipelines and trenchless technology 2009,1836-1843
16. Duan Qingquan, Zhang Hong JI Ya-feng, Pressure Reversal of Pipe during Hydrostatic Testing, Advance in Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Trans Tech Publications, 2009: 177-180
17. Duan Qingquan, YU guo peng, Zhang hong, Finete Element Method to calculate to extreme pressure of Internal corroded pipeline, Oil and gas Storage and transportation, 2009,28(7):21-23 ( Language: Chinese)
18. YU Guo-peng, Duan Qingquan, ZHANG Hong. The Fatigue Constant of Paris Formula Gained by Finite Element Method, Welded pipe and tube, 2009,32(6):18-20 ( Language: Chinese)
19. Duan qingquan, Yu guo peng, Zhang hong, Numerical Simulation of Pipeline Fatigue Crack Propagation, Petro-Chemical Equipment, 2009,38(2):23-26 ( Language: Chinese)
20. Duan Qingquan, Zhang Hong,Yan Feng. Experimental Study of Fatigue Crack Overload Retardation in X80 Grade Steel[100].Proceedings of IPC2008 7th International Pipeline Conference, September 29-October 3, 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada IPC2008-64177
21. Duan Qingquan, Zhang Hong,Yan Feng, The influence on Yield Strength of Pipeline Steel, China Petroleum Machinery , 2007,10:6-8
22. Duan Qingquan, Liu caiping, Ju yang, Xie Heping. Fractal effect on Subcritical Crack Growth of Concrete, Journal of China Mining &Technology, 2006,35(1)70-74 ( Language: Chinese)