Department of Thermal Engineering
Dr. Zhao Hongbin
PhD from Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
Master from University of Science and Technology (China)
Bachelor from Tsinghua University (China)
The main research fields:
1. The research of advanced energy power system, including the system integration, high efficient thermodynamic cycles such as HAT, STIG, CCHP and SOFC related system, solar energy utilization system, etc.
2. Research of cold end antifreeze and energy saving optimization of direct air-cooled thermal power units.
3. Energy conservation and new energy saving scheme research of oilfield gathering and transferring system.
The main research projects at present:
1. “Fundamental Researches of the SOFC/CCHP Integrated System with COG”, the Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51274224).
2. “The research of the analysis and evaluation system for the ground gathering and transferring system”, the Project from the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute, China petroleum and Chemical co., LTD.
3. “The performance optimization research and development of the guidance system of the 600 MW level direct air-cooling unit”, the Project from Beijing TuoPuTaiDa Science and Technology co., LTD.
4. “Translation and Compilation of the G3512 Units”, the Project from
Programs Supervised For
Msc in Thermal Energy Engineering
Engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer; Principle of steam and gas turbine; New energy technology; Fluid machinery; Combustion.
Previous Teaching / Working Experience
· 1991-1999, Shandong University
Professional Affiliations
Member of the 13th and14th editorial of Applied Science and Technology;
The Review expert of the Energy, Applied Energy.
Email:hbzhao@cup.edu.cn TEL:086-10-89733658 Fax:086-10-89733658
Address of Office:18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing, China 102249. Department of Thermal Energy Engineering, the College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering (COMTE), the China University of Petroleum, Beijing.
Journal Articles
1. Hongbin Zhao, Yun Bai, “Thermodynamic performance analysis of the coal-fired power plant with solar thermal utilizations,” International Journal of Energy Research, 2014, 38:1446–1456.
2. Hongbin Zhao, Qian Yang, Ting Jiang and Wei Yang, “The Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle System Driven by Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,” Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2014, May, 35(5): 848-853.
3. Hongbin Zhao, Ting Jiang, Qian Yang and Wei Yang, “Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of the SOFC-CCHP System Fueled by Coke Oven Gasl,” Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2014, May, 35(9): 1688-1693.
4. Hongbin Zhao, Yonghui Yan, Meng Li, “600 MW direct air-cooling unit back-pressure optimization and theoretical analysis,” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 875-877 (2014), pp1739-1743.
5. Zhao Hongbin; Bai Yun, “Study of the Performance of a Solar Energy Utilization Integration System in a 600 MW Coal-fired Power Plant,” Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power, Vol.28:6 (2013), pp.638-643.
6. Hongbin Zhao, Pengxiu Yue, “Performance analysis of humid air turbine cycle with solar energy for methanol decomposition,” Energy, Volume 36, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 2372-2380.
7. Hongbin Zhao, Xu Liu, “Performance study of hybrid solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine power system,” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 171-172 (2011), pp319-322.
8. Hongbin Zhao, Pengxiu Yue, “Study of Humid Air Turbine Cycle with External Heat Source for air humidification,” International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 34, Issue 6, May 2010, Pages 523-534.
9. Hongbin Zhao, Pengxiu Yue, and Ling Cao, “Analysis of Humid Air Turbine Cycle with Low- or Medium-Temperature Solar Energy,” International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2009, Article ID 672627, 9 pages.
10. Hongbin Zhao, Ling Cao, “Theoretical Study on the Optimal Back-Pressure of A Direct Air-Cooled Condenser,” Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2009, Nov., 30(11): 1834-1836.
11.Hongguang Jin, Zelong Liu and Ruixian Cai, Hongbin Zhao, “A new type of EFHAT power generation system with effective utilization of latent heat”, Int. J. Energy Res., 2005, Pages 1231-1244.
12.Hongguang Jin, Hongbin Zhao, Zelong Liu and Ruixian Cai, “A novel EFHAT system and exergy analysis with energy utilization diagram”, Energy, Volume 29, Issues 12-15, October-December 2004, Pages 1983-1991.
13.H. Jin; H. Zhao; Z. Liu; R. Cai, “Novel EFHAT System with Low Temperature Heat Utilization”, ASME TURBO EXPO’2003, Atlanta, Georgia, ASME Paper GT-2003-38602, 2003.
14.Jin H.; Zhao H.; Liu Z.; Deng S.;Cai R, “Novel EFHAT System with Enhancement of Humidification by Recovery of GT Exhaust Latent Heat”, ASME TURBO EXPO’2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-6, ASME Paper GT-2002-30128, 2002.
15. Hongbin Zhao, Hongguang Jin, Zelong Liu, and Ruixian Cai, “Novel EFHAT System and Study on Its Performance”, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2002, May, 23(3): 265-270.
16. Hongbin Zhao, Hongguang Jin, and Ruixian Cai, “Theory Study on The Performance of Compressor-Stepless-Cooling Gas Turbine”, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2001, Jul.,
22(4): 408-410.
Conference presentations
1. Zhao Hongbin, Jiang Ting, “Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of the SOFC-CCHP System Fueled by Coke Oven Gas,” Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET) Paper No.131193 presented at the Engineering thermal physics and the energy use of academic conference, September 26-27, 2013.
2. Zhao Hongbin,Yang Qian, “The Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle System driven by Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,” Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET) Paper No.131194 presented at the Engineering thermal physics and the energy use of academic conference, September 26-27, 2013.
3. Zhao Hongbin,Yang Wei, “Thermal Performance Analysis of the SOFC-HAT circulatory system,” Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET) Paper No.131195 presented at the Engineering thermal physics and the energy use of academic conference, September 26-27, 2013.
4. Zhao Hongbin, Xie Pan, “Performance study on the spray of the direct dry cooling power plant,” ECOS Paper No. B025 presented at the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2013), July 16-19, 2013.
5. Zhao Hongbin, Yun Bai, “Exergy analysis of 135MW thermal power plant with solar energy for feed-water preheating,” Paper No. M1282 presented at the International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICFMEME), December 20-21, 2012.
6. Zhao Hongbin, Yonghui Yan, Meng Li, “600 NW Direct Air-Cooling Unit Back-Pressure Optimization and Theoretical Analysis,” Paper No. M1540 presented at the International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICFMEME), December 20-21, 2012.
7. Zhao Hongbin, Chang Liu, “ Exergy Analysis of a 600MW Thermal Power Plant,” Paper No. 64060 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 27-29, 2012.
8. Zhao Hongbin, Haixia Wu, “Research on the variation law of the tube’s inside-wall temperature of direct air-cooled condenser,” Paper No.64062 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 27-29, 2012.
9. Zhao Hongbin, Chang Liu, “Performance Analysis of Gas-Steam Combined Cycle with Coke Oven Gas,” Paper No. 91617 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 25-28, 2011.
10. Zhao Hongbin, Haixia Wu, “Analysis on the Back-pressure Optimum Operation of the Direct Air-cooled Condenser,” Paper No.92344 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 25-28, 2011.
11. Hongbin Zhao, Xu Liu, “Performance study of hybrid solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine power system,” Paper No.225 presented at the International Conference on Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control (MEMC), January 22-23, 2011.
12. Hongbin Zhao, Yuman Chai, “Exergy analysis of a power cycle system with 300 MW capacity,” Paper No.157 presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE), June 19-20, 2011.
13. Hongbin Zhao, Ling Cao, “
Study on the heat transfer coefficient of direct air-cooled condenser,” Paper No.153 presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE), June 19-20, 2011.
14. Hongbin Zhao, Ling Cao, “Study on the Optimal Back-pressure of Direct Air-cooled Condenser in Theory,” Paper No.81000 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 28-31, 2009.
15. Hongbin Zhao, Yuman Chai, “Exergy analysis of a steam power plant with direct air-cooling system in China,” Paper No.80999 presented at the Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), March 28-31, 2009.
16. H. Zhao, Hongguang Jin, Ruixian Cai, “Solar Energy Utilization in Externally Fired Humidified Air Turbine System”, Proceedings of the ASME International Solar Energy Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2003.
17. H. Jin; H. Zhao; Z. Liu; R. Cai, “A Novel EFHAT System and Exergy Analysis With Energy Utilization Diagram”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2002), Berlin, Germany, 2002.
1. Zhao Hongbin, Thermal Turbines Machinery, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2014.11.
2. Gas turbine engineering handbook, Petroleum industry press, 2012.7.
Authorized patents
1. The national invention patent “Production methods of triphenylphosphine”.
NO.200610169846.3, 2010.10.13.
2. The national invention patent "Combined cycle cogeneration equipment and technology".
NO.201110112807.0, 2014.3.25.
3. National utility model patent "Combined cycle cogeneration equipment".