Department of Thermal Engineering
Dr. Zhang Lei
IowaState University, Ames, Iowa, USA,Ph. D., Mechanical Engineering, 2011
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, M.S., Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, 2007
Tsinghua University, Beijing China, B.E., Thermal Engineering, 2005
Multi-dimensional engine simulation using KIVA code, which is a transient, three-dimensional, multiphase code for the analysis of chemically reacting flows with sprays, 2007-Present
u Numerical optimization of the operating parameters of John Deere and Caterpillar diesel engines
u Numerical study on the effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), pilot injection and start of ignition (SOI) on the emission levels of NOx and soot for diesel engines
u Simulation of diesel spray combustion with CHEMKIN package implemented into KIVA
u Computational mesh generation for various engine cylinders
u Development of multi-component droplet vaporization model for petroleum fuels under both low and high pressure conditions based on the theory continuous thermodynamics
u Improvement of KIVA sub models including fuel injection, wall film vaporization, species diffusion, etc.
u Application of LES methods in engine simulation
Dynamic simulation of the gas compressing systems in compressor stations, 2012-Present
u Application of numerical methodsin the simulation of gas compressing systems to study the surge avoidance of centrifugal compressors
Application of biorenewable fuels in internal combustion engines, 2008-Present
u Analysis of the vaporization for the binary mixture of biorenewable and petroleum fuels under high pressure conditions
u Vaporization models for biodiesel and bio-oil (Pyrolysis oil) based on discrete component approach
u Numerical study of the fuel spray of petroleum-biofuel blends
Development of Navier-Stokes equation solvers based on unstructured mesh, 2010-Present
u Finite volume method, Discontinuous Galerkin method, and high-order schemes such as spectral volume and spectral difference methods; Parallel computation technique using MPI
Numerical study of dynamic stall behavior of wind turbine airfoils, 2006-2007
u Computation of compressible flows over rotating airfoils using ANSYS CFX and corresponding structured and unstructured mesh generation using ICEM CFD
Combustion; Internal Combustion Engines; Technical English Reading.
2012-Present, Associate Professor, College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing.
Email: zlei@cup.edu.cn TEL: 010-89733658
Address of Office:No. 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing, China 102249
Journal publications:
Zhang, L., Kong, S.-C.*, 2009. Modeling of multicomponent fuel vaporization and combustion for gasoline and diesel sprays. Chemical Engineering Science, 64: 3688-3696.
Zhang, L., Kong, S.-C.*, 2010. Vaporization modeling of petroleum-biofuel drops using a hybrid multicomponent approach. Combustion and Flame, 157: 2165-2174.
Zhang, L. Kong, S.-C.*, 2011.High-pressure vaporization modeling of multi-component petroleum-biofuel mixtures under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, 158: 1705-1717.
Zhang, L., Kong, S.-C.*, 2012.Multicomponent vaporization modeling of bio-oil and its mixtures with other fuels. Fuel, 95: 471-480.
Conference Papers:
Zhang, L., Kong, S.-C.*, 2011.Modeling drop vaporization of practical biofuel components, ILASS Americas, 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Ventura, CA, May 2011.
Zhang, L., Kong, S.-C.*, 2011.Multicomponent vaporization modeling of petroleum-biofuel mixture at high-pressure conditions, ILASS Americas, 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Ventura, CA, May 2011.